Problems on Indian Reserve


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2007
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It will never happen as it would be political suicide but I'd love to see a federal politician or federal party bring an end to the reserves and the payments & benefits. Let each person make it on their own, earn their keep and cherish what is earned. The plan would be phased in with an announcement first stating that beginning the next year (whatever that may be) an end is coming to the "traditional" way of life for first nations on reserves. Anyone born prior to January 1st will still have free healthcare & free education for the rest of their life but will need to financially support themselves like all Canadians. Payments to reserves & first nations end Jan 1st. If a first nations person has a house on the reserve they will keep it & have a predetermined amount of land around it given to them to do with what they please. However values & taxes will be assessed & paid by the land/house owner. The reserve would cease to exist & home owners are now acerage owners in urban or rural setting based on the location of the former reserve proximal to urban/rural settings. Infrastructure will be put in place as needed in accordance to what one would find in any neighbouring part of rural or urban Canada. Those born on or after Jan 1st will have to apply for provincial healthcare, social insurance & will not have free education or healthcare beyond any other citizen in the province of origin & not of first nations. To sum up, it would all end with the generation that is alive at the time of the implementation & dies with them. Their children have to make it in the world, in Canada like anyone else. What do you think? Think it could happen?

....political contributions to my campaign can be made......


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
I would like to know the cost's for an f.a.s kid? And why is it some one else s problem? and why is it allowed to happen multiple times? Life is great for the happy drinker, ask that boring person what life is like living with one? I bet those fas kids (sent off) will have a great life.


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2009
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In a Dakota R/T, down by the South Sask. River
My mom is a caregiver of fas kids, she gets them when child services takes them away from there parents. Let me tell u, its sad when i see them. She has three rite now she's lookin after, All girls, i can see fas in there faces and how they have difficulty learning. she's been doin this for a long time now. They do get a better quality of life, usually on the first day there super shy,quiet, dont move much, but after a couple days, there happy as ever. And when they leave my moms care, they leave with brand new everything, boots, jackets, ski pants, mitts, lunchboxes,multiple sets of clothes, shoes, the list goes on.

I've asked my mom why she does it, she sed its a tie between she just loves all children and to give the kids a better quality of life.

Some foster children even phone social services to get put in my moms care. She treats them pretty dam good.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Looks like it depends on sources. There is some disparity amongst the early historians. I was reading about the deliberate minimization of the numbers to make the actual decline seem less severe. Worst example I read about was the estimate of 12 million reduced to 250,000 by the end of the 19th century. Single populations of around 3 mill reduced to only about 10,000. Debate rages on whether it should be classified as genocide or not.

Obviously open for debate, but I'll leave that up to the historians.

This thread has the potential to go sideways so I am respectfully bowing out now.

still way off. if you even count the deaths from measles, smallpox, and influenza that killed way more natives than armed conflicts, the numbers are estimated at 3 million in total for north america after columbus arrived....


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
My mom is a caregiver of fas kids, she gets them when child services takes them away from there parents. Let me tell u, its sad when i see them. She has three rite now she's lookin after, All girls, i can see fas in there faces and how they have difficulty learning. she's been doin this for a long time now. They do get a better quality of life, usually on the first day there super shy,quiet, dont move much, but after a couple days, there happy as ever. And when they leave my moms care, they leave with brand new everything, boots, jackets, ski pants, mitts, lunchboxes,multiple sets of clothes, shoes, the list goes on.

I've asked my mom why she does it, she sed its a tie between she just loves all children and to give the kids a better quality of life.

Some foster children even phone social services to get put in my moms care. She treats them pretty dam good.

Your mother sounds like a very special person , i can see why you are so proud of her.........................


Active VIP Member
Mar 16, 2009
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Rosalind, Alberta
My mom is a caregiver of fas kids, she gets them when child services takes them away from there parents. Let me tell u, its sad when i see them. She has three rite now she's lookin after, All girls, i can see fas in there faces and how they have difficulty learning. she's been doin this for a long time now. They do get a better quality of life, usually on the first day there super shy,quiet, dont move much, but after a couple days, there happy as ever. And when they leave my moms care, they leave with brand new everything, boots, jackets, ski pants, mitts, lunchboxes,multiple sets of clothes, shoes, the list goes on.

I've asked my mom why she does it, she sed its a tie between she just loves all children and to give the kids a better quality of life.

Some foster children even phone social services to get put in my moms care. She treats them pretty dam good.

