How bad can it get ???


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
Well it's time to ponder.. With a mulcair victory , how bad can Canada get ?

One has to wonder how a guy who has had to re mortgage his residence almost a dozen times , can steer canada out of the coming financial difficulties?

On the other hand....

We all know part time drama teachers , with a silver spoon have a lot of real life experience in fixing the economy .... No red flag there...!!

i fail to see how this is even a race.... But the old saying has never been more true
"grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"...... I guess.

*personally I don't want 15 $$ a day day care.... We don't need the dam government raising our children....if you were man enough to have them, you can dam well pay to raise them !!!
( rant not over , more later)

cheers .... While it lasts!


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
Ya trudo I hope never gets in, Harper well it could be worse with trudo in

All the others would never no what to do the next day after the election if they got in

Unfortunately as bad as it sounds, Harper is still that little but better than the rest


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
I can't back this up with much, but I'm quite sure the outcome won't matter. Although Harper is the lesser of the evils, he's provin to be basically useless.

This is no fault of his though. It is the voting base that has created him, and the other 2 for that matter. Honestly, I hope Harper is pushed to the side, and one of the other gets a majority. People need to hit rock bottom before they smarten up. The faster we do that the better in my opinion.

With all that being said though, there is simply so much happening on the world stage right now, none of the three offer a solid solution.


Active VIP Member
Jun 20, 2013
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Alberta bound
Such a long time to the election, Mr. Harper is hoping his opponents run out of cash... so he can keep spending on the campaign trail,.... what a total waste of money ... attack adds at over 50k a shot, running how many times a day?... for the next three months .. where did these funds come from ? , and look at all the incentives coming out 3 months before election time,.... must have held on to this " bounty" for a long time,.... lets abolish the senate by attrition... more waste of money.... your money !!..... really , I don't know whom to vote for !


Active VIP Member
Nov 20, 2012
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I can't back this up with much, but I'm quite sure the outcome won't matter. Although Harper is the lesser of the evils, he's provin to be basically useless.

This is no fault of his though. It is the voting base that has created him, and the other 2 for that matter. Honestly, I hope Harper is pushed to the side, and one of the other gets a majority. People need to hit rock bottom before they smarten up. The faster we do that the better in my opinion.

With all that being said though, there is simply so much happening on the world stage right now, none of the three offer a solid solution.

Ya maybe Trudeau or Mulcair will be better on the world stage representing ALL of us in talks and debates with the leaders of other nations. (Heavy sarcasm intended)Or maybe not. Careful what you wish for because I honestly think enough people(urbanites) will punt Harper just because he is from Calgary if nfor no other reason. Then the sh!t will boil to the surface and we will ALL have to live with it.


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
I liken the current federal situation to Alberta provincial politics in 04, Ralph was hated at that point people wanted change his approval rating was low and he quit provincial politics.... Where did that leave us with Stelmach, Redford and now Notley in hind sight we had a great leader in Ralph and people's nature to hate drove him out. I think the same thing could now happen federally, Harper hated we need change blah blah... Put Mulcair or Trudope in the big chair and see the mess that ensues. People are not smart enough to see that though.


Active VIP Member
Apr 12, 2009
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There is never an easy answer. Capability to govern is more than the leader of the party.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I can't back this up with much, but I'm quite sure the outcome won't matter. Although Harper is the lesser of the evils, he's provin to be basically useless.

This is no fault of his though. It is the voting base that has created him, and the other 2 for that matter. Honestly, I hope Harper is pushed to the side, and one of the other gets a majority. People need to hit rock bottom before they smarten up. The faster we do that the better in my opinion.

With all that being said though, there is simply so much happening on the world stage right now, none of the three offer a solid solution.
Have you not already seen rock bottom in Sask when the NDP ruled? We know what will be coming if Mulcair gets in. Bend over and pass the vaseline....


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Ya trudo I hope never gets in, Harper well it could be worse with trudo in

All the others would never no what to do the next day after the election if they got in

Unfortunately as bad as it sounds, Harper is still that little but better than the rest
Another informative educational post. Thanks tex.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
Given Canada's track record through the U.S. Housing crisis I will take my chance with Harper .....

A spoilt pretty boy , with 0 experience in any tangible line of work is not going to make things better .....!
Or a typical NDP type who's answer to any financial problem is " tax the rich" , once they go broke ... Problem solved ! We are all equal.....lmfao.
Mulcant has made it perfectly clear what he will do to Alberta , if elected.... He is downright dangerous ! This is a career politician , who can't pay his house off !!!!!!Does that not make him the most useless public figure in some time , this guy is no Bill gates me .

if we all subscribe to the fact as that all politicians steal , and are out for them selves then it becomes quite clear... Tom is the dumbest politician in Canada .... He can't even steal enough to save his own ass... Let alone run a country !!
Personally if they all steal a bit I want the guy that's the best at it calling the shots ...!! Not some one who can't even figure out how much he needs to "get a hold of"to even run his personnel life.
Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
boy Harper has been a real asset to our country. If he is our best then look out. Keep in mind that he claims to have kept the ship afloat. This does not mention the robocalls, senate, temporarily workers, selling Canadian assets to foreigners like no bodies business etc etc. Unfortunately the other two would not fair much better.

Here are actual facts you will never see in one of those Conservative "Economic Action Plan" ads this coming fall and beyond -- usually during a hockey game.
• Stephen Harper has managed to turn 10 consecutive federal budget surpluses of the Martin-Chretien era into 7 straight consecutive deficits.
• Stephen Harper has the worst record of economic growth of any Prime Minister since RB Bennett and the great depression.
• Under Stephen Harper, household debt has exploded. The average household debt-to-income ratio (i.e., the amount of debt the average Canadian household owes for every dollar of their annual disposable income) has risen from $1.31 to $1.64 -- which is where the United States was before the housing market crashed.
• A significant contributor to household debt can be traced to rising housing prices. Mr. Harper's finance minister, Jim Flaherty, helped fuel the housing bubble with his irresponsible introduction of 40-year mortgages with zero down-payment.
Although he has since reversed himself completely on this policy, it was too late to avoid the damage he caused.
Speaking of Debt
• Fact: Between 1996-97 and 2005-06, the Liberal government paid $81.4-billion against the national debt.
• Fact: The federal debt in the fiscal year 1996-97 was $562.9-billion. By the time the Liberals left office in 2006, it was reduced to $481.5-billion • In contrast, by the year 2014-15, the Conservatives will have added $176,400,000,000 to the national debt.
Let me say that again, Stephen Harper has added and will add $176,400,000,000 to our debt.
• Fact: The Conservative federal debt in 2008-09 = $457.6-billion.
• Fact: The expected Conservative debt in 2014-15 = $634.0-billion (forecasted).
• Fact: 24% of the total accumulated debt since Confederation was amassed under Stephen Harper, this just since 2008.
This is the real and true economic and fiscal record of the Harper era.
This fall and beyond, though, expect to see those false and misleading "Economic Action Plan" commercials to reappear, paid for by you -- just as you're enjoying that hockey game.
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