Biggest Bonehead Moves


Active VIP Member
Nov 12, 2010
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Castlegar, BC
I've always believed that women are smarter than men. We have far less big crash horror stories than the guys do... But then I was thinking, maybe it's just because there are fewer of us on sleds???

Anyway, here's mine:

I pulled up to the club cabin, and there were about 30 sleds there. Went in to say a quick hello, and then hopped on my sled to hit the pow. Threw it into reverse, and hit the throttle. I ended up bent over the handle bars on the throttle side, and heading right towards the snowcat.

I hit the plow on the cat WOT, and my sled shot off into the trees. I ended up flying into the track of the cat in the opposite direction, head first. I came to with all these people standing over me saying "don't move her". They knew I was OK when I asked if my sled was alright.

Anyway, I ended up with a few deep bruises and a broken bone in my throttle hand, which was swollen up like a balloon after riding that day. Luckily I had my helmet on, and done up. I sit down in reverse these days.

BTW, a bunch of guys confided in me that they've done, or seen that bonehead move done before.


Super Moderator
Nov 7, 2006
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Glad your ok,Ive done the same thing on my sled and my quad,not quit as dramatic as your though!


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
lucm's '05 has a bit of a scar from when I did that to him at Clemina a few years ago. Chit happens.


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Prince George, B.C.
OUCH....glad that you didn't get too badly hurt. I guess more pride than anything!! I do bonehead moves all the time, but most of the time no one sees me do it THANK GOD!! lol I've been hurt too many times to count, not one big incident, just a lot of different incidents over all the years of sledding.

I guess it comes with the territory. Sledding is such a blast but when things go wrong they can go wrong really quickly. I guess that is why it's so important to wear all the safety gear we can get our hands on....chest protectors, body armour, knee pads, helmets, etc....


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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That didn't sound fun at all! Weird, I prefer to stand up with reverse can't stand sitting down and doing it I don't feel like I got the same control. But I am always easy on the throttle, as I have put my chest into the bars pretty good from to much throttle.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
Hmmmm :rolleyes: Which one to tell about the most recent.

Heading out in the dark, bit of a whooped up trail, crossing a narrow bridge with no sides, only a snow bank on one side. Standing up and leaning forward a bit lazily after a really long day of riding. Hit a bad azz hole in the trail which caused me to grab a bit of throttle that I did not want :(, shot me a bit sideways into the banked snow on one side of the bridge...rocochet across to the other side of the bridge that had no side :eek: this point I was ejected...10 feet down into the creek.:confused: I faceplanted, spread eagle into fluffy snow. :d whew, what a feeling! Thank goodness it wasn't a foot to the right where there was actual water and a much harder landing :nono: got off easy on this one.

Got my face out of the snow and did a quick take behind me to see where the heck my sled ended up if I'm down in the creek. :shrug: There it is...above me. :yahoo: It had come to a stop about 10 feet further than my eject point...hanging over the side of the bridge. The whole front end was off except for the back of a ski...thank goodness it did not take my route :eek:


Active VIP Member
Mar 11, 2010
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Medicine Hat, AB
we were glad you were ok tam. your wicked down hill bull dog turns the next day made up for it.
as far as boner moves, i could right a personnel biography. wonder if anyone would by my book?


Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
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Red Deer area
Best boner move I ever saw wasn't me (I swear...I got lots of my own, just not the BEST)

Back in the 90's my pal had a rodded up (for then) MM700 with a 9?? Price triple, 141x2 (hey...that was BIG) and a aftermarket tunnel...all done up. Anyways, we're all pretty new to this mountain riding/highmarking thing. He goes shooting up a slope, blows the turn-out, rider and sled start a graceful tumble down the mountain. When the cloud of fluff clears, the sled is coming down on its track, but not as fast as one would expect. The right ski was jammed up under buddy's coat from the bottom....his head (helmet) is forced into the snow by the weight of the ski protruding from the neck of his coat...he is face-down acting as the snow-brake for the machine....the track is tearing his snow-pants off as is giving him a repeated spanking on his bare-a$$ all the way down. When the sled stops, he is trapped, can't move, face-down, bare-black and blue a$$, pants around his knees with the engine still idling, choking what little oxygen he can get out. We ran to his rescue and extracted him. It was a pretty serious matter, but still funnier than he!!.!


