Valemount newspaper article of the checkstops

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Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park

Article in The Valley Sentinel about the Public Outcry!

by Joshua Estabrooks
A number of local business owners and members of the public were shocked over the weekend as the police and commercial vehicle inspectors established two major check stops during what was one of the biggest sledding weekends in the Valley.
Resident, and sledding enthusiasts............
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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
can someone send that pic that shows the long line-up of alberta licensed vehicles carrying sleds into the paper, or mayor. not a single other provincial licensed vehicle in pic. sure shows blatant harassment as far as i'm concerned.


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Mar 28, 2007
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Im posting this in full length so if the article is ever deleted online it can be referenced here

Public Outcry!
4 MARCH 2011

by Joshua Estabrooks
A number of local business owners and members of the public were shocked over the weekend as the police and commercial vehicle inspectors established two major check stops during what was one of the biggest sledding weekends in the Valley.
Resident, and sledding enthusiast, Val Barnes, said that from her conversations with sledders who were out in Valemount for the SnowandMud Mountain Mania event, felt that they were being unfairly targeted, some of whom vowed never to come back to the area. “Other communities cater to their sledders, they welcome them. This is our lifeblood throughout the winter, and now we’ve got the police and department of transportation people targeting them.”
Leslee Ballard, who operates The Great Escape restaurant, said that she has also heard many sledders state that they have felt harassed over the weekend, but she wonders if this kind of thing happens in other communities during sledding season. “If we’re the only community that does this then I don’t like it. If everyone is being policed equally then what can we do?”
Alpine Country Rentals employee, Mark Etty, said that the check stops have driven a lot of sledders to scramble to buy parts for their trailers so they can get up the hill, adding that many of them were disappointed that their riding time was significantly delayed by having to wait in long lineups just south of town. “They have been in and out of here all morning getting trailer parts, and it really pisses them off.” He did say that it seems like a strange coincidence that the check stops are occurring during Mountain Mania, and he hopes that it doesn’t drive too many of them away from Valemount with bad feelings. “It can ruin a guy’s day getting your trailer towed away. It is supposed to be a big busy weekend, so we want to make sure they come back.”
Best Western Manager, Christins Latimer, said that in her conversations with sledders, their frustrations haven’t necessarily been about the delays at the lineups but that they weren’t being checked for legitimate issues. “They are being asked about how many drinks they had the night before, and things like that. They feel harassed.” Latimer added that there are quite a few sledding groups that used to come to Valemount every weekend, but have started going to Revelstoke because there are less issues with police down there. “They feel targeted, and they don’t feel the same hospitality from Valemount that they used to a couple years ago, and that’s not the way we want to treat our guests.”
VARDA GM, Curtis Pawliuk, echoed the concerns of business owners, saying that the sledders feel they are being selected out and picked on, and it is reflecting negatively on the town.” He added that no one he has talked to has seen it to this extreme in other sledding communities.
Mayor Bob Smith said that he was notified of the issue, and plans to speak to the police to find out just what’s going on. “I am aware of the situation and I am looking into it. There is a perception that the sledders are being targeted but I won’t know for sure until I speak to the RCMP.”
Corporal Trevor Prosser, who was in charge of the operation over the weekend, said that the original plan was to organize the check stops last weekend, but the support staff couldn’t make it out until this weekend. “We had a lot of traffic in town both with the girl’s basketball tournament and Mountain Mania, so we decided to go ahead with it.” He said that last check stop they concentrated on commercial vehicles, and this time around they focused more on non-commercial vehicles. “We do have some issues with the sled trailers as it seems to be 40-50% of them have violations. That is a concern for us.”
Prosser said that on Friday alone he personally handed out over 30 tickets for various violations, which indicates to him that there is an issue on the highways. “We are checking pretty much everyone who comes through, not just sledders.” When asked if they could’ve handed out more warnings instead of tickets, Prosser said that they are not the warning police, and that laws are in place to keep all motorists on the highways safe. “We’re not doing anything in town, we’re focusing on the highways right now, in both the Valemount and McBride areas.” Reports do indicate that there was a presence in the McBride area on Saturday.
In an attempt to open the lines of communications, Prosser attended the meet and greet event that kicked off Mountain Mania, and had some lengthy discussions with those in attendance about what they were doing and why. A suggestion was made to work with VARDA to develop an easy to understand list of the differences between Alberta laws and BC laws so sledders would know if they were compliant when they travel between the two provinces.


