When cops have a ego


Active VIP Member
Feb 26, 2009
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Gibbons, Alberta, Canada
I find that disturbing, in that I wonder how many others there are out there just like you. and I mean this with no offense, but 14 years of pulling trailers you must have at least once wondered how they work?

Non taken. It was something that was never explained to me, therefore its something I never thought about. Figured its plugged in to the truck.
And the truck controls the trailer.
Even when I bought my trailers. I knew what that cable did. I knew to hook it up. But I didn't know how it worked or that it requires testing every now and again.

And it is disturbing when you think about it. Because there are others out there that are towing that don't know about it either.

Experience comes from learning the wrong way. (you'd think by now I'd be an expert).

When I grew up, most of Dads trailers were small. 4 prong. No brakes. It wasn't taught. And I never thought to ask. (fear of sounding stupid).

I know now how they work. Got a great deal of learning when I installed the system on my 79 Boler last summer. And am now able to share how to check/how often to check/etc with others that don't know any better.


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2009
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spruce grove, alberta
It really blows my mind how people get on each others cases about stuff, arent we grown adults? I thought this site was a informative site about sledding/quading etc. not about bashing a guy for complaining about a ticket. Yes he probably understands now that it was the wrong place to complain about cops. Its like a bad retake of days of our lives.

There is lots of people on this site that actually post good information and stuff, but there seems to be a lot of parasites too that just come on here to bring people down and b1tch and complain about hids and fog lights and stuff and get jealous at other posters.
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Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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It really blows my mind how people get on each others cases about stuff, arent we grown adults? I thought this site was a informative site about sledding/quading etc. not about bashing a guy for complaining about a ticket. Yes he probably understands now that it was the wrong place to complain about cops. Its like a bad retake of days of our lives.

Its about the perception of our sport - this is someone who represents you as part of your peer user group.

Its got nothing to do with the ticket, we've all got tickets at one point or another. Its his reaction. I agree - WE ARE GROWN ADULTS. So if you do something wrong - you accept responsibilty for your actions and you accept the consequences. THIS IS PART OF BEING AN ADULT. Don't use the excuse of "we should act like adults" to defend someone's actions