Active VIP Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Prince George
Best boner move I ever saw wasn't me (I swear...I got lots of my own, just not the BEST)

Back in the 90's my pal had a rodded up (for then) MM700 with a 9?? Price triple, 141x2 (hey...that was BIG) and a aftermarket tunnel...all done up. Anyways, we're all pretty new to this mountain riding/highmarking thing. He goes shooting up a slope, blows the turn-out, rider and sled start a graceful tumble down the mountain. When the cloud of fluff clears, the sled is coming down on its track, but not as fast as one would expect. The right ski was jammed up under buddy's coat from the bottom....his head (helmet) is forced into the snow by the weight of the ski protruding from the neck of his coat...he is face-down acting as the snow-brake for the machine....the track is tearing his snow-pants off as is giving him a repeated spanking on his bare-a$$ all the way down. When the sled stops, he is trapped, can't move, face-down, bare-black and blue a$$, pants around his knees with the engine still idling, choking what little oxygen he can get out. We ran to his rescue and extracted him. It was a pretty serious matter, but still funnier than he!!.!

I am SO glad the guy was okay but that story is one of the funniest things I have heard in awhile. I bet he hasn't lived that one down yet.


Active VIP Member
Jun 3, 2008
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center of no where
well it wasn't the stupidest thing i've ever done, but it was the recent,

today me and a friend were out riding around the athabasca river, decided to bushwack our way to the river bank and go down this steep little chute about 25 feet long.

my buddy went first and stopped near the bottom, waiting for me. i started to come down and when i went for the brake, because of the steep angle i was on i caught the lefty throttle instead and gave it a little shot of gas before i realized what i had grabbed. i managed to get on the brake still but i still piled into his back bar.

thankfully he has no flap or taillight so all i wrecked was my hood, basicly cracked it right along the existing vent hole on the front hood. could have been worse!

needless to say that goldfinger lefty is now on the work bench, it was on the sled when i bought it and i thought it was kinda of cool, ha, ya right!:rant:

anybody want to buy a lefty throttle?


Mar 15, 2010
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Creswell, Oregon
Good stories! :p

Mine is a reverse story and involved no witnesses. I was riding third in a group of four. I was waiting at an intersection for the fourth rider. The first two had gone on. I was concerned that I was too far into the turn and the rider would blow the corner, so I decided to back up a bit.

The trail was firmly...FIRMLY...hard packed. I was standing up and grabbed too much throttle and the next thing I knew I was flying through the air. I landed HARD on my back and my helmet *bounced* off the trail. My backpack did cushion my fall, a bit. I was terrified to take my helmet off because I was sure my skull was cracked. LOL!!

I'm still not sure what happened, but I am still nervous when backing up!! :eek: Which does make unloading off the deck interesting.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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was going down hill that was wind rowed got going too fast plowed into a drift ended up going over handlebars slid down hood and landed in front of sled, looked back just in time to watch sled come over drift ended up under it with ski hooked thru backpack and proceeded to be its tobaggon down the hill.


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Can a pciture be worth a thousand words??


I have TONS of bonehead moves!!! this is one of the few that got caught on film. Somewhere out there there is a whole series of these pics. i have yet to track them down though cause the guy wh otook them is even flakier than I am if that's possible and we keep missing each other!