Your mother is a very special and caring person. It's not easy dealing with these unfortunate children. Good on her!!


Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I agree, I would have worded it a bit differently and a bit softer but over-all I agree with what you've written. I've been called a racist for not giving out drugs to a native "drug seeker" (what we call those who call for the ambulance or go to the hopsital multiple times or multiple locations who are soly out for the drugs for the next fix or high.

No sympathy here for those on the reserve who sit and cry all day about how life is so hard. For every disadvantage they have, they have two advantages easily. Can't get a job, scream racism, can't afford schooling o that's ok gov't will pay for it all, can't get into university with competition, don't need to, meet minimum requirments your in! Can't find a job? Sure gov't will pay for any training you want. Sure some take advantage and do great, but why should they get all these advantages? You want to be treated equal, don't have these advantages. Like any people, many are lazy it's a lot easier to follow the many and do nothing.

Any that want to make anything of themselves will, regardless of how much help they recieve through gov't funding (if any). Gov't should give them two choices, one reserves are gone your the same as any other town whatever, pay taxes, don't get handouts, etc. Or build a big fence around all reserves and let them fend for themselves, they can keep their land......See how long before they last without the "big bad whiteman who took everything from them" supporting them.

Either way I am sick of my tax dollars going to them for NOTHING. Not everyone grew up perfect, but the only people who think you can't go from growing up with nothing to making something of yourself have no ambition or desire to better their life, and would rather blame everyone else for their problems.


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Far as I'm concerned the historians can debate numbers until the cows come home, it should have no bearing on the situation of today. Canada claims to be "the land of equality" which is bullchit.... we have gotten to the point where government systems discriminate against "common canadians" Not just in reference to the Native Canadian situation, but also with immigration, gender, sexual orientation and special interest. The truth is that as a 7th generation Canadian of English/Scottish/Irish decent my boy will spend his life with a dissadvantage as compared to many. I firmly believe that we are all born equal and everyone should have the same opportunities to pursue personal growth as everyone else, with work ethic and dedication determining who is entitled to what. Unfortunately in the Canada that is now opportunities arise from social placement more so than from personal choice and ethics. Immigrants receive more funds than the elderly who have paid into the tax base thier whole lives, seasonal workers are entitled to 26 weeks of EI insurance per year yet my father who was laid off for the first time after 23 years was entitled to 12 weeks maximum, our welfare system encourages no income single mothers to have more children in order to collect a higher cheque while working single mothers are denied child care subsity to help cover the costs of upgrading thier education in night school while working full time during the days.... the list goes on and on... Canada provides over 5 billion dollars a year ($143 for every man/woman/child) to foreign aid yet we can't figure out an efficient health care system.

Seems the Canadian government needs to look up "equality" in the dictionary....[

QUOTE=ZRrrr;1297088]Looks like it depends on sources. There is some disparity amongst the early historians. I was reading about the deliberate minimization of the numbers to make the actual decline seem less severe. Worst example I read about was the estimate of 12 million reduced to 250,000 by the end of the 19th century. Single populations of around 3 mill reduced to only about 10,000. Debate rages on whether it should be classified as genocide or not.

Obviously open for debate, but I'll leave that up to the historians.

This thread has the potential to go sideways so I am respectfully bowing out now.[/QUOTE]


Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
still way off. if you even count the deaths from measles, smallpox, and influenza that killed way more natives than armed conflicts, the numbers are estimated at 3 million in total for north america after columbus arrived....

True story, our diseases killed more natives than the "white man" did. Or another interesting point... a lot of natives also died due to alcohol intake... Europeans brought it here and natives had never had a drink before then, essentially they got hooked.


Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I would vote for you too! Although, I don't think it can happen as soon as Jan 1st. I do believe you have a good thing going here, one thing is that I think the federal government should buy out the house and the land, get rid of the reserves all together. Appraise their property, ($30,000) and say that you are no longer allowed to live out here on the reserve and your house is being demolished. (harsh I know) Set up infastructure in the cities (low cost housing, etc) this way all the job opportunities, medical/councelling, etc are all at arms reach instead of being way out there on the rez. I think this would give most a fighting chance to make it.

