It's time to honor the heros! (my open letter to the media)


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2009
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North Okotoks Acreage
I have emailed this to CBC Canada, CTV & Global National. Hopefully someone there reads this and posts a reply here to show us that they're not ignorant to this great sport. Better yet, maybe they can do a follow up report and get the facts right?

Thanks given to all who have forwarded this onto the media!



Mar 15, 2010
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Creswell, Oregon
Thanks for the distribution help everyone!! I was able to voice my thoughts, but getting it to the right place.....well I was hoping the masses would step up and do that part. I know that everyone has their networks. So happy to see all these posts this morning!! :p


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Just because you see someone has forwarded it to your local paper, don't hesitate to duplicate.... strength in numbers....

Edmonton Sun and Jouurnal recieved a copy from me as well........


Below is an open letter written by one of our own backcountry sledders, she has captured in writing exactly what every one of us enthusiasts has been thinking ever since the tragic events of March 13. You in the media are ethically bound to report unbiased information to the public. I would ask that you allow the other side of the story to be told. As unfortunate as the 2 fatalities were, I find it amazing that there were only 2. Please allow those who enjoy our sport responsibly have a voice. I fear that us in the sledding community are going to be left to clean up a mess that you in the media created

Link to full forum thread & attached word document.

Editor in chief, Edmonton Sun

Editor in chief, Edmonton Journal
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Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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Very well wrote and thanks for putting in so much thought in your letter. It needs to get out to a larger group and hopefully the media WILL look into it.

Alberta Boy

Active VIP Member
Jul 21, 2008
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No longer in Alberta... Moved to Toronto!
Just a note... you can get email addresses for almost any person in the media... go to their website and send the letter to specific people as well... if you watch your local news, you know who the person/people are to send it to... I will do some digging around here (Toronto, Ontario) to see who I can send it to... It may not have the same relevance but don't be mistaken... this incident is on every media station and newspaper even out here... most of them being even more ignorant than the AB and BC news stations! :eek:


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Terry, Bill and Steve

Yesterday morning I listened to your show as I typically do and heard your comments on the Revelstoke snowmobile tragedy. I was appalled at the comments made by you considering two young men lost their lives and many were injured. The families of the injured and deceased do not need to hear the comments of how foolish and irresponsible their actions were and how nobody should have been on the mountain.

Tragedies occur in all aspects of our lives and every day activities with our families as we all pursue our passion for fun and personal enjoyment. The next time any of the three of you throw a leg over your bikes stop and think about how much risk you are actually assuming in YOUR pursuit of fun that day. You had no place or experience to make the comments you did and cause more hurt to the families involved.

There were about 200 people enjoying their passion when tragedy struck. I thank God there were enough well trained heroes on the mountain on Saturday so 198 could be brought back to their families. They used the equipment they had and were trained to use or many more would have perished. None were the irresponsible hooligans the media has chosen to portray them as. The vast majority are very responsible, very well trained and entrust their lives in the people they ride with. The sledders saved each other in the midst of chaos and administered life saving first aid long before any SAR of RCMP arrived to remove the injured.

There will be questions asked and answers given that will bring comfort to the families of the two young men who lost their lives. In the mean time they must endure the media’s insensitive comments and knee jerk reactions of those who choose sensationalism over truth.

After the comments you broadcasted you owe it to these families, to the families of the injured to every one involved on the mountain that day to read on air Susie Rainsberry’s letter which I have attached. This letter was on the forum and has had about 125,000 views and hundreds of comments in support of the rescue efforts that occurred. Please find it in yourselves to read this letter and portray every one involved in the light they deserve!


Randy Toronchuk

I sent this in to K-97 in Edmonton, I know it's only K-97 but we need to start somewhere. Thank for the idea sledslut and Susie for the wonderful letter. Post was to big on this site with Susie's letter attached.
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Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2009
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Terry, Bill and Steve

Yesterday morning I listened to your show as I typically do and heard your comments on the Revelstoke snowmobile tragedy. I was appalled at the comments made by you considering two young men lost their lives and many were injured. The families of the injured and deceased do not need to hear the comments of how foolish and irresponsible their actions were and how nobody should have been on the mountain.

Tragedies occur in all aspects of our lives and every day activities with our families as we all pursue our passion for fun and personal enjoyment. The next time any of the three of you throw a leg over your bikes stop and think about how much risk you are actually assuming in YOUR pursuit of fun that day. You had no place or experience to make the comments you did and cause more hurt to the families involved.

There were about 200 people enjoying their passion when tragedy struck. I thank God there were enough well trained heroes on the mountain on Saturday so 198 could be brought back to their families. They used the equipment they had and were trained to use or many more would have perished. None were the irresponsible hooligans the media has chosen to portray them as. The vast majority are very responsible, very well trained and entrust their lives in the people they ride with. The sledders saved each other in the midst of chaos and administered life saving first aid long before any SAR of RCMP arrived to remove the injured.

There will be questions asked and answers given that will bring comfort to the families of the two young men who lost their lives. In the mean time they must endure the media’s insensitive comments and knee jerk reactions of those who choose sensationalism over truth.

After the comments you broadcasted you owe it to these families, to the families of the injured to every one involved on the mountain that day to read on air Susie Rainsberry’s letter which I have attached. This letter was on the forum and has had about 125,000 views and hundreds of comments in support of the rescue efforts that occurred. Please find it in yourselves to read this letter and portray every one involved in the light they deserve!


Randy Toronchuk

I sent this in to K-97 in Edmonton, I know it's only K-97 but we need to start somewhere. Thank for the idea sledslut and Susie for the wonderful letter. Post was to big on this site with Susie's letter attached.

I was listening to The Paul Brown show yesterday. The comments being made, the attitude had and the people calling in made me sick. They have lost me as a listener.

Good on you for calling these uninformed, over-opinionated people out. Just because they don't understand the pull that we have towards fresh powder and the feeling of freedom we get when we pull the throttle, does not mean a carte blanche for ignorance!!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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Edmonton/Kimberley Part Time
Excellent letter very well written thanks.

The BC Government has to realize the millions upon million of dollars sledding brings to there province at an average of $500 a weekend per sledder we are the support the small towns need to survive the winters.


Timber King
May 22, 2007
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NE Edmonton
Awesome letter the only thing I could see to be added is all the money that is pumped into these local economies filling every hotel room, every restaurant, the line ups at the gas stations this is what these small towns look forward to every year. Not to mention most of the machines on that hill probably cost in the excess of $25000+ so just the money spent in the hometowns before you even get to the mountains


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Prince George, B.C.
Susie, thanks for your quick reply to me this morning in sending the PDF file. This letter is our voice. You are a true ambassador for our sport and we need more people like you to stand up and fight!! I have forwarded this letter to many media outlets and I's up to them to make the decision to see another side to all of this. Thank you again.


Active VIP Member
Nov 15, 2006
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I was listening to The Paul Brown show yesterday. The comments being made, the attitude had and the people calling in made me sick. They have lost me as a listener.

Good on you for calling these uninformed, over-opinionated people out. Just because they don't understand the pull that we have towards fresh powder and the feeling of freedom we get when we pull the throttle, does not mean a carte blanche for ignorance!!!

Agreed! I heard Yukon Jack's rant and he really should have kept his big yap shut!!


New member
Mar 10, 2010
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Awesome job, very well spoken..This letter truly does come from the heart of a true sledder.It will be posted on my front counter for all to read and enjoy..thank you Susie..:ThumbsupMsn::ThumbsupMsn:
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