Can you fly a Plane????????


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2009
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Used to fly had 2 cessna 172's but along came kids and the airplanes had to go
Like to get back into it but very pricey
Paid 2500 for PL back in 81 was the best thing I did

Keith Brown

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Nov 12, 2014
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Okotoks Alberta
I have a Multi IFR Land and Sea Rating. Flying is a fun, but very expensive. It can also be prohibitively expensive. If you are planning to use your license for any type of traveling it becomes 100 times more expensive as you require a instrument rating and a IFR equipped aircraft to travel with any certainly. Local flying clubs offer a great experience in a safe environment and you can predict fairly accurately what it with cost you to receive your license and I would recommend it to anyone who has the jack and has the flying bug. After you receive your license if you would like to remain current you should be flying at least 50 hours a year to remain current until you have over 500 hr. Others may have different opinions on hour requirements but these are about the middle of the road requirements. Even if you're not sure if you want the commitment to keep going after you receive your license I would still recommend you give it a try. One of the most memorable flights I ever took was my first solo over fourty years ago. I can't remember a dam thing anymore but I sure can remember that day.


Active VIP Member
Nov 24, 2009
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At my Place in Alberta
Thought I would bring this back up as Im well on my way through the training. I have time restraints so I choose to do a Rec licence. 25-30hrs of training and minimal ground school and Im flying. The goal here is get flying and continue with training and work towards my Private. Im sure having fun with this. The biggest thing Ive been told that makes the most sense to me is that its my dime and if I don't like the school or the instructor change it. So far the school has been great and the instructor and I get along quite well. Waiting on paper work and my first solo is right around the corner.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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how have I never seen this thread before????

I started my flight training back in high-school through a program our school had, much like the trades programs they run now. After high-school I moved to Alberta to work and save money but honestly was loosing the thrill of the fixed wing experience. My uncle who owned helicopters convinced me to give it a try, so I did a FAM flight out at springbank with big horn helicopters and was instantly hooked. I enroll for their spring program. Unfortunately my uncle died before the school started and I withdrew my enrollment. After that the patch got its hooks in me and I lost intrest. Still wish I had stuck it out in one way or another.


Active VIP Member
Nov 24, 2009
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At my Place in Alberta
how have I never seen this thread before????

I started my flight training back in high-school through a program our school had, much like the trades programs they run now. After high-school I moved to Alberta to work and save money but honestly was loosing the thrill of the fixed wing experience. My uncle who owned helicopters convinced me to give it a try, so I did a FAM flight out at springbank with big horn helicopters and was instantly hooked. I enroll for their spring program. Unfortunately my uncle died before the school started and I withdrew my enrollment. After that the patch got its hooks in me and I lost intrest. Still wish I had stuck it out in one way or another.

I said 10 years ago I wanted to do it. My neighbour flies, and I have gone up with him to look for missing cattle years ago. We never really hooked up till now. He wanted to use the big body of water next to me to put his floats on and to park his plane on the water. I got talking with him and now we spend a lot of time together. He is reason I decided to just get on with it. At 46 years of age I figured why not. Its only 7500 bucks and if the wife doesn't like it I also figured after 21 years of marriage she'd get over it or leave. :D Im sure glad Im doing it. Its a blast and another group of people and friends have shown up. Its like having a group of sledding buddies but they fly.


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Nov 2, 2014
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Good to see you’re actually going for it. I started in 1999. Haven’t stopped. I fly about 100 hours/yr. I've owned and flown a Cessna 182, Cessna T210L, Beech Skipper, Cessna 172K, and now a Cessna 185 with wheels and amphibious floats. Started flying skis last year. Now when I drive by the airport to go snowmobiling, I ask myself why, when I’d rather be flying. It’s expensive, but like a drug user, when you’re addicted you’ll find the money somehow. Truly life changing. A whole new perspective on the world, on time, and on distance.

Dont worry about next steps. You can never do it all. If you’re inclined to just go few a few circuits now and then, do that. If you want a night rating, VFR over the top rating, seaplane rating, IFR rating, twin rating, then do whatever blows your hair back. I know guys with powered parachutes to guys with jets and turbine helicopters. It doesn’t matter what you fly, just find your sweet spot and marvel at what others are missing.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
If you have a phone, tablet or laptop laying gps required, try memory maps on it when flying. You will have to download the area for offline use or buy the right license for purchased maps to work.

Bury Me With My Toys

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Oct 17, 2020
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Prince George
24 years after get my pilots license, yes, I do still fly regularly. I suggest buying your own plane, and just hiring an instructor for your dual time. Paying to rent some crummy old flight school plane is a waste of money. Look into a partnership as well, could be a half, quarter, whatever fraction works for you. Probably won't work for the training or first 500 hours, for that buy your own 100%. But in years to come, once insurance companies see you have some experience, a fractional ownership is sometimes angood way to save money on owning.


Active VIP Member
Nov 24, 2009
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At my Place in Alberta
Thought I would give those who care to know and those who understand the time involved that Yesterday I passed my TC exam. The flight training is done. The flight test is over. I started in August and I can now fly legally on my own. I have to say I'm sure glad I do not need to study anymore. :D I continued with my original plan and finished the practical for a Rec licence. However I completed Ground school and my TC exam as a Private. I bought a plane in Louisanna and with help flew it home in January. Still waiting on the import process but I am really looking forward to hitting the sky's. I recommend the experience to anyone who thinks they would like to do it. I'm currently at 48 hrs of flight and an investment of about $14000.00. Its misleading how they advertise the minimum amount of time needed. The truth is you want to be proficient at the task at hand and they wont let you carry on with training until you are. Its a pretty cool feeling to be called Captain :rolling:


Active VIP Member
Nov 24, 2009
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At my Place in Alberta
Photos of your plane!?!?!?




Active VIP Member
May 4, 2013
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I did a few years back started and got a fair amount of hours in but the financial need fell into a bucket on other unforeseen responsibilities. Even had a line on a used De Havilland Beaver and an investing partner.
No regret's life goes on.
Good luck


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
Nice plane, old 170? You have it in Canada or states re call sign?
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