Apologies for the Boulder mountain incident last weekend


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Mar 23, 2012
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In regards to last weekend at boulder mountain cabin;

1) As a group we would like to apologise to the community. We are sorry.
2) We have already contacted the club and apologised, as well as offered our time and money for any repairs.
3) To clarify, the yamaha on the roof WAS NOT a part of our group
4) Many of that group (not all) are active snowmobile enthusiasts who care about the sport and the consequences so please do not name names or point fingers as this is a learning experience we do not wish to relive further.
5) We have taken responsibility with whom it needs to be discussed and they have our contact, therefor we will not be responding to any further posts on here.

Again, all actions have been acknowledged, apologies made and we are putting forward our best intentions to right the wrongs.

"Costume Party"

HID power

Active member
Feb 2, 2012
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Of course you feel remorse! Your caught!! All thugs and lawbreakers show remorse when they get caught.....the tears start flowing.....they beg forgiveness.....blah blah blah!!

I, for one, feel that we should post not only your pictures but your names so all your family and friends can see what azzhats you have been. Nothin like learnin a lesson by being embarrassed in front of your peers.

The names are published on a different website already anyways.....snow west ......"disrespect at revy cabin"

Too bad the managment here does not have the balls of other sites to protect our sport form these types of losers!

And I fully expect this post to be deleted within minutes.......


Active VIP Member
Oct 20, 2008
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Sylvan Lake
Glad you fessed up to make it right...................BTW does your group have any more pics of that silver outfit because it was mint!


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2008
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spruce grove
Of course you feel remorse! Your caught!! All thugs and lawbreakers show remorse when they get caught.....the tears start flowing.....they beg forgiveness.....blah blah blah!!

I, for one, feel that we should post not only your pictures but your names so all your family and friends can see what azzhats you have been. Nothin like learnin a lesson by being embarrassed in front of your peers.

The names are published on a different website already anyways.....snow west ......"disrespect at revy cabin"

Too bad the managment here does not have the balls of other sites to protect our sport form these types of losers!

And I fully expect this post to be deleted within minutes.......
wtf else would you like? they apologize, admit guilt and want to pay restitution,,, get off your high horse, you've nevr fawked up? never mde a bad decision and regretted it? they facked up (and i have no connection to these peeps, just so u don't think i have other motives) they didn't murder, rape, maim,,,,they wanna make it right, sooo no? hang em? aaaand the main reason I'm saying this is because ur obviously using an alter,,,if u feel that strongly at least use ur real handle, stop bein a pussy hidin behind HID......now FLAME ON FLAMER


Active VIP Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Fort Saskatchewan
wtf else would you like? they apologize, admit guilt and want to pay restitution,,, get off your high horse, you've nevr fawked up? never mde a bad decision and regretted it? they facked up (and i have no connection to these peeps, just so u don't think i have other motives) they didn't murder, rape, maim,,,,they wanna make it right, sooo no? hang em? aaaand the main reason I'm saying this is because ur obviously using an alter,,,if u feel that strongly at least use ur real handle, stop bein a pussy hidin behind HID......now FLAME ON FLAMER

Exactly..i dont believe they were got, sure there names went out there but they confessed which is alittle different then being caught. They did all that they can to repay themseleve and make it right. Are you trying to ban them from ever riding on a mountain again? Sure sounds like it.


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Apr 1, 2009
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Moose Jaw Sask
wtf else would you like? they apologize, admit guilt and want to pay restitution,,, get off your high horse, you've nevr fawked up? never mde a bad decision and regretted it? they facked up (and i have no connection to these peeps, just so u don't think i have other motives) they didn't murder, rape, maim,,,,they wanna make it right, sooo no? hang em? aaaand the main reason I'm saying this is because ur obviously using an alter,,,if u feel that strongly at least use ur real handle, stop bein a pussy hidin behind HID......now FLAME ON FLAMER

I completly agree X2. Never was a Alter boy. He's an old alter Boy.


Active VIP Member
Sep 24, 2010
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parking lot or a ramp? From what I read it was one idiot who tried to creat a drive through the cabin.

HID power

Active member
Feb 2, 2012
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wtf else would you like? they apologize, admit guilt and want to pay restitution,,, get off your high horse, you've nevr fawked up? never mde a bad decision and regretted it? they facked up (and i have no connection to these peeps, just so u don't think i have other motives) they didn't murder, rape, maim,,,,they wanna make it right, sooo no? hang em? aaaand the main reason I'm saying this is because ur obviously using an alter,,,if u feel that strongly at least use ur real handle, stop bein a pussy hidin behind HID......now FLAME ON FLAMER

Wasn't flamin.....never bashed any of them personally.....never said that I nor you should not accept their apology either. And, yes, it is good that they are offering restitution (now that they are caught). Most of my point was that this general attitude of not caring about others (on the hill and elsewhere) and doing whatever the fawk we feel like is slowly eroding our sport. Would you like more areas closed or more cabins damaged, more damaging news stories because a few do what they please and couldn't care less about the majority???
If we and this web site start taking a stand, showing pictures, stating names of these offenders, I think we could clean up our sport.....We need to start being proactive and I felt that exposing this group would be a good start. Let their peers (those that know them) see what azzhats they can be. I have no agenda against this group....don't even have a clue who they are....and yes, I have made many mistakes in life and some of my best/hardest lessons learned were when my family and friends found out what I have done. Its easy saying your sorry to strangers....life returns to normal real quickly but it is a bit more difficult rebuilding your reputation among those that know you. But those lessons learned made me a better person today.

Now come on, you can't argue the fact that attitudes are changing (for the worse) rather quickly. We have gone from being respectful to others to "who gives a crap". You must have read other stories were a guy speaks up to someone who is being a tard and gets told to "fawk off and mind his own business" or one story a guy pulled out a knife.....like wtf??

So, if you want to brand me as an ass....do it. I already got a handfull of pm's from the "apologiesgroup" calling me "uncaring because I will not meet with them", calling me rude and immature because I spoke up, telling me if I wasn't there, I should not be saying anything. I am just taking a stand for what I feel is right and for what I feel should be done. Nothing personal with those involved. I just feel that there should be consequences to actions. Would you rather have the media involved with a story involving drinking and sledding while drunk? You know the media is always on our side when it comes to sledding. Would you prefer Wiegle (spelling?) get a hold of this? You know he always goes to bat for us in keeping areas open because we are all so responsible.....doubt it. So don't crucify me because I think that apologising and showing remorse after being caught is a little late. Its good, but a little late. Why didn't one of these responsible adults speak up on that day?

In a long run, what was done was quite minor. No one got hurt or maimed. And no, they did not rape or murder anyone. But so what? These stunts are really hurting our sport and reputations of the rest of us sledder who enjoy going out with the family. Scrfce....at what level should we wait to speak up?

As a comparison on a side note.....Our government MLA's here in Alberta got caught collecting pay for being on commitees that never meet. Thousands of dollars were paid to many MLA's (all parties) who did nothing.....until they were caught! As soon as the news hit the airwaves, many of them refunded some of the money (some with interest added on) But, the consensus from the public is IT IS TOO LATE. Why did you give the money back only after you were caught?


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2009
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Good on Ya.

You have do like most of the key board tough guys on here, save yer drinking for the parking lot after riding, then drive
drunk home, after all what does it take now to blow over ? One. I see most people have at least one +++ then head on out of the parking lot to travel where ever, see it All the time. Just saying.
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