RCMP in parking lots


Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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I’m all for checking for insurance and registration keeps the stolen gear in check. I’m not for bs tickets for law abiding citizens.

UMMM, if someone gets a ticket it means they have broken a law, therefore, not law-abiding in that sense.

And yes, the Police are able to check registration / insurance in any public area like parking lots etc. even your own driveway if you were seen driving into it.


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
OP says he doesnt want to be carded in the parking lot for no reason. Some how that means he has no insurance or registration is riding a stolen sled and cant afford his truck payments...


This is why we will he wearing masks in public for the next 10 years, no body gives a flying fk about freedoms any more.

The point is if you're doing everything your supposed to being stopped by law enforcement is a 15 minute hassle, tops.

I think we all like our freedoms, but if those freedoms come at the cost of an occasional stop by law enforcement so be it. Complaining to the cops about a law they are enforcing does about as much good as b!tching to the gas jockey about gas prices.

The sledding community serves as one of the prime examples of what it's like to loose freedoms, such as riding areas, when a small percentage of the community can't comply with the rules. It's been made very clear that self policing does not work, policing by law enforcement is the next best option, because we all know there are many in government and environmental groups that would like to see these areas closed completely.


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2008
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I dont buy stolen ****, so yeah, I have no problem with them asking to see my registration and insurance. Every person they ask to see a regi from they are making it just a bit harder for the stolen sled market. I am all for putting the thieves out of business. Make it hard to sell the sleds, makes less theft of them.

The RCMP are out there trying to do something to help and your all bitching because you knowingly broke the law. Grow up. Take responsibility for your actions.

By the way, a sled on a trailer, in the back of your truck or in your garage does not need insurance, only registration.
Lots of misinformation going on here. First of all, you do not require insurance of any kind on snowmobiles in BC, period. Secondly, registration is only required on crown land. A sled in the back of your truck or trailer requires neither insurance or registration.

ICBC liability is expensive and useless unless you plan on doing highway crossings. Much easier to continue to break the law and cross the highways vs paying a gross amount to ICBC for the 5 sec privilege. I cannot see why they differentiate between the two other than they want more $$ of your hard earned cash.


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2008
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Your an big man for bitchin about registrations, your even a bigger man for not insuring your chit because your on crown land riding. And the biggest part of you is the laziness in not carrying your proof. Or is that stupidity.
All i can say big man is, don't ever hit one of my sleds or injure myself or my wife. I assure you will wish you'ed had never met me under those circumstances. You never know where i will be out there but one thing for sure i will be that guy that will change your life.
Now big man, be a real man and register and insure your chit and stop being a whining wanabe, there are too many of you out there ruining the sport and having no consideration for others but only for them self.
Easy there tough guy. If you are so concerned about insurance, just cover yourself. Worried about the deductible? As long as you have insurance the other guy doesn't need it.

Pedaling pete

Active VIP Member
Sep 23, 2015
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dark side of the moon
The point is if you're doing everything your supposed to being stopped by law enforcement is a 15 minute hassle, tops.

I think we all like our freedoms, but if those freedoms come at the cost of an occasional stop by law enforcement so be it. Complaining to the cops about a law they are enforcing does about as much good as b!tching to the gas jockey about gas prices.

The sledding community serves as one of the prime examples of what it's like to loose freedoms, such as riding areas, when a small percentage of the community can't comply with the rules. It's been made very clear that self policing does not work, policing by law enforcement is the next best option, because we all know there are many in government and environmental groups that would like to see these areas closed completely.

Well you are entitled to your opinion, and I can have one too.


Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2015
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Kanedog 2015-2019, thanks for the good times S&M!
Your an big man for bitchin about registrations, your even a bigger man for not insuring your chit because your on crown land riding. And the biggest part of you is the laziness in not carrying your proof. Or is that stupidity.
All i can say big man is, don't ever hit one of my sleds or injure myself or my wife. I assure you will wish you'ed had never met me under those circumstances. You never know where i will be out there but one thing for sure i will be that guy that will change your life.
Now big man, be a real man and register and insure your chit and stop being a whining wanabe, there are too many of you out there ruining the sport and having no consideration for others but only for them self.
What will you do to a guy if he crashes into your wife’s sled?
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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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What will you do to if an uninsured sledder crashes into your wife’s sled?
I would assume his insurance company will go after them personally. Thats how it works. That is why you have insurance. If you are in the wrong then your insurance company will cover all damages and or any litigation costs and awards.


