Taking the Girlfriend for her First Mountain Trip


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2014
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Hi All,

I am taking my girlfriend up to the mountains for the first time this weekend. We are going to McBride. I was thinking of taking her to Bell on the first day and was hoping for some input on the trail conditions up to Renshaw. If she does well and adjusts quickly I think that would be a good place to take her on day two. Obviously I want her to enjoy her first mountain trip!

Also, any tips from those who have been through this before are appreciated. She has ridden here (Edmonton), out by the Two Hills area, Fort Mac, and Whitecourt primarily until now.



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Aug 27, 2009
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The CN shack along the tracks by Allen creek.
Hi All,

I am taking my girlfriend up to the mountains for the first time this weekend. We are going to McBride. I was thinking of taking her to Bell on the first day and was hoping for some input on the trail conditions up to Renshaw. If she does well and adjusts quickly I think that would be a good place to take her on day two. Obviously I want her to enjoy her first mountain trip!

Also, any tips from those who have been through this before are appreciated. She has ridden here (Edmonton), out by the Two Hills area, Fort Mac, and Whitecourt primarily until now.


Tyler. Welcome to s&m

to be honest I hope you got a very patient Gf. I don't know what kind of rider she is but
The snow has no base and when you step off your sled you sunk to your nuts and with another storm coming this weekend it might be a stuck fest. (Which is friggin sweet) but,
Just understand whiteout+stuck fest+tired angry gf from digging = quiet ride for Tyler back to Edmonton.

I would give it some time let the base get more solid. Lots of season left.

Ps don't ask me how I know this.


Active VIP Member
Nov 25, 2011
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sherwood park
I'd honestly wait until a good base is set up. Unless she's a great rider that has no problem throwing the sled around and good with a shovel. Unless this is your plan so she'll never want to go again? Lol

The Kickass One

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Jan 13, 2009
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Out There
to be honest I hope you got a very patient Gf. I don't know what kind of rider she is but
The snow has no base and when you step off your sled you sunk to your nuts and with another storm coming this weekend it might be a stuck fest. (Which is friggin sweet) but,
Just understand whiteout+stuck fest+tired angry gf from digging = quiet ride for Tyler back to Edmonton.

I would give it some time let the base get more solid. Lots of season left.

What he said and that applies t at least 75% of all new riders of an sex, age or unknown ability.

After this trip you will know if she is a potential keeper!!

Ps don't ask me how I know this.[/QUOTE]


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
Tyler. Welcome to s&m

to be honest I hope you got a very patient Gf. I don't know what kind of rider she is but
The snow has no base and when you step off your sled you sunk to your nuts and with another storm coming this weekend it might be a stuck fest. (Which is friggin sweet) but,
Just understand whiteout+stuck fest+tired angry gf from digging = quiet ride for Tyler back to Edmonton.

I would give it some time let the base get more solid. Lots of season left.

Ps don't ask me how I know this.

I'd honestly wait until a good base is set up. Unless she's a great rider that has no problem throwing the sled around and good with a shovel. Unless this is your plan so she'll never want to go again? Lol

I agree. wait for a good base before bringing her out. Like fatGuy said, It's could be a quiet drive from Mcbride to Edmonton, and that makes for a long drive.


Active VIP Member
Feb 16, 2012
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Hi All,

I am taking my girlfriend up to the mountains for the first time this weekend. We are going to McBride. I was thinking of taking her to Bell on the first day and was hoping for some input on the trail conditions up to Renshaw. If she does well and adjusts quickly I think that would be a good place to take her on day two. Obviously I want her to enjoy her first mountain trip!

Also, any tips from those who have been through this before are appreciated. She has ridden here (Edmonton), out by the Two Hills area, Fort Mac, and Whitecourt primarily until now.

Cant comment on the conditions but I will say, take it easy and dont force her to jump head first with a blindfold on.


Active VIP Member
Feb 23, 2012
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Get her to check out the Betties club. My daughter is a member. These women support each other so much it's an awesome sight to see.
Make sure she knows what to expect on her first day, compliment her, support her and then compliment on how she is doing again. Make sure she is warm and dry and don't venture out too far. She might get tired and a long ride out tired is not what you want. TAKE YOUR TIME. And have fun together.


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Feb 22, 2010
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Fort McMurray
In other words... Are you out of your mind!!???
Last year a couple friends were up in Renshaw to make first tracks, both with new 'Doo 174's. The story around the hot tub was it took them 2 days to make the cabin.


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2014
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In other words... Are you out of your mind!!???
Last year a couple friends were up in Renshaw to make first tracks, both with new 'Doo 174's. The story around the hot tub was it took them 2 days to make the cabin.

Ouch lol, would be sore after that one.


Active VIP Member
Jun 8, 2008
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I think it would be cheaper and easier to just end the relationship before I ever brought mine up there lol would be an awkward ride home.

Do your self a favor and if you do decide to hang yourself at least wait until spring when the snow is rideable. There isn't even a trail in yet man good God! Your just setting your self for a looooooong ride home.


