(Keystone) Caribou and Standard Basin Closure in effect next season.

Powder Puff

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Jan 4, 2007
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I think these reports reflect the importance of belonging to a snowmobile club. When areas close, it` very rare you`ll ever see them opened again. When a club is dealing with Gov. membership #`s count. There are some good points here you could use in your letters.

Here are two reports about the recent meeting in Victoria that 4 members of the Caribou Committee of the Revelstoke Snowmobile Club attended in an effort to keep Caribou Basin and Standard Basin open to sledding. Along with our members was Les Auston of the BC Snowmobile Federation. To arrange a meeting of this caliber with three government ministers this quickly was exceptional, this all happend within a week. Our thanks to Les for once again coming through for us.

This is one example of why you should be a member of a snowmobile club if you are a snowmobiler. Your number as a member and your membership dollars make it possible for us to travel to these meetings in an effort to keep areas open. When you buy your membership, do not lend it out to others, have them buy their own and by that action give the club the support it needs when fighting for our member's rights.

We will keep you informed as time progresses, lets hope our visit will make a difference.

Club Report
The Caribou Committee of the Revelstoke Snowmobile Club and the Snowmobile Revelstoke Society have been working hard at trying to maintain our snowmobiling opportunities and keep our areas open. In the last few weeks we were made aware that formal documents had been prepared to officially close Caribou Basin and Standard Basin (the area south of the Keystone cabin.) The caribou committee responded quickly by contacting the British Columbia Snowmobile Federation regarding our concerns and asked for Les Austin’s support in dealing with this issue. Les was more than happy to assist us in our battle to save our areas one more time. He sent an urgent request for a meeting with the Minister of Environment, Minister of Natural Resource Operations, Minster of Forests Mines and Lands, and Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. A meeting was granted and was scheduled for just under a week away.

On February 10th four members of the Caribou Committee attended the meeting in Victoria. The challenges and concerns that were presented include:
The prepared closure for Caribou and Standard Basin and the threat of further closures in the future
Lack of adequate maps
Lack of proper process
Lack of funding to assist in supporting environmental stewardship programs
Those in attendance understood that we feel that all additional closures and further restrictions to access should be stopped. We requested stronger support from government including:
Stronger working relationships with government employees. We want them to work with us towards solutions rather than defaulting to closures.
Financial support for environmental stewardship programs
Maps that the snowmobiling public can easily understand
Increased funding for alternative managements options, including “on the ground” enforcement.
The RSC and SRS feel that a strong partnership is key to the recovery of Mountain Caribou while maintaining snowmobiling opportunities in British Columbia. We have proven that we are committed to the recovery of Mountain Caribou and will continue with our many stewardship programs. Thank you for doing your part by respecting the existing closures. Overall we felt that the meeting went very well. We expect that there will be high level input in regards to future closures. We will forward an update once we receive one. Thanks again for your support!

BSSF Report
The presentation to government in Victoria on the 10th went good; in fact I think it went very well. It was attended by Minister’s Bell, Bond, Coell and Thomson as well MLA Barnett. From the BCSF clubs we had; Angie, Bill, Tom, Kathy, Pierre and myself. Everyone had a part of the presentation and covered of the majority of the issues we face today.
Challenges and Concerns for Snowmobile Clubs
Regarding Mountain Caribou Recovery

 For over forty years snowmobile clubs have been dealing with Caribou issues in BC
 Snowmobilers participate at all levels of the recovery process
 Worked with MOE to develop a nationally recognized Environmental Stewardship Program
 Developed with MOE, a provincial Reporting and Observation form for clubs
 Developed with MOE, provincial Environmental Sign Standards
 Promote a complete provincial educational outreach program to all snowmobilers

Challenges clubs face today

 Poor quality maps
 Inadequate signage
 Lack of proper process
 Lack of funding
 Additional closures
 Lack of provision for snowmobile opportunities

Solutions for the current situation
 Stop additional access loss
 Provide funding for monitoring: caribou, predation, collars etc
 Work with clubs to develop and produce maps people can understand
 Work with clubs to develop and install signage in locations that will be most effective
 Continue to work with clubs towards solutions for local issues and not default to closures.
 Work with clubs to provide new opportunities not refer to existing areas as a winning solution.
 Provide an annual permit system that will ensure all snowmobiler’s pay and the funds collected get allocated back to the snowmobile community for safety and the environment, etc.