Active VIP Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Wow, sounds like a huge case of discrimination in some ways but if they were finding that 40-50% of trailers checked (and I see no reason for him to make up these numbers) had infractions then you are a menace on the road and deserve what you got! If you can make sure your sled is running top notch cause nobody wants to be let down on the mountain, then why cant you make sure your damn trailer isn't up to speck?:nono:


Active VIP Member
Jul 20, 2009
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BC Baby
Wow, sounds like a huge case of discrimination in some ways but if they were finding that 40-50% of trailers checked (and I see no reason for him to make up these numbers) had infractions then you are a menace on the road and deserve what you got! If you can make sure your sled is running top notch cause nobody wants to be let down on the mountain, then why cant you make sure your damn trailer isn't up to speck?:nono:

Agreed that if your rig is not up to snuff, you deserve the tickets. BUT.....When its only Alberta plated vehicles being pulled, during MM not too hard to pinpoint why they are doing it. No different than when bikers have a rally they harrass them too.


Active VIP Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Oh but they wanted to do it the weekend before but the support staff wasnt available till that weekend. Cough Cough Bulls$%t Cough Cough.


Active VIP Member
Oct 3, 2007
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i've often wondered if a skier or boarder ever gets pulled over to check to see if there roof rack and or ski box is securely attached to the vehicle, and if they have snowflake tires? or maybe just maybe if they have any "hey dude where's my car" odour coming from the car.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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Wow, sounds like a huge case of discrimination in some ways but if they were finding that 40-50% of trailers checked (and I see no reason for him to make up these numbers) had infractions then you are a menace on the road and deserve what you got! If you can make sure your sled is running top notch cause nobody wants to be let down on the mountain, then why cant you make sure your damn trailer isn't up to speck?:nono:

Valid point.

higher n you

Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2008
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not targeting sledders???? i guess all functions held in valemount have an assigned door cop:hmm:


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May 11, 2009
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In them hills.
" A suggestion was made to work with VARDA to develop an easy to understand list of the differences between Alberta laws and BC laws so sledders would know if they were compliant when they travel between the two provinces."

I think this is a good idea....

If people are educated in the matter then they have no excuse for not being in compliance.

Good work Curtis:wtg:


New member
Mar 8, 2011
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" A suggestion was made to work with VARDA to develop an easy to understand list of the differences between Alberta laws and BC laws so sledders would know if they were compliant when they travel between the two provinces."

Are the transportation laws in BC that much different than in AB? or are people not legal in both provinces.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Laws are very similar. The one chicken chit item they were targeting was breakaway systems on trailers.
" A suggestion was made to work with VARDA to develop an easy to understand list of the differences between Alberta laws and BC laws so sledders would know if they were compliant when they travel between the two provinces."

Are the transportation laws in BC that much different than in AB? or are people not legal in both provinces.

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Nov 6, 2007
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Laws are very similar. The one chicken chit item they were targeting was breakaway systems on trailers.
Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk

Whats chicken ch!t about the break away cable either it works or it doesn't you need it in Alberta too. Not that hard to fix or check before you leave or during the week when you are getting your machine ready. Seems that they were picking on some but where do you draw the line?? who is safe and who is not? We all drive the highways, would be nice if everyone is legal but we know that will never happen, so they were out and stopped some traffic. We bitch when they are sitting in the coffee shops eating tarts or having a coffee and now we bitch that they are actually doing their JOB. Kind of a no win situation for them don't ya think? I don't like being checked just as much as the next guy but if your ch!t isn't up to par then park it!!! Would you ride up the mountain with a sled that had no brakes or the oil level low or leave the lot with 1/4 tank of fuel??? Same goes with your rigs!


Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Prince George
Good for the comunity for speaking out. I agree somewhat with trailer/vehicle inspections. That being said, with the trucks most of us are hauling these trailers with have more than enough brakes to stop most sled trailers (if the driver has a half a brain and an a$$hole). If it isn't a total wreck, give them a repair order. The chicken sh!t stuff like fines for using factory installed fog lights when not foggy is bs, in B.C., if you went by the letter of the inspection laws, any base model 3/4-1 ton pickup is illegal for the road. They need to lighten up a bit.


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Sure it should b working, but towing trailers because of it?when the brakes are working fine?that's just ruining a guys day of sledding.
Laws are very similar. The one chicken chit item they were targeting was breakaway systems on trailers.

Whats chicken ch!t about the break away cable either it works or it doesn't you need it in Alberta too. Not that hard to fix or check before you leave or during the week when you are getting your machine ready. Seems that they were picking on some but where do you draw the line?? who is safe and who is not? We all drive the highways, would be nice if everyone is legal but we know that will never happen, so they were out and stopped some traffic. We bitch when they are sitting in the coffee shops eating tarts or having a coffee and now we bitch that they are actually doing their JOB. Kind of a no win situation for them don't ya think? I don't like being checked just as much as the next guy but if your ch!t isn't up to par then park it!!! Would you ride up the mountain with a sled that had no brakes or the oil level low or leave the lot with 1/4 tank of fuel??? Same goes with your rigs!

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