closing atving out west????????


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Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
ok i posted a simalier artical from this dushbag in the winter about ave's and extreme sleding.... is this guy for real.... all i want to say is some one is going to dump a dumptruck load of chit on this guys lawn and i wouldn't blame them........ here it is in the brooks paper too.... i read it in the central alberta life paper....

Bob Scammell – Alberta Outdoors
When Alberta Transportation announced in 2008 that it would look into imposing tougher regulations for off-road vehicles, I naively thought I’d never need to write
another word about the Kamikaze 500s etc.
But nothing has happened, except that the ATVs steadily multiply and the situation worsens to the extent that private landowners, and other users of public land, are starting to mobilize, not to say revolt. Latest manifestation is West Central Alberta Stakeholders taking out large ads in Red Deer Life and Central Alberta Life before the recent Canada Day weekend and printing 2500 brochures, all promoting the message “Using the West Country is a Privilege, Not a Right.”
Then I had a personal wake-up call and déjà vu moment all over again. I was traveling a muddy West Country side road, looking for a turn-off, when a helmet-less little kid on a huge ATV suddenly zoomed out of a farm driveway and crossed right in front of me, missing my vehicle by inches. Half a dozen years earlier, the same thing happened on a paved side road east of Red Deer. Fortunately, I have a policy of never exceeding 80 kms in deer and moose country; now I add dumb kids on ATVs with stupider parents to those hazards.
So far this year, two teenagers have died in Alberta as a result of ATV “accidents,” including a 15 –year-old boy who rode his quad over a highway near Barrhead and was struck by a semi.
Dr. Richard Buckley, a traumatic surgeon, blames most of Alberta’s 79 ATV-related deaths in the last ten years on poor decision-making. The doctor’s research paper on ATV injuries and deaths says that young men who rode ATVs without helmets after drinking were the ones that would most often land on his operating table.
In 2008, ATVs caused 5,834 Alberta emergency visits, and 781 of those needed admitting to hospital. All well and good, as perhaps improving the breed, or at least educating people, I suppose, except that, over a decade ATV-related health-care costs exceeded $65 million.
As we drove back home from north and west of Caroline on Sunday afternoon of the recent long weekend, it was obvious that, given no clear water for fishing, the “recreation” of choice was seeing whose ATV was toughest at tearing up the landscape. West of Caroline is a hotbed for ATV operators trashing public land and doing likewise after trespassing on private land.
Three quarters of the rigs heading home were hauling trailer loads of two, three, maybe four ATVs, all coated – encrusted -- with the precious topsoil of the land they had been destroying. Even more frightening were the few sparkling clean Kamikazes, which probably meant that, before loading, their owners washed them off in, and added to the silt load of, the nearest trout stream.
West Central Stakeholders should be commended for taking on an impossible task of educating the impermeable: people who cannot comprehend the difference between a privilege and a right, who respect nothing, not even themselves, and who are totally ignorant of the harm they are doing because they have no idea of how, in nature, all things are connected.
While we wait, for the Alberta government to give us something other than more “ATV education,” an Alberta government spokesperson persists in peddling this idiocy: “We can only enforce provincial legislation on public land.” Excuse me? Just as the ones that come most immediately to mind: Alberta’s Wildlife Act and its Sportfishing Regulations are both eminently enforceable on both public and private land, as is most other Alberta legislation.
I never tire of pointing out the irony that Alberta legislation already contains many provisions in The Public Lands Act for dealing with the ATV atrocities on public land, which could include the seizure and forfeiture to the Crown of the ATVs, trailers and trucks. There can be huge fines and court orders to repair the damage. A few of those would “educate” some of these ATV people. All we need is some enforcement officers who can read and give them the gas allowance to get out in the field, especially on long weekends.
I do not mean to downgrade education that is more than throwaway stuff. There must be a stiff course that costs, to teach ATV safety for the operator, other humans, fish and wildlife and the land, all leading to a licence that costs, in order to operate an ATV anywhere, and especially on public land. Similar initiatives have made possessing and using a firearm and hunting much safer activities for all and everything concerned than the virtual gong show of unregulated ATVs in Alberta.
After that, there would have to be a substantial annual licence fee to operate an ATV on public land in Alberta. Why should hunters and anglers, who tread far more lightly on the land, be the only ones to pay for the privilege?


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Jul 27, 2008
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North of Stony Plain
And how many people have died in car accidents brought on by drinking, carelessness and age and inexperience? I think we better ban cars and motorcycles from the streets too and go back to horse and buggy. Oh wait you can be killed by riding a horse too, lets ban that also. Helmets should be mandatory but you will NEVER get rid of stupid people, they will take care of that themselves.

PS I/we would support a yearly trail pass as long as all the money went towards trail maintenance. Our registration fees should also go towards the trails, not just to the government coffers. Official ATV clubs should be getting this money(Edson, Brazaeu, Bighorn, CNP quad squad) and others I don't know about so that they have funds to make and upkeep their trail systems easier.


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Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
I think mother nature has done more in the last few months to contribute to "silt load" than any off road enthusiasts have in the last 20 years. one sentence he claims fishing is no good because of murky runoff waters, yet he envisions people washing quads in crystal clear streams? what an idiot....


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Nov 18, 2010
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Regina Sask Canada
Way more people die of LUNG CANCER every hour then from quading in a year, yet the GOV'T decides to just tax cigarets instead of banning them. AGAIN CAN'T FIX STUPID JUST LET THEM WEED THEMSELVES OUT.