Over the past many years snowmobile clubs have seen millions of hectares of land closed to their sport for various reasons. The mountain caribou recovery process is a major part of those losses, and today more areas are being sought after for additional closures and yet the areas currently used by caribou is a small portion of those areas. The recovery plan falls well short on predation control, funding and the overall number of animals needed to transplant. The focus on snowmobiling as a major cause of the decline is simply incorrect and with most of the areas in SMA agreements the clubs promoting educational outreach materials to all snowmobilers the government needs to help clubs deal with the gray cloud of doom and gloom people associate with closed areas. It has become very hard for clubs to continue to promote membership with all the negativity.

The BCSF spoke to the overall issues from a provincial perspective while each focused on their own concerns and challenges. There was major support for the BCSF and clubs from the minister level and the MLA.

I would like to thank Tom for speaking to the Cranbrook issues and Angie for Revelstoke, of course we cannot forget Pierre who spoke for the Quesnel Highlands which includes Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and Mica Mountain.

In my opinion the team worked well, the comments were positive and all agreed that closing more areas to snowmobiling was not supported but I’m sure there will be high level comments into this process now. Any questions please call.

Les Auston
Executive Director
BC Snowmobile Federation
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Feb 17, 2010
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Thanks P.P. for the info, I will talk to my partners and inform them of the club membership. I will start letter writing soon! Will let you and your board review. Thx again for your efforts.

Powder Puff

Active VIP Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Thanks a lot to the guys who figured the rules don`t apply to them on Fri. Feb. 18 and headed into Caribou Basin. Your vehicles and tracks on a day this area is closed were reported and noted as non compliance in an area we are threatened with loosing right now. Guess they didn`t see the 4'-8' ft. sign they uloaded by.

Saturday, Feb 19, 2011 – Heli Enforcement Flight (no witnessed infractions)

N Frisby – We first checked Frisby at about 1420 hrs. Use was considered Low (approx 7-8 sleds had accessed the area). There was a track that ventured off of the legal trail by approx 80 m into the treed area before the lake. There were also a few circles made on the small lake that would’ve been approx 70 m off of the legal trail. There were a few tracks through the burn that left the trail by up to 100 m (IMG_0277 w trail). All tracks stayed on the trail beyond the burn and there were no excursions from the small open area. We re-checked the area en-route home at 1645 hr and there were no changes from earlier.

frisby non compliance.jpg

caribou basin compliance flight feb. 19.jpg

Friday, Feb 18, 2011 – Wolf Census

While doing a wolf census via helicopter I observed 2 pick-ups w/ sled decks parked at the Caribou Basin parking lot. Their tracks went into the Caribou Basin closure which, as you’re aware, is only open on weekends and BC Statutory holidays. Unfortunately we did not have CO on-board such that we could land and issue tickets

Saturday, Feb 19, 2011 – Heli Enforcement Flight (no witnessed infractions)

Caribou Basin – We checked the area at about 1630 hrs. Unfortunately due to low fuel we could only check the perimeter of the open area and not the legal access trail to the north. There were no excursions from the open area. Use was considered Moderate (approx 8 sleds observed in the basin during our check). 6 mountain caribou were observed within the open area and a few snowmobile tracks were nearby (IMG_0293). The MC tracks were observed elsewhere within the open area as well. There was Low use in the east bowl of the open area.

You can see the animals centre left in the bottom pic.
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Feb 17, 2010
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Honorable Murray Coell
Minister of Environment
Victoria, B.C.

Dear Sir,
I am an avid outdoor enthusiast that enjoys the spectacular encounters of nature in all seasons. The areas of my concern today are the proposed additional closures in the Caribou Basin, Keystone and Standard Basin, recreation areas north of Revelstoke on the Mica Dam highway.
It has been brought to my attention through the reports from the Revelstoke Snowmobile Club and the Snowmobile Revelstoke Society that the government of B.C. is intending to increase further areas of restriction for access to snowmobiles. This action simply put cannot happen. Being a responsible and law abiding landowner, and taxpaying snowmobiler in the province of B.C., the government is about to greatly infringe on these areas in which I respect and enjoy. The closures that are being contemplated for snowmobilers are from my understanding due to concerns of Mountain Caribou habitat. The closures in place at present shown on the maps provided by RSC clearly state that the area the snowmobiles enjoy is a very small percentage of total area restricted to snowmobile use. I have a very hard time understanding how increasing the closure area is going to help the Mountain Caribou. I sincerely hope that this not a reaction to increase restriction on a sport that may not be overly popular to the couch crusaders and uniformed tree huggers that put pressure on the government to react. I truly believe that the government of B.C. can further the Mountain Caribou concern by spending time and money educating the land users on observing present restrictions. The snowmobile clubs of B.C. have and are willing to work together with the governments help in educating the thousands of enthusiasts as myself to respect the Mountain Caribou concerns. Putting forth further closures, I can only think that these clubs will lose membership, and respect to the governments decisions. As always in most enforcement issues education is the answer for respect. I trust the government of B.C. will respect the rights of snowmobilers and further the Mountain Caribou concerns by educating and not closing.
Feb 17, 2010
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P.P. first draft of letter to minister let me know your comments Thx. P.S. whats up with the riders on Friday real smart!