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Oct 29, 2008
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Calgary Alberta
Well, which one shall I pick? Oh ya, ok, I got it!! So there we are riding in a range between Castlegar and Salmo, (which shall remain nameless), when I decide to do my first hillclimb. Hey, anywhere a stock 700 xfire can go, a '98 Summit can too, right?
So away I go, get up the hill about 600 feet, can't get any further I figure, so I turn right and pin it. Down I go, straight towards the only group of trees around! Sure as heck, nail an 8" tree head on! The sled goes to the side, I do a slo-mo summersault over the trees, land on my arse looking down at my buddies who are waiting at the bottom. One's already on his sled heading up to see if I am still alive. I wiggle my toes, release the turtle, and wave at the group below, happy I can still move.:rolleyes:

cat girl

Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2006
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Red Deer Area
I to have had a reverse story, just recently as I have never before had reverse! LOL

My biggest bone head move I would say was not my worse wipeout falldown it was just more embarrassing! After just over 3 months in a wheel chair from a bad couple leg/ankle injuries I was given the ok to go sledding, just some easy riding my dr (who was a sledder! how cool is that?) so my husband and I are in Fernie going to ride upper flathead, I was only going to do what I thought I was ok doing. So we meet a very nice "older" lady and a young man in the staging area and they invite us to ride with them..I whisper to my hubby NO WAY..I do not want that "older" lady to slow us down.. WELL I everytime I go to right side I fall off, almost zero movement in that leg so plop off I go, when we stop for lunch I was pretty frustrated and the "older" lady says to is ok don't worry we always ride to our weakest riders ability..well my hubby laughed hard and I was embarrassed and felt terrible for thinking this of said "older lady" LOL We now keep in touch and hook up for rides often...Man can that "older" lady ride.....Hi Linda if you read this...and sorry about the "older lady..slow me down bit" LOL


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I to have had a reverse story, just recently as I have never before had reverse! LOL

My biggest bone head move I would say was not my worse wipeout falldown it was just more embarrassing! After just over 3 months in a wheel chair from a bad couple leg/ankle injuries I was given the ok to go sledding, just some easy riding my dr (who was a sledder! how cool is that?) so my husband and I are in Fernie going to ride upper flathead, I was only going to do what I thought I was ok doing. So we meet a very nice "older" lady and a young man in the staging area and they invite us to ride with them..I whisper to my hubby NO WAY..I do not want that "older" lady to slow us down.. WELL I everytime I go to right side I fall off, almost zero movement in that leg so plop off I go, when we stop for lunch I was pretty frustrated and the "older" lady says to is ok don't worry we always ride to our weakest riders ability..well my hubby laughed hard and I was embarrassed and felt terrible for thinking this of said "older lady" LOL We now keep in touch and hook up for rides often...Man can that "older" lady ride.....Hi Linda if you read this...and sorry about the "older lady..slow me down bit" LOL

yeah there is a a lot of lets say grey haired peeps that sure can ride


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I to have had a reverse story, just recently as I have never before had reverse! LOL

My biggest bone head move I would say was not my worse wipeout falldown it was just more embarrassing! After just over 3 months in a wheel chair from a bad couple leg/ankle injuries I was given the ok to go sledding, just some easy riding my dr (who was a sledder! how cool is that?) so my husband and I are in Fernie going to ride upper flathead, I was only going to do what I thought I was ok doing. So we meet a very nice "older" lady and a young man in the staging area and they invite us to ride with them..I whisper to my hubby NO WAY..I do not want that "older" lady to slow us down.. WELL I everytime I go to right side I fall off, almost zero movement in that leg so plop off I go, when we stop for lunch I was pretty frustrated and the "older" lady says to is ok don't worry we always ride to our weakest riders ability..well my hubby laughed hard and I was embarrassed and felt terrible for thinking this of said "older lady" LOL We now keep in touch and hook up for rides often...Man can that "older" lady ride.....Hi Linda if you read this...and sorry about the "older lady..slow me down bit" LOL

my biggest bonehead move although didnt cost anything was first time with a sled that had perc and not realizing how snappy the 900 is put it in reverse (standing up on right side) tapped throttle lose balance wide open throttle ... new sled aimed at side of garage door ... fortunately i fell more off to the side and stopped in time...
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