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Jan 25, 2009
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Rocky Mountian House A.B.
This whack-O had some pictures in the paper as well (the ATV's where not as "muddy" or dirty as he portray's in his right up) his own car probably looked just as "dirty" from driving down those wet muddy roads!! He also shows a random camp site left in a mess, but was it left that way from ATV'ers or weekend partiers? Maybe it was his own campsite as he left for his city home, point is could have been anybody, just wants to blame the "crazy Kamakazi's on ATV's".
Perhaps someone should put together a reply to his "one way thinking" newspaper article!!


Active VIP Member
Sep 24, 2010
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I think some of you are missing the point of the article. As long as few idiots are ripping it up etc. There is always going to be some vocal group with something to say. Unfortunately the writer is correct that being on public land is a privelege and not a right. We as a group have to get our "house in order" before we lose what trails we do have. I enjoy throwing mud as much as the next guy but I don't do it every chance I get. That would just be irresponsible. Some balance has to be achieved in order to retain our riding areas, but that is the crux isn't it. Who determines the line, enviromentalists (they just as soon get rid of anything motorized) a sixteen year old kid ( lucky to get them to clean their room) , beer guzzling nutbars who could care less anyway (comment here) or do you find a group willing to steward the land usage ( and who is going to pay for this?). We are our own worst enemies and we know it. The days of saying "its is public land and I do with as I see fit" are going the way of the dinosaur. I have notice a number of threads with this same message so you can't say you didn't know(well you could it just proves you only see what you want to see. Despite some of the negative comments directed at the Edson ATV club, I see a far more possitive outlook on the fact they are trying to raise funds to maintain trails and keep them accessable. So what are you doing?? Stamping your feet and holding your breath or worse tearing apart sensitive landscape is not going to help. JMHO .


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
i think this guy is on crack..... frig nowadays they can write about anything...

its like a weather man... he can be wrong and still have a job...


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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i think this guy is on crack..... frig nowadays they can write about anything...

its like a weather man... he can be wrong and still have a job...

Everyone must remember the movie demolition man. Well that's where were headed. They can shove most of the new laws up there ass. Like the boat lisence. Next is a atv lisence. Rules rules rules. Pretty sad.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
the dude is a lawyer in red deer, not sure if retired or not, thinks he has a reader following, i'd would suggest a few letters to the paper, keep your facts straight, and watch what ya say as the guy could make your life hell.
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Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
fugg him if he can't take it..... like i said a bid dump truck load one day on his front lawn would look good...


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
fugg him if he can't take it..... like i said a bid dump truck load one day on his front lawn would look good...

ah braver words have never been uttered grasshopper, but retired lawyers QB, can and would love to make your life very difficult young one. use your words wisely my friend or you could be broke in a real hurry.

friggin retired lawyers.


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
does he live buy u???????? mabe 2 birds one stone...:d:d:d


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
does he live buy u???????? mabe 2 birds one stone...:d:d:d

great my first death threat, i must be going places. ;):beer:.

scammel sends letters to the rd advocate and alberta outdoors man and any other place he fiqures he has an audience. a few letters sent to his readerhip may stop his mouth. or at least slow it down.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
I think some of you are missing the point of the article. As long as few idiots are ripping it up etc. There is always going to be some vocal group with something to say.

Why are people so keen to give the greenies more ammunition?


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
hmm sorry don't follow what your trying to say. who is giving the greenies ammunition?

People who will rip up grassland, then bitch about the greenies using this as ammunition. Should have been more clear.


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May 31, 2011
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This guy is a lawyer. Well that it explains the " my way of doing things is the only way to do things" attidude.

As far as I can tell, i doubt there is a ATV on every single creek and every single camp ground, and every single... and so on. Out in the west country. He is simply driving from the city too where he knows the most active ATV areas are and then finding the pre-mentioned "Beer guzzing Nuttards"(haha) and focusing on what they are doing. Betcha he could find an area where no-one was at that he could go and camp at.

If the lawyer really wanted to help and get a change he would approach the ATV clubs and see if they, together, could focus his retired boredom towards a better future for all ATV users, and naturalists alike. Perhaps the clubs themselves are even thinking that sooner or later chit will hit the fan and the gov't will shut it down.

I have the opinion that if one group can't use it then no-one can period.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
This guy is a lawyer. Well that it explains the " my way of doing things is the only way to do things" attidude.

As far as I can tell, i doubt there is a ATV on every single creek and every single camp ground, and every single... and so on. Out in the west country. He is simply driving from the city too where he knows the most active ATV areas are and then finding the pre-mentioned "Beer guzzing Nuttards"(haha) and focusing on what they are doing. Betcha he could find an area where no-one was at that he could go and camp at.

If the lawyer really wanted to help and get a change he would approach the ATV clubs and see if they, together, could focus his retired boredom towards a better future for all ATV users, and naturalists alike. Perhaps the clubs themselves are even thinking that sooner or later chit will hit the fan and the gov't will shut it down.

I have the opinion that if one group can't use it then no-one can period.

If all groups had the same impact on the land, I'd agree with you. 10 hikers or horseback riders don't impact quite the same as 10 800 outlanders (or 850 XP's) with 30" silverbacks. Like it or not ATV's do cause significant damage to some areas and these areas are what the folks that don't enjoy the sport are going to point to to try and restrict the activity. Calling them douches or threatening to dump crap on their yard isn't going to change that.
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