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Nov 12, 2012
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Sherwood Forest
I wish you the best! My first attempt at this went like this:
-First night she got food poisoning from a certain A&W between Edmonton and McBride.
-Second day she spent 90% of it in bed, 10% in the bathroom. I rode for 3 hours that day on Belle (at her request/demand).
-Third day we made it half way up the trail at Renshaw with it snowing so bad you couldn't see where the trail was (it was groomed the night before) before she wanted to turn around. Also she learned that day that an egg salad sandwich just wrapped in cling wrap does not survive the trail in a tunnel pack.........

That was the last time she rode with me at all. Sold a new Pro 600 with a whopping 150 miles (I put on at least 75 of those).........................good luck!!!!!!!!


Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
So you take your girlfriend on her first mountain sledding adventure this early, you may scare her away from any more trips with you period. I would really wait at least till between Christmas and New years when the trail is groomed and there is a base and make it an enjoyable trip. Unless there is another motive to this and you plan on making her hate riding forever so you can go with all your buds solo.


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Nov 3, 2008
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JustChilling... unless your GF is a tremendous rider already in deep, deep powder and a pro Motocross rider during the summer so in fantastic physical condition (think lifting a stuck sled, not how cute she is) DO NOT go down this path unless as previously mentioned going solo from here on in is your plan... Wait til there's a base and reasonable conditions where other ladies will also be out riding. Not only will the adventure be crazy hard work for both of you, you should also take into account the increased chance of sled damage from land mines and the immediate risk you will be putting her at should you not be able to make it back or worse yet get injured. I took my wife out in deep powder for her first trip (we already had it booked then got 3 feet that night). Ended up with her yelling "get me of this F....ing mountain now"! I admittedly did not handle it well as my patience had run out after 3 hours of pulling on a stuck sled. Closest to a divorce as we've ever come in 26 years. Now she stays home and goes shopping, I go sledding and we see who spends more $! LOL! If you do go... you'll be "just chillin" alright, probably for a lot longer than you thought.


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Oct 8, 2008
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Taking the girlfriend can be a great time, when the trail is groomed is defiantly better, consider doing a rideing clinic, often it is easier for another person to work with her an much less frustrating on you, this first ride when done right can make or break her mountain riding. I would recommend a clinic to get some coaching it worked great for me, perfect snow, great lunch and I know she is riding better now than I could have coached her to, They we very patient with her and she made huge progress through the day.


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Nov 15, 2006
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Even if she has ridden lots in the "flatland", riding in the hills is a completely different ball game! Learning to ride in bottomless and being stuck every 10' can and will be an extremely frustrating experience for her....and you.

Please don't yell at her. Females tend to learn differently and can get frustrated and emotional much quicker than men. I've seen a lot of fights between couples riding and when their man doesn't have the patience and can't understand why she isn't "picking it up" as quickly as he expected. It can be a huge turn off for her and the last thing that she wants to do is hold everyone up from having a good ride. This is why a lot of women quit. Please have patience and be positive with her the whole time and also please expect that you won't actually be getting any "real" riding in this trip and maybe the next few!

The weather is going to be rainy and snowy this weekend much like it always is in the hills this time of year. Not being able to see is a frustrating to even the most seasoned riders, much less someone who has never experienced the rain, snow and fog in the mountains. There are also a lot more hazards out there this time of year like open creeks, holes and logs etc which can also be somewhat scary especially when visibility sucks! Hurting herself on the first trip out could also make her not want to go again. She also may not particularly enjoy the long Renshaw trail at this time of year either as it is probably not going to be in the greatest of shape and won't be fun when you're both exhausted from digging and pulling at the end of the day!

She will enjoy it more and it will be easier for her a little later in the season when there is a base. If you do go, pack lots of patience and happiness. You may need it for the long ride home! ;)



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Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
Like everyone said, make it a success based experience for her. Going out early can be a good thing if done in the right way. Help her fall in love with the mountains. Mountains can be daunting if you aren't used to it. Use this as an opportunity to show her the many ways you ensure safety. Enjoy the atmosphere both on and off the hill. Great meal, laughs, introduce her to people you know. Really help her feel like she is a part of the culture! We are a family snowmobilers, and when she feels a part of it and sees how encouraging the user group truly is it will inspire her to learn without feeling intimidated.
Here are a few articles about sledding with your significant other shredder.
Sledding with your spouse | SnoRiders
Part 2 of Sledding with your spouse | SnoRiders

Good Luck and let us know how it goes. I'll be doing some ladies rides over here in the Kootenays, and I know there are many others happening all around BC. If she'd like to connect with me on facebook Trish Drinkle, I'd be happy to reach out to help her along the way!

Take care and congratulations!! This is the first step to an awesome husband wife adventure!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 29, 2006
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But if you are intent on going (And some people are no matter what you tell them!) stay at Belle! Don't go up Renshaw, too early for non-experienced especially if they get a new blast of snow and trail is crap especially where the deactivations start, Lucielle, too many rocks for my liking at this time! At least at Belle the cabin is right at the trail head, the trails are decent even without grooming, and get her to ride close by to see if she can get the feel of it!! If not then you can sit in the cabin and tell her how much you Love each other!!!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 16, 2012
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fernie bc
Like everyone says make it fun and be supportive. We deal with new riders all the time and building confidence based on success is key to building a love of our sport. It can be surprising how fast a person learns when they are in a safe, supportive environment. Have fun
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