obama and keystone- to my american buddies


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Jan 23, 2007
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fort saskatchewan
I will ask the moderators to leave this one up in here for awhile if

So...today the american government rejected the construction
of the keystone pipeline in your country.

I am curious to see how many of you realize how many jobs he just crushed for your economy...and a few up
here....were talking thousands....10s of thousands...seriously.

Are any of you familiar with the Canadian Oilsands......or just know about the

I do not see a strong future in job creation in your country with your current government.....

Unreal.....your government will by oil from countries that support child labor and ship it across huge bodies of water...but will not approve a pipeline to put 10s of thousands of people to work and have it from a politcally stable govenment.....

"China, who is challenging us around the world, has said it will take all the oil Canada can produce. If we are to get our economy back on track, and be competitive around the world, we must realize that fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, are the keys to prosperity." ...from one of your senators....

Seriously my american friends...wake up and see what your obama is doing to your country....


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May 3, 2009
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as a fellow oilfield company owner i cannot understand how all of the 3 years of reviews and the fact that 22 other pipelines cross the supposed pristine area in Nebraska and yet this is still their excuse??

its all politics to get the socialist/communist dictator back in so he can truly destroy this country like he wants

OOC ZigZag

Active VIP Member
May 12, 2010
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I will ask the moderators to leave this one up in here for awhile if

So...today the american government rejected the construction
of the keystone pipeline in your country.

I am curious to see how many of you realize how many jobs he just crushed for your economy...and a few up
here....were talking thousands....10s of thousands...seriously.

Are any of you familiar with the Canadian Oilsands......or just know about the

I do not see a strong future in job creation in your country with your current government.....

Unreal.....your government will by oil from countries that support child labor and ship it across huge bodies of water...but will not approve a pipeline to put 10s of thousands of people to work and have it from a politcally stable govenment.....

"China, who is challenging us around the world, has said it will take all the oil Canada can produce. If we are to get our economy back on track, and be competitive around the world, we must realize that fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, are the keys to prosperity." ...from one of your senators....

Seriously my american friends...wake up and see what your obama is doing to your country....

Ok to put things in prespective. My sons social class was discussing marketing and product identification. Coca Cola came out with the new white cans of Coke classic and said clearly on the can that they were supporting effort to protect Polar bears and their habitat. The Americans couldn't grasp the concept and now coke has redone the can design in red with the polar bears still on it. The Americans thought the white can was diet.I can understand why they are having a problem with the Keystone p/l after all its better to be supplied by mid east countries that have no respect for human life and less for the enviornment. One thing they are is consistent. Consistantly screwed up. I say take the p/l waet and send it to China fawk the americans if they don't want it. They kep going the way they are going they won't be able to afford mid east oil for long. This is how their going to be cooking I wasn't stirin the pot:smiliestirthepot:
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Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
Ok to put things in prespective. My sons social class was discussing marketing and product identification. Coca Cola came out with the new white cans of Coke classic and said clearly on the can that they were supporting effort to protect Polar bears and their habitat. The Americans couldn't grasp the concept and now coke has redone the can design in red with the polar bears still on it. The Americans thought the white can was diet.I can understand why they are having a problem with the Keystone p/l after all its better to be supplied by mid east countries that have no respect for human life and less for the enviornment. One thing they are is consistent. I say take the p/l waet and send it to China fawk the americans if they don't want it. They kep going the way they are going they won't be able to afford mid east oil.

I agree to a point ,but do not want to paint all americans with the same brush..................There are a lot of decent people who are paying a hefty price for the wanna be rockstar decisions`s .That would be like thinking all canadians were like the liberals & NEP program. However,like most socialist goverments ,he will soon have them bankrupt !!!!


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Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
Of course the fact that the decision had nothing to do with the pipeline completely escapes most people here it seems. The Republicans (who seem to be willing to completely destroy their country so make the President look bad) had attached the keystone approval to a large bill that had many things that were unacceptable to the Dems. They made it a "pass it all or pass none of it" bill they passed none of it. But it's all Obamas fault......


Active VIP Member
Apr 4, 2011
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If the US don't want our "dirty oil" I say fuk em....let them keep buying it from those A-Rabs......

China wants our oil......they are willing to pay for our oil........I say let them buy it....lets start that pipeline thru BC.

We don't need to beg and give away our resources to someone who does not appreciate the benifits of their neighbor.

and next....lets look at our water resources......maybe we are giving that away too cheap????


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2006
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West Kootenay
I say build refineries here in BC/Alberta and sell the finished product to the USA instead of them buying cheap oil, refining it and selling it back to us for a huge profit. The States will try anything to improve their economy and that includes screwing us so stick it to them instead.


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Nov 22, 2009
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North Okotoks Acreage
Easy on our neighbors and the fug em attitude. It's not the blue collar workers making this decision. It's politics. We all know it's right for both countries but lets face it, it isn't going to happen and I'm all good with selling it across the pacific to teach them a hard earned lesson. Leave it at that as Trump said it best.

Contacted by the Sun, colourful U.S. billionaire Donald Trump bemoaned what he calls his country’s lack of leadership on a vital economic lifeline.“It’s an outrage our president isn’t approving the Keystone pipeline,” he said through a spokeswoman who reached Trump in Florida.
“And Canada is lucky to have superior leadership to our’s.”
Trump — who’s become somewhat of a kingmaker in the U.S. Republican leadership primaries — says Obama’s decision last month to delay until 2013 the approval of the $7 billion project sending Alberta oilsands product to Gulf Coast refineries snuffs out 20,000 jobs it’d create.