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2008
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I would assume his insurance company will go after them personally. Thats how it works. That is why you have insurance. If you are in the wrong then your insurance company will cover all damages and or any litigation costs and awards.
Exactly. Not sure people get bent out of shape by others not having insurance. That is why YOU have insurance. Still worried, carry more. Also, trying to blame fault in an off-road situation is usually futile. Good luck proving it was someone else's fault in a situation with zero rules. Reckless behaviour perhaps. but pretty tough.


Active VIP Member
May 4, 2013
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What will you do to a guy if he crashes into your wife’s sled?

I wouldn't be too worried about me, but more about my insurance company going after whom ever. Especially if lost wages are incurred. Hope they can afford a really good lawyer LOL.
But hey now that you bring it up, it could be fun to show the dude a few tricks i learnt on my two tours in Bosnia. Now that could be fun for one of us. LOL


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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Exactly. Not sure people get bent out of shape by others not having insurance. That is why YOU have insurance. Still worried, carry more. Also, trying to blame fault in an off-road situation is usually futile. Good luck proving it was someone else's fault in a situation with zero rules. Reckless behaviour perhaps. but pretty tough.
There has been one case that I know of where a rider was sued due to not wearing a tether and the case was successfully won. I believe the 2 parties were friends as well.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Whatever ended up happening after the Big Iron Shootout avalanche litigation? Anybody ever hear?


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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I wouldn't be too worried about me, but more about my insurance company going after whom ever. Especially if lost wages are incurred. Hope they can afford a really good lawyer LOL.
But hey now that you bring it up, it could be fun to show the dude a few tricks i learnt on my two tours in Bosnia. Now that could be fun for one of us. LOL

What if the guy did 3 tours in Bosnia ? Would then be fun for him ?


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2012
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That coverage is only good if using the machine for hunting or fishing....not for recreational riding.

I will have to carry slingshot....I was rabbit hunting


RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
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In Heaven & Revelstoke
Exactly. Not sure people get bent out of shape by others not having insurance. That is why YOU have insurance. Still worried, carry more. Also, trying to blame fault in an off-road situation is usually futile. Good luck proving it was someone else's fault in a situation with zero rules. Reckless behaviour perhaps. but pretty tough.

Pardon my ignorance, but is there not rules when riding the groomed trail such as up Boulder.
It is an FSR which the club maintains with rules and guidlines in an agreement with the government.

Use of helmets (mandatory), speed limits, etc, is a couple of many listed as outlined in, I beleive Moyiesleds post of the of the attached laws he posted.

There is rules and guidlines which every sledder agreed to when obtaining a season pass in Revelstoke also.
I beleive those were called terms and conditions...

Does any one know why they have hand signals when riding? Oh, never mind, you dont need those unless it is a hard and fast rule. LOL....

I beleive there is more rules than one can imagine that are out there.

Not many folks actaully read any terms and conditions, bylaws of clubs, rules of the club, etc....


Scroll to the bottom of page and read thru some of the conditions.......

I personall like that your membership card must be on your possesion........
Would that mean I actually had some form of id (abate it is not government though), but better than nothing,,,,,,,,

Not really up for a debate as there will always be rule breakers, the ones that push the envelope on rules, the ones that follow them to the letter......

Of course I am guilty of not always following them but try my damnest to be legit.....

Still roll the stop signs,, speed on occasion and others......

I got pulled over leaving revy for my 11 hour ride home leaving at 4 am in the morning.

Showed my license and handed over both sleds documentation.

Officer was polite and explained the check was because sleds and trucks being stolen..

Thanked him for looking after us honest (loosely) folks......

Pretty easy to lose a 100,00 dollar truck and 40,000 in sleds while u lay your head on the pillow....

Just my 2 cents......

Boys, u do what u want, U are going to anyway no matter what folks say...hahahahhahahahhahh,,


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