It will never happen as it would be political suicide but I'd love to see a federal politician or federal party bring an end to the reserves and the payments & benefits. Let each person make it on their own, earn their keep and cherish what is earned. The plan would be phased in with an announcement first stating that beginning the next year (whatever that may be) an end is coming to the "traditional" way of life for first nations on reserves. Anyone born prior to January 1st will still have free healthcare & free education for the rest of their life but will need to financially support themselves like all Canadians. Payments to reserves & first nations end Jan 1st. If a first nations person has a house on the reserve they will keep it & have a predetermined amount of land around it given to them to do with what they please. However values & taxes will be assessed & paid by the land/house owner. The reserve would cease to exist & home owners are now acerage owners in urban or rural setting based on the location of the former reserve proximal to urban/rural settings. Infrastructure will be put in place as needed in accordance to what one would find in any neighbouring part of rural or urban Canada. Those born on or after Jan 1st will have to apply for provincial healthcare, social insurance & will not have free education or healthcare beyond any other citizen in the province of origin & not of first nations. To sum up, it would all end with the generation that is alive at the time of the implementation & dies with them. Their children have to make it in the world, in Canada like anyone else. What do you think? Think it could happen?

....political contributions to my campaign can be made......


Active VIP Member
Oct 22, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Your mom is an amazing person! I've worked with FASD kids and adults and I know what a challenge it can be. She is a VERY special person with a huge heart for what she is doing. I tip my hat to her and all others like her! Kudos! :)

My mom is a caregiver of fas kids, she gets them when child services takes them away from there parents. Let me tell u, its sad when i see them. She has three rite now she's lookin after, All girls, i can see fas in there faces and how they have difficulty learning. she's been doin this for a long time now. They do get a better quality of life, usually on the first day there super shy,quiet, dont move much, but after a couple days, there happy as ever. And when they leave my moms care, they leave with brand new everything, boots, jackets, ski pants, mitts, lunchboxes,multiple sets of clothes, shoes, the list goes on.

I've asked my mom why she does it, she sed its a tie between she just loves all children and to give the kids a better quality of life.

Some foster children even phone social services to get put in my moms care. She treats them pretty dam good.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
Your mom has not experienced raising the kids and then have them yanked away again, she will have no say....Those poor kids. It is going to be hard on her.. trust me.


Active VIP Member
Oct 9, 2007
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Squirrel Clan
I find this pretty embarassing for our country. These events have gleaned worldwide attention.
I really hope the entire Indian Act is torn down and rebuilt. This of course will be a massive undertaking as there is allot of variance to what the expectations are from the different stake holders in this agreement, as well as pressure from popular opinion. Treaty agreements vary across the country, and there is no one stop shop to provide a solution for everybody. Maybe the answer is to take it out of the House of Commons and put it on each province.
No matter what, the current Act must change. When it contains nonsense like a 1st nations guy that farms can't sell his goods without the Indian Agent approval........... really. Seems to be pretty deflating when you gotta ask permission. Or if there is a tie on a reserve election vote, that the Indian Agent cast the deciding vote,,,,,, hmmmm, no chance of un-ethical conduct there.
Don't know what the answers are, that's those guys in Ottawa's job to figure out. What I do know, is they better get after it, cause were looking no better than some of the middle Eastern countries on the world stage right now, with the media deep diving in there.


Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
it's ridiculous what they get for free I was from pincher creek yes 5 minutes from brockett 99! and it was always bad! yes there were some great people who came from brockett but a ton of bad ones! and it was because of the free handouts. I couldnt walk down the street or go into a bank without having a guy come up to me and ask me for a dollar or come out of the liquor store and be asked if I could spare a couple of the beers I just bought! My one friend is also a paramedic and has been to the different reserves she said it is brutal going into these homes floors ripped out cupboards and walls being used for firewood in there living rooms blankets for windows cause all the glass is gone! We need to stop these free handouts and make everyone work for it! Brocket has right on there sign "sovereign nation" and "rcmp leave res now" as far as i'm concerned let there wishes come true but keep them on the res so they cant come into town they want a sovereign nation lets give em one!


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I find this pretty embarassing for our country. These events have gleaned worldwide attention.
I really hope the entire Indian Act is torn down and rebuilt. This of course will be a massive undertaking as there is allot of variance to what the expectations are from the different stake holders in this agreement, as well as pressure from popular opinion. Treaty agreements vary across the country, and there is no one stop shop to provide a solution for everybody. Maybe the answer is to take it out of the House of Commons and put it on each province.
No matter what, the current Act must change. When it contains nonsense like a 1st nations guy that farms can't sell his goods without the Indian Agent approval........... really. Seems to be pretty deflating when you gotta ask permission. Or if there is a tie on a reserve election vote, that the Indian Agent cast the deciding vote,,,,,, hmmmm, no chance of un-ethical conduct there.
Don't know what the answers are, that's those guys in Ottawa's job to figure out. What I do know, is they better get after it, cause were looking no better than some of the middle Eastern countries on the world stage right now, with the media deep diving in there.
The media can say what it wants UNLIKE the middle east coutries.................THAT is what makes our country a better place to live than the middle east !! I don`t give a rat`s azz about what the media says ,but i am quite gracious that they can say it.........We have our problems no dought,what country does not.............however we are MUCH better off than most country`s ,of that there is no dought................


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
The media can say what it wants UNLIKE the middle east coutries.................THAT is what makes our country a better place to live than the middle east !! I don`t give a rat`s azz about what the media says ,but i am quite gracious that they can say it.........We have our problems no dought,what country does not.............however we are MUCH better off than most country`s ,of that there is no dought................

unfortunately we should care what the media abroad says as they influence people and governments decisions from tourism to investments. Look at the seal hunt for example (not that I agree with the Europeans or others) but based solely on media bias I know people that were planning to come to Canada for a vacation and decided not to as a way of protesting. Many Americans also took the same approach when we did not join them in Iraq. They got their biased opinion from CNN. So, yes the less negative attn we get the better.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
unfortunately we should care what the media abroad says as they influence people and governments decisions from tourism to investments. Look at the seal hunt for example (not that I agree with the Europeans or others) but based solely on media bias I know people that were planning to come to Canada for a vacation and decided not to as a way of protesting. Many Americans also took the same approach when we did not join them in Iraq. They got their biased opinion from CNN. So, yes the less negative attn we get the better.
American opinion does not carry much weight with me. My buddy's company moved a rig into North Dakota, they were refused service at a truck stop because they were Canadian....why you ask? because the water that caused the severe flooding there came south from Canada. "go back to Canada, and take your floodwater with you..." is what they were told. what a bunch of fawking retards. there should be a sign when you enter North Dakota that says "Welcome to North Dakota....please turn your watch back 25 years"


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
American opinion does not carry much weight with me. My buddy's company moved a rig into North Dakota, they were refused service at a truck stop because they were Canadian....why you ask? because the water that caused the severe flooding there came south from Canada. "go back to Canada, and take your floodwater with you..." is what they were told. what a bunch of fawking retards. there should be a sign when you enter North Dakota that says "Welcome to North Dakota....please turn your watch back 25 years"

I am sure they would love that water when a drought comes along! Yeah pretty harsh and small minded. My wife and I went on a small boat tour in Mexico and there were 3 other couples on it. We had to introduce ourselves and where we come from. Anyway, one guy from Colorado out of the blue asked me what is wrong with "you Canadians" and I asked why. He said that he was pissed at us because we would not let FOX televise certain programs on TV but Al jezerra was. Coincidentally I had just heard about that and it was because FOX with their arrogance would not allow the minimum percentage of Canadian content such as commercials where as Al jezerra agreed. Anyway, he was aggressive with his opinion and I told him he is just showing me how small minded he is especially since he was making his opinion on FOX news broadcasts. Good thing I am a big guy :)

Anyway, a bit off topic but this is just proof that people arent smart enough to make their own conclusions.


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Cockring, AB
It will never happen as it would be political suicide but I'd love to see a federal politician or federal party bring an end to the reserves and the payments & benefits. Let each person make it on their own, earn their keep and cherish what is earned. The plan would be phased in with an announcement first stating that beginning the next year (whatever that may be) an end is coming to the "traditional" way of life for first nations on reserves. Anyone born prior to January 1st will still have free healthcare & free education for the rest of their life but will need to financially support themselves like all Canadians. Payments to reserves & first nations end Jan 1st. If a first nations person has a house on the reserve they will keep it & have a predetermined amount of land around it given to them to do with what they please. However values & taxes will be assessed & paid by the land/house owner. The reserve would cease to exist & home owners are now acerage owners in urban or rural setting based on the location of the former reserve proximal to urban/rural settings. Infrastructure will be put in place as needed in accordance to what one would find in any neighbouring part of rural or urban Canada. Those born on or after Jan 1st will have to apply for provincial healthcare, social insurance & will not have free education or healthcare beyond any other citizen in the province of origin & not of first nations. To sum up, it would all end with the generation that is alive at the time of the implementation & dies with them. Their children have to make it in the world, in Canada like anyone else. What do you think? Think it could happen?

....political contributions to my campaign can be made......

carguy for PM!
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