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Oct 25, 2009
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I say build refineries here in BC/Alberta and sell the finished product to the USA instead of them buying cheap oil, refining it and selling it back to us for a huge profit. The States will try anything to improve their economy and that includes screwing us so stick it to them instead.
I agree. We need to build refineries and upgraders here and sell the finished products to the States and China. As tax paying Albertans we have a right to what happens with our tar sands. We need to step out of OPEC also and set our own price for a barrel of oil. That will bring Canada and Alberta to be an economic superpower. I'm a union pipefitter and depend on the construction and maintenance of these refineries and upgraders. Shipping raw bitumen to the States and China hurts my livelihood.


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Jul 20, 2009
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BC Baby
I agree build them here, I am sure there are alot of people here, myself included that would like to know I got work and can look forward to an early retirement because of it. As for buying our oil, well maybe due to this political decision, our prices just went up....The problem with getting the oil to China is we have our own environmentalist hipocrites trying to block the northern gateway as well. Politics is politics and all politicians are chickenchits and will only make a decision that will get them re elected. This may be a little off topic and I am sorry for that but I am sick and tired of uneducated people looking for the next bandwagon to jump on being able to dictate what happens in politics, in the economy. Look how many get to be heard at the Northern gateway meetings, look how long this one has taken only to get a no from Obama... Come on people what do you think makes this world go around. If you can get rid of your Iphone, Ipad, heat, lights, vehicle, and truely live without any products produced from the oil and gas industry then i might listen to you, until then STFU. We need the pipelines, the US needs the pipeline. nuff said


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
If the US don't want our "dirty oil" I say fuk em....let them keep buying it from those A-Rabs......

China wants our oil......they are willing to pay for our oil........I say let them buy it....lets start that pipeline thru BC.

We don't need to beg and give away our resources to someone who does not appreciate the benifits of their neighbor.

and next....lets look at our water resources......maybe we are giving that away too cheap????

you think we are giving that away cheap... look at our hydro! We aren't flooding some of the best hunting lands in the world for us... we are doing for the us... then a company soaks us for a few billion dollars (state of california) worth of it... company goes bankrupt one person goes to jail and all of california gets off cheap... if that was my house... they'd gut the power until i paid... i think sometimes we are too afraid of them invading us and just taking our chit so we put up with theirs


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
you think we are giving that away cheap... look at our hydro! We aren't flooding some of the best hunting lands in the world for us... we are doing for the us... then a company soaks us for a few billion dollars (state of california) worth of it... company goes bankrupt one person goes to jail and all of california gets off cheap... if that was my house... they'd gut the power until i paid... i think sometimes we are too afraid of them invading us and just taking our chit so we put up with theirs

we do the same with lumber... why not mill it here for shipment overseas... no like idiots for short term gain we ship it raw and buy it back... put our mills back to work!


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Oct 20, 2008
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Sylvan Lake
Barrel of oil $100, Barrel of Refined Gasoline or Diesel at the pump $230-260. I am amazed that he did this but its simply a political stunt for re-election. We give you a product at discount(cause its Dirty) you use your people to refine it and send it back at a premium, it doesnt take a banker to see those numbers adding up. It was also jobs ect in the struggling economy of the US. They need the oil last time I checked there were not anymore dinosaurs being turned into fossil fuel anytime soon. If Alberta/Canada was smart it would be building Refineries everywhere and it would carry our Economy for 50-100years. Or untill that Magic endless renewable energy source is found to replace oil. Even the most challanged President GW Bush and the good old boys would of rubber stamped this pipeline as it is nothing but good for the US. I hope the pipeline to the west coast gets Approved as 2Billion Chinese people may want to use some of our "Dirty Oil".


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Mar 18, 2009
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Crowsnest Pass, Alberta Canada
I agree that the dems were faced with a vote of distasteful content and the pipeline was lumped in with it all. The usa has a most destructive political scheme and the avg resident doesn't realize how destructive it is. As for having jobs in Canada, how about we stop selling away our companies to the world and keep them ourselves? It doesn't take a math wiz to realize that if you buy a soda-stand today for a dime, it will be worth hundreds in 20 years. Take a close look at how much of Canada's wealth is owned by folks who are not Canadians. Careful of the illusion my friends or we become as docile as those south of the border.

Want and end to this mess? Make gold the currency for buying oil. That will push the us-greenback into the stone-age and only then will our neighbors south of the border wake up and realize what a shell-game their politicians have really been playing. 32 (3).png


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
AS i said in the other post.............Sure it`s a great idea to build it here !!! BUT ,we are having trouble getting a west coast pipe line agreed too ,because of hippies/native bands/tree huggers and movie stars. So how in the hell would we ever get a refinery and eventual pipeline built to process the stuff !!!!!!!!!!!
Until we cut off the money to the freeloaders,we won`t be able to build squat here,with out years of reviews................
Just pipeline it to China,Obama has no cash anyhow, just "change"...............lol


Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2009
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we cant refine it here, we dont have the labour force, we cant get the proper materials in a timely manner, this refining the bitumen state side has been in the works for tens of years, they have been upgrading the refineries in texas for many years to upgrade bitumen, its always been the plan to ship it there, it will take 5 years to build 1 upgrader here, but only 2 years to build a pipeline to texas where there are 5 upgraders waiting to take the bitumen
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