Theft In Red Deer


Active VIP Member
Dec 26, 2012
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Red Deer
My father in law awoke this morning to noise outside his place in bower. Went outside to find a truck attached to his fuzion toy hauler. The truck took off with his trailer in tow. He grabbed his keys and started chasing it. There was a second truck involved staying back from the trailer trying to block the road from my father in law. He chased both units from Red Deer, out highway 2, through gasoline alley, to the C&E trail. He contacted the RCMP while chasing the trailer, and was told" Stop chasing them, they could be armed".
He lost them after the truck blocking him nearly ran him off the road and they passed a few people without any concern for their lives.
He, like anyone else, thought he was doing a great thing and the RCMP would be assisting him at any moment. They told him, they would call him back... They called back at 10:00 am. He was able to pursue these fawks for over 10 kms, and received a follow up call 4 1/2 hours later.

Maybe I watch too many tv shows, but I always expected that the police would react to a theft in progress, especially when someone is putting their neck on the line to stop these guys. I know its only money and things can be replaced, but they had a great heads up and a 100% guaranteed direction of travel. I'm not expecting anyone to spot the trailer, but still hopeful. Just wanted to voice my disappointment with our finest and their capability's. Remember to call the police, and not take things into your own hands!!! Better yet, go back to sleep.
I know its not always like this when it comes to police response, but just once is sad enough. I appreciate everything these guys do, just had higher expectations in our system and tax dollars.

He later found out the tow vehicle was stolen last night as well. Less then a km from his place. Not a bad night for a couple crack heads. And to think the rest of us fools work all year for these things! Too bad there wasn't any consequences or deterrents for this. I know everyone will have an opinion on what they would have done, but it doesn't matter. Trailers gone. RCMP let him and myself down. Thought id share for those of you that sleep with your windows open! Don't expect an episode of Cops!!
Pics to follow. Thanks. fusion.jpg
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Active member
Mar 15, 2010
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Its a beautiful world we live in. My fathers f350 was stolen 7:30am Sunday morning from his back yard in Vermilion. He watch it drive away with another white ford as well.


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2008
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Rcmp and police are even more corrupt then the average criminal. No faith in our justice system what so ever. If I ever have to call then I'm going to say I saw them with a gun. Maybe that'll get these lazy pigs off there ass.


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2008
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Had my truck and trailer stolen a few weeks ago. I had a GPS tracking device on it. Called the RCMP and they took the info and tracked it. GPS took them right to the lions den where several other stolen toys and trailers were located. Hopefully put a bit of a stop to these organized crime rings from stealing all our belongings.


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Red Deer
Back in January i tracked my daughters mac book right to the thieves house , they finally came down after the crackheads girlfriend called them when I was about to kick the door down . Nothing they could do about the stolen macbook off of a ping they said . Brutal


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
I am amazed that the cops could not find such a large unit despite giving them a rough idea of direction. My wife's business was broken into 2 weeks apart last month. Cops came and did their thing but I got the feeling they have become complacent as they are not winning the battle against these low lives. Anyway, hope they find it!!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 16, 2008
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High River
Happened to my brother in Red Deer as they stole his pick up from the driveway and all the keys for both vehicles out of the garage . He spotted the truck on the way back for the police station and called the cops . They said they didn't have time to go over so he had the spare set of keys and stole it back . Cost him about a G note to get new programing on chip keys done as he knew the pricks would be back . Went to Ford to get his wife's Escape re programmed and about a week later they stole it out of the driveway in the middle of the afternoon . Asked Ford WTF and they said it must have been a glich . The police finally retrieved the Escape about a month later in Red Deer and the crack whore hadn't even changed the plates . Put a sticker over the other sticker on the vehicle .


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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You have to force them to react. Remember when you call 911 you're not talking to a cop, you've got a civilian call taker that is reading a script off the computer screen. Based on what you tell them, they prioritize the call along with all the others. Also remember that rural RCMP detachments may only have 2 or 3 members on a night shift for a huge area. It might take them some time to gather up some guys. In the same situation I would have told them that I intended to follow them until the police arrived. When they told me to back off because they might be "armed" I would tell them that if threatened I would defend myself as I saw fit to ensure my safety. I would keep the line open on the phone and keep them apprised of my location. Doing this would escalate the call and force them to respond. Police don't prioritize property crime because there's no emphasis to do so from the crown prosecutors. The bad guys don't get any serious time and the only victims they see are the insurance companies.


Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2007
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TPollon2 on here posted about his Ram getting stolen a few months ago. Right away it was caught on vid stealing an ATM. A few weeks later some friends think they see it on the road. They phone TP2 and direct him to where low life is waiting for gf outside Wally world. He tries to discretely confirm it's his truck but probably not careful enough. Phones cops, while low life pulls up to door for gf. Cops seem to be interested, probably because of ATM theft. TP2 follows from a distance, cops say they are also now following with unmarked cruisers and HAWKS. They tell him to back off and leave it to them. Thief heads north out of town city cops hand off to RC's, HAWKS gets low on fuel, return to base. Apparently RC's attempted to pull them over but they didn't want to stop so they let them go!

A few more weeks go by and truck is found abandoned in a residential area. Lots of damage, bald rear tires, sunroof ripped out and full of syringes. Had a plate on for a similar Ram.


Active VIP Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Guy at work had his Ford Escape stolen a couple years ago. He seen it outside the casino a week after. Looked like they were living in it. Called the cops and instead of waiting for the losers to come back to the vehicle they just towed it right away and never bothered to figure out who the thrives were.

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