Powder Puff

Active VIP Member
Jan 4, 2007
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yeah can u believe that, apparently some locals got ahold of them on Sat. as they had a machine go down on Fri. in there and had to go back in. They were told not to come back, plate #`s and company name and # on truck were noted. This isn`t over.
Sent you a p.m.


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Jan 21, 2007
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I would think a helicopter "choppin" above would make these animals feel more vulnerable than us.

Powder Puff

Active VIP Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Revelstoke Times Review - New caribou snowmobiling closures near Revelstoke in effect

Lobbying for months, it has been yrs. This has been 6 yrs. of meetings, letters, e-mails for the SRS and RSC. Not happy to find out about it this way, We had asked the city for support to prevent these additional closures.
We were not allowed to comment at the meeting, but were allowed to ask questions.

Mr. Peel stated that there were significant issues in the Revelstoke area.
-that there is now 77,000 hectres closed to logging from N of Prince George to the border. No mention of the 9 million hectres now closed to snowmobiling.
-plan is to transplant 20 animals from N of Smithers to the S Purcell herd next spring and another 20 the following spring. Mr. Peel said they don`t know survival rates but these herds have survived because of it.
-by 2014 Gov. expects to halt the decline of Mtn. Caribou and have the #`s back up to the 1995 #`s by 2026.
-hunting tags for deer and moose are being increased, apparently this will control wolf populations.
-wolves are being sterilizied now N in the province.
-when asked how Gov. will know if playing God and with deer, moose and wolf populations or closing more areas to snowmobiling will make a difference he stated he didn`t know.
-he stated compliance in these areas "Had been actually pretty good".
-again he did say the Frisby herd has habituated to snowmobilers, but they don`t know why.

Anyways all our negotiating to keep these areas open and offerings, such as a member/permit system for Caribou Basin. Offering the Key Rd. and asking for a portion of Keystone/Standard that is prime snowmobiling area and not used by heavily by Caribou to remain open were not even considered. The area at the N end of Frisby that will be opened is small, not prime snowmobiling area and basically will only make monitoring compliance easier for Gov. from the air.

The Club and SRS will have more meetings now once we hear back from the Gov. Ministers we have been working with, I guess we were the last to know again.

So basically we have lost another 25% of the 25% of area that remained open to snowmobiling in the Revelstoke area.
Mr. Peel stated Revelstoke was the only area left in the prov. that had outstanding recreation closures to be implemented. No additonal closures to heli or cat skiing will be implemeted in this area.
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Nov 20, 2008
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Calgary, AB & Golden, BC
Powder Puff;1164138No additonal closures to heli or cat skiing will be implemeted in this area.[/QUOTE said:

so what happens when boulder and frisby are over populated with sledders. i mean that is what they are trying to do, huddle everyone into one area.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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I hate to say it but for the sake of sledders, I hope their latest methods of caribou restoration will fail and they find the REAL reason these animals' herds are dwindling.

One thing I noticed, is that they are doing 2 different methods... wolf control and sled control.. I hope it isn't in the same areas, because... like when you tinker with a sled, or any machine.... one change at a time-or else you never know which works better.

Powder Puff

Active VIP Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Politics yes and heli-skiers pay a fee per a day to gov.

You would think that if it is all about the Mtn. Caribou and these areas are being closed because they are prime habitat they should also be closed to heli-skiing. He did state that additional heli-ski tenures will not be permitted in these areas.
They don`t know why they are dying now and won`t know why when they are all gone.

Herding us all into one area feels like exactly what they are doing.

Mr. Peel did state that the RSC and SRS could apply to Gov.for a permit for Caribou Basin, wonder how that will go.

In the meantime we will continue to apply for managment agreements for areas without Caribou issues. This is like pulling teeth though.
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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall behind the closed door meetings at government levels just to see who is greasing who in this whole caribou fiasco? I think the society is just getting strung along as there are other agenda's at work here. Just my 2 cents....
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