Problems on Indian Reserve

go green

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Oct 23, 2011
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Sherwood Park Alberta
From CBC news

The government introduced a bill Wednesday requiring elected officials from First Nations to disclose their expenses and salaries.
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada John Duncan and Conservative MP Kelly Block were at the Whitecap Dakota First Nation near Saskatoon on Wednesday afternoon to talk about the bill.
The bill, called an "Act to enhance the financial accountability and transparency of First Nations" follows on the heels of Block's private member's bill in the last Parliament. She introduced a similar bill in 2010 and it made it to second reading in 2011 but died when the election was called.
Under Duncan's proposed legislation, individual First Nations would have to publicize financial information on their own website, or the website of a Tribal Council or partner organization. The bill also requires that the audited financial statements and schedule of remuneration that First Nations are already required to submit to the federal government be published on the website of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.

It would be nice to see where our 10 billion dollars a year goes ?


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Jan 16, 2010
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It was only a few years back when another reserves council was a accused of corruption down east!Everyone was living in squauler and the band council was driving around in limos to their huge homes!Then they tried screaming racism when they were told to open their books!You never heard anymore about it!


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2009
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In a Dakota R/T, down by the South Sask. River
I know some just like you my friend, unfortunately there is an overwelming majority unlike yourself. My wife is only 2 generations white woman and never bothered with status, we got the stepdaughters thier metis cards simply for the educational benefits, if it's available you'd be foolish not to take advantage of it. Unfortunately like any other government system it is abused. I do believe if you are going to recieve the advantages of modern civilization you should contribute, if you want to live traditionally off the land then that as well is your choice, but ANYONE (not just natives) who wants access to our roads, infastructure, health care, education, etc etc... should also contribute to said systems.

The world need more munhoezes
Thanx bogger, in due time, there will be more munhoez', Im corrupting a couple girls at the

I am First Nations and proud of it. There is a lot of problems on reserves. First all i have worked everyday of my life since i was a teen. Lived off the rez sure i got discriminated against but i got the same treatment when i go back to the rez for a visit. Not all band members get free new houses alot of times they are passed down and you can get a new house if the council hasnt screwed up the band funds. My dad also has worked all his life, went and got a good education to become a school teacher. Got his degree and you think any school district would hire him no because he was an indian. So he worked construction. Saved money so he could buy a house you think he could get a mortgage no. My parents have been renting the same place for almost 40 years. My dad grew up in the sixties. Did you know an indian could not vote in an election till 1967. As for getting jobs the only way to do this is to leave the reserve as there are way to few jobs on the rez. And yes casinos are good if they are close to a city like the one at Enoch is. And they had to fight with the city to get city water for it. Any ways there are two sides to every story.
Awsum buddy, good to meet another fellow Brownie. Im proud of my heritage and the race i am as well. There's a saying that the fam alaways sez when confronted w racism, dad taught us "brown and Proud!!!!"

What really ticks me off is east indians calling themselves indians. In this country your not an indian unless you got the card to prove it. So Russel Peters is you want to be an indian here go get a card. lol
Ahhhhh let them call themselves indians, its the derogatory term for first nations or aboriginal.

Most natives dont like being called indians:confused:
I prefer to be called a "first nations" or "aboriginal". When most ppl bash us , they call us indians. I was taught that a first nations or aboriginal person is a name for the hard working brownie. Indians are the ones that bring the first nations down.

I actually hope this blows the lid off the government/indian affairs. Its time to be rid of reserves. You want to be Canadians, work and pay tax like the rest of us.
We where the first canadians, hence first nations. The reserves where a place we where put on way back in the day when the treaties where first signed.
My reserve is nice, green fields, roaming bison, no fridges or stoves in the ditches along w the garbage.
Many take advantage of free schooling, i have , and im puttin it to use, not many others do.

here's sumthin funny:

Take a look at my avatar, im a brownie that lives in a brown house, the only one on my street. What a coincidence.
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Dec 13, 2009
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Vernon, BC


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Sep 5, 2008
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cremona, ab
You spent any amount of time here? Stabbings are a regular occurrence in the bars here. We had a drive by shooting just two weeks ago no more than a mile away from the skate park. How many towns of 13,000 people have serious organized crime problems?

Brooks may not be as bad as some reserves like Hobema but has some serious issues.

yep, spent many years in brooks now. stabbings are NOT a regular occurence, but they do happen, as they do in a lot of towns. the drive by shooting could happen anywhere, it just happended to be in brooks this time. and any town that has a high transitory population( ie people just here for work) is always gonna have drug issues and the problems that go along with that. but to even remotely compare brooks to a reserve is retarded. you been to a reserve lately? don't see a lot of really nice houses, not a lot of golf courses, or uber nice rec centers,'s an oranges to apples comparison. if you want to compare brooks to another town, say taber lacombe, or any other small town, that would be okay then, but definitely NOT to a reserve


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2009
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In a Dakota R/T, down by the South Sask. River
The indian act is a shame, sum of that stuff dont really apply at todays levels. I think it sed sumthin about we have to have consent or permission to dress up in our pow wow outfits and dance to the drum beat?? Now thats fawk'd, There's pow wows all over this country. happening rite now too.

chit, i read sicamoose's post, its friggin sad that my ppl live like this. Maybe thats why mom and pop moved us off reserve, I strill go back every summer, and it gets more beautiful every time i go back.
I think ur rite sicamoose, it is harsher up north, there's nothin to really do on reserves, but drink.
Its a friggin shame.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
What really ticks me off is east indians calling themselves Indians. In this country your not an indian unless you got the card to prove it. So Russel Peters is you want to be an indian here go get a card. lol
The only reason the first nations people of North America are even called Indians is because Columbus thought he hit India when in fact he landed on the shores of North America. Stupid Spaniard.


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Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
The indian act is a shame, sum of that stuff dont really apply at todays levels. I think it sed sumthin about we have to have consent or permission to dress up in our pow wow outfits and dance to the drum beat?? Now thats fawk'd, There's pow wows all over this country. happening rite now too.

chit, i read sicamoose's post, its friggin sad that my ppl live like this. Maybe thats why mom and pop moved us off reserve, I strill go back every summer, and it gets more beautiful every time i go back.
I think ur rite sicamoose, it is harsher up north, there's nothin to really do on reserves, but drink.
Its a friggin shame.

This is very sad indeed and makes one question human nature. This NOT in any way meant to be disrespectful or to undermine what has happened to first nations people in our country..........
My wife`s father grew up in Latvia in the Baltic states. He was one of a VERY few to escape although he never did recover from the atrocities he was witness too......... When the communists came ,and the locals who lost the war, were tied together in pairs. Large mass graves were dug by the prisoners, then one of the pair was shot ,as to save bullets and the pair were buried alive in graves containing many many tens of thousands. The working age men were spared and worked to death..........

Our system is not perfect ,however in many other places a lot of races have fared much worse than the natives have in Canada....I am not proud of this , but am sadly aware of how cruel civilization can be in the world..............
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Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Sensitive topic indeed......guess when whitey killed 11 million natives and decided the leftovers would be sent to special places deep in the bush it was not unlikely some sh!it would hit the fan down the road.


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Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
Sensitive topic indeed......guess when whitey killed 11 million natives and decided the leftovers would be sent to special places deep in the bush it was not unlikely some sh!it would hit the fan down the road.
where on earth did you come up with that number? pretty coincidental it is the estimated number of jews killed in the holocaust....


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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No sympathy here for those on the reserve who sit and cry all day about how life is so hard. For every disadvantage they have, they have two advantages easily. Can't get a job, scream racism, can't afford schooling o that's ok gov't will pay for it all, can't get into university with competition, don't need to, meet minimum requirments your in! Can't find a job? Sure gov't will pay for any training you want. Sure some take advantage and do great, but why should they get all these advantages? You want to be treated equal, don't have these advantages. Like any people, many are lazy it's a lot easier to follow the many and do nothing.

Any that want to make anything of themselves will, regardless of how much help they recieve through gov't funding (if any). Gov't should give them two choices, one reserves are gone your the same as any other town whatever, pay taxes, don't get handouts, etc. Or build a big fence around all reserves and let them fend for themselves, they can keep their land......See how long before they last without the "big bad whiteman who took everything from them" supporting them.

Either way I am sick of my tax dollars going to them for NOTHING. Not everyone grew up perfect, but the only people who think you can't go from growing up with nothing to making something of yourself have no ambition or desire to better their life, and would rather blame everyone else for their problems.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Should have been more specific..........includes all of North America (Canada and US) between 1800 and 1900. Almost as many buffalo were killed too.


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2009
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Should have been more specific..........includes all of North America (Canada and US) between 1800 and 1900. Almost as many buffalo were killed too.
And that's why so many people ride doo. There's no more buffalo to ride.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
Should have been more specific..........includes all of North America (Canada and US) between 1800 and 1900. Almost as many buffalo were killed too.
still way off. if you even count the deaths from measles, smallpox, and influenza that killed way more natives than armed conflicts, the numbers are estimated at 3 million in total for north america after columbus arrived....


Active VIP Member
Feb 11, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
Brooks... really !!!! gonna use Brooks...umm ok
anyway, im originally from Northern Ontario where there is a ton of reserves and have been to many of them, alot of them live very very well, and then some reserves live very poorly, i do agree with getting off your azz and getting jobs etc, i have many a respect for the ones that did and are living a successfull life and living a normal life ( so to speak ).the ones that really piss me off are the ones that live off the system when they are more than capable of working but yet wear designer clothes,expensive cars etc, heres a quick story about Attawapiskat Indian Reserve, ( that is the name of reserve the thread is about) it is located rigiht on the edge of a major river in Ontario, guess what rivers rise...for about 3-4 yrs in a row each spring the river rose and flooded out the reserve, alot of volenteers went up...firefighters,cops,military,general public...Government covered every costs of rebuilding the reserve countless times...building dykes etc.brand new homes, furnished,cars,sleds,quads,firearms ( to hunt )..Heres is an idea, move the damn reserve...again i have alot of respect for alot of Natives thats try and most of them succeed, its the ones that dont even try that i dont have much respect for....JS


Active VIP Member
Mar 11, 2008
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What frustrates me with this ongoing saga, is the media and the opposition governments. Instead of the media and this bleeding heart fill in NDP leader going up there and going on air and polluting the tv stations with "oh the atrocity here, and how can we make people live like this" , they should be up there asking the people why they chose to live the way the do. Watching some of the news clips and online videos they show the people of this reserve taking the news crews through their houses. Walls smashed out, flooring ripped up! How the fuk does this happen? I have never, ever, in my life had the urge to smash a whole wall out of my house or too just randomly rip my sub floor up and just leave it. WTF is wrong! How can someone live like this? They show houses at this reserve that plainly show that at one time had perfectly good vinyl siding on the outside and half of it is ripped off. This reserve is no different than the majority of reserves here in northern Saskatchewan. There is only one solution to the "first nations" plight. It is time for these people to shed these agreements that were drafted 100+ years ago that they feel is their only life line and begin to integrate and become part of a great country called Canada. All these treaties, and land entitlement agreement deal are doing for the first nations is holding them back. When you earn your own living and contribute to this great country you gain respect- for yourself, for your family, for your community, for your country.
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