Distracted driving


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
To me distracted driving is like drinking and driving. There should be zero tolerance.

If there were drivers with no drugs or alcohol in their system or no distractions (ie phones, food, etc.), how much cheaper would our insurance be?


Active VIP Member
Jun 10, 2012
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Ardmore AB
To me distracted driving is like drinking and driving. There should be zero tolerance.

If there were drivers with no drugs or alcohol in their system or no distractions (ie phones, food, etc.), how much cheaper would our insurance be?

Zero difference. I am pretty sure any form of intelligence is being bred out of the human race. Mind you the internet just provides avenues for the degenerates to spread their stupidity... thus the knuckle draggers will find a way. We need less restrictions, laws and safety rules to allow the natural cleansing take place.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Zero difference. I am pretty sure any form of intelligence is being bred out of the human race. Mind you the internet just provides avenues for the degenerates to spread their stupidity... thus the knuckle draggers will find a way. We need less restrictions, laws and safety rules to allow the natural cleansing take place.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2



Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Zero difference. I am pretty sure any form of intelligence is being bred out of the human race. Mind you the internet just provides avenues for the degenerates to spread their stupidity... thus the knuckle draggers will find a way. We need less restrictions, laws and safety rules to allow the natural cleansing take place.

Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk 2

Yup sounds good until you or a family member are a cost of cleansing out the retards that can't put their phone away until they reach their destination


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Yup sounds good until you or a family member are a cost of cleansing out the retards that can't put their phone away until they reach their destination

you missing the point. its still happening and always will and the new bylaws just make it far more dangerous. plain and simple.


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Cockring, AB
I think I see more even more phones up to people's heads now than before the law took effect. If I was a cop, I could do nothing but write distracted tickets all day long if I so pleased!


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2012
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I wonder how long before insurance providers can obtain cell phone records so that they could see if you were using your cell phone at the time of a wreck....then coverage voided....just a thought.

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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I wonder how long before insurance providers can obtain cell phone records so that they could see if you were using your cell phone at the time of a wreck....then coverage voided....just a thought.
The RCMP already do that, if they suspect a distraction caused an incident they can obtain phone records to determine if you were using it.

Last summer my cousin got a distracted driving ticket while driving a Western Star down the highway. Two vehicles suddenly slowed in front of him, he had to make a quick stop, ended up hitting the back of the 2nd vehicle, light damage, but damage none the less. A witness said they saw him on his phone, so the RCMP wrote him a distracted driving ticket. He fought the charge, full well knowing if it stuck he would loose his job. He showed up at court, his defense was simple, I wasn't on the phone, he was a professional driver and would never do such a thing. The RCMP stood up, showed his phone records as well as the records from the on-star (air bag deployment) in the vehicle he hit, the time frame matched up. He left the court room looking for a new job.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Yup sounds good until you or a family member are a cost of cleansing out the retards that can't put their phone away until they reach their destination

If we brought back stiffer penalties for criminals or started handing out death penalties, people would start using the critical thinking process a lot more. Lots of these laws, mainly in place to protect criminals it seems, they are a joke anyway and have only complicated things in society. Lady I worked with got rear ended by a texter, 16 yr old girl no insurance, she fled the scene and when the cops showed up at her place, her mom lied and said she was home the whole time, even with a smashed up car sitting 20 ft in front of the house.... I think in the end she only got a $280 ticket......fawk me!

I'm a big advocate for leaving drunk drivers on the side of the road, stuck in their car wrapped around a telephone pole, bleeding out. Do that a couple times and you'd cut the DD rate big time when people knew the consequence was no emergency responders coming to save them, and no medical care was going to provide for them if they were seriously injured. Forget the impact family members would have on these chronic offenders who think they are getting away with it. We need tougher laws to make people think about their actions. This big brother babbysitter society we have is bull****. If someone kills someone else while texting and driving, very harsh sentence. An eye for an eye, I don't give a fawk about the "boo hoo I'm so sorry" stories, you took a life, there needs to be a consequence.

If you get caught drinking, the cops dump the booze. If you get caught eating, cops throw out the food. If you get caught smoking weed, cops destroy the weed. If you get caught texting, cop smashes your phone. I dunno, pretty simple to me.


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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I ride a motorcycle in the spring, summer, & fall. I can honestly say that I've had considerably more close calls with traffic in the last 6 years, and all of them were due to someone texting when driving. I avoid city riding like the plague now, especially during peak traffic hours. No matter how defensively I ride, I am always forced to take evasive action at least once in a 30 minute period in Edmonton. So excuse me if I do not have much sympathy for those who text, put on make up, eat, etc. when driving. I am fortunate that I've only bit hit once while riding, and everything healed after 6 weeks, and grateful that my wife wasn't riding as a passenger. Please do not text & drive, and if being on the phone is that important, invest in a quality hands free device. Not to be morbid, but think how you would feel if your wife / mom / dad / sibling or child was killed due to inattentiveness by a distracted driver...and it CAN happen to you.


Active VIP Member
Sep 23, 2010
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red deer ab
If we brought back stiffer penalties for criminals or started handing out death penalties, people would start using the critical thinking process a lot more. Lots of these laws, mainly in place to protect criminals it seems, they are a joke anyway and have only complicated things in society. Lady I worked with got rear ended by a texter, 16 yr old girl no insurance, she fled the scene and when the cops showed up at her place, her mom lied and said she was home the whole time, even with a smashed up car sitting 20 ft in front of the house.... I think in the end she only got a $280 ticket......fawk me!

I'm a big advocate for leaving drunk drivers on the side of the road, stuck in their car wrapped around a telephone pole, bleeding out. Do that a couple times and you'd cut the DD rate big time when people knew the consequence was no emergency responders coming to save them, and no medical care was going to provide for them if they were seriously injured. Forget the impact family members would have on these chronic offenders who think they are getting away with it. We need tougher laws to make people think about their actions. This big brother babbysitter society we have is bull****. If someone kills someone else while texting and driving, very harsh sentence. An eye for an eye, I don't give a fawk about the "boo hoo I'm so sorry" stories, you took a life, there needs to be a consequence.

If you get caught drinking, the cops dump the booze. If you get caught eating, cops throw out the food. If you get caught smoking weed, cops destroy the weed. If you get caught texting, cop smashes your phone. I dunno, pretty simple to me.

Works for me , my phones already smashed ! Haha

Penalties definitely need to be harsher.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while working extremely hard


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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I believe if you read the "distracted driving law" as far as cell phones go it states if you need, want and or must use a hand held device you must safely be out of the flow of traffic. Example "parking lot and parked, approach and parked" When your sitting at an intersection waiting for the traffic signal to change should your focus not be on the lights?? I cant count the number of times i have been behind a vehicle at a set of lights, light turns green and there we sit waiting for the vehicle in front of me to move. Only to see them put their phone down and pull away. Personally myself i liked the days of no cell phones. Just my opinion


Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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I believe if you read the "distracted driving law" as far as cell phones go it states if you need, want and or must use a hand held device you must safely be out of the flow of traffic. Example "parking lot and parked, approach and parked" When your sitting at an intersection waiting for the traffic signal to change should your focus not be on the lights?? I cant count the number of times i have been behind a vehicle at a set of lights, light turns green and there we sit waiting for the vehicle in front of me to move. Only to see them put their phone down and pull away. Personally myself i liked the days of no cell phones. Just my opinion

I prefered the days of no cell phones. Today people expect to be able to get ahold of you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Back in the good ole' days 12 hours to respond to a message on your home phone was acceptable.

Why are we expected to jump and run when a phone rings?


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Was listening to the radio a couple days ago. They did a study even hands free drivers are so distracted by their call they where steadily putting others in danger by dangerous actions and missing traffic signals etc. I could see no cell use coming in a few years. Would be good IMO


Active VIP Member
Jul 26, 2010
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sherwood park, AB
I find this thread really interesting considering driving while tired is WAY more dangerous than drunk driving or distracted driving... That being said, When is it going to stop? People now expect the government to legislate common sense so people don't have to think it. We're breeding a new kind of idiot, one who never thinks before he acts. Don't believe me? Look at today's youth, yes there are some sterling examples of the opposite because there are still some parents out there who care. But there is a growing trend of letting the state do everything. Who raises your kids? Who is responsible for teaching values? Who is given responsibility?

The best part about this is we are literally spending ourselves into oblivion. The way this is going it wont last long. MANY western countries are starting to defaulting on payments and debt. Wont be long before we're there too. But it all goes down to one question, Since when was it the state's responsibility to take care of us? Be it welfare, excessive government, bureaucracy or just down right ridiculous spending; what legacy are we leaving for the next generation?

But hey socialism is awesome as long as somebody else pays for it...

If you're wondering what i'm rambling on about, its this new idea of community telling the individual what to do. I for one think its ridiculous. But hey, lets all just stand by while our indiviual rights are slowly whittled away...

Edit: One more thing. Since when is all this enforcement of the traffic act become so important? Last time i checked, there is still murders, human trafficking and so many other horrible things going on. But instead we're focusing on speeding and sending a text while driving... Yeah we have our priorities straight for sure...

Not to sound like a tin foil hat wearing pessimist or anything though... But Come on People!
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Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2011
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The North
As I said I wasn't talking on my cell , nor texting I read an incoming text while stopped, don't get me wrong I have done the whole one knee driving thing and yes it is wrong to do so, I just find sometimes they are trying to flex their muscles a bit much, but whatever. I don't see what I did that much more wrong then watching a quad ripping down the ditch while I drive past him, I am distracted by them doing so. Just saying

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, just looking at your phone is FAR less distracted and inattentive than typing out a message. The point is that your eyes should be on the road and nowhere else. I don't have much sympathy for the fact you were at a red light. But here we are, minimizing our actions, blaming the police for being the bad guy, and looking for others to deflect on and they are far worse than you.

The state of society and their addiction to phones and having access to everything at any moment is truly sad. Try having a face to face conversation with someone nowadays. It's always interrupted by someone checking what that chime on their phone was. Maybe it's something really important! Not likely. Try walking down any city street, or town for that matter and watch how people are head down, buried in their phones, oblivious to the world around them. It's crossing over to driving and it really is scary. I think that if you get caught, you should at least lose your phone too. Just my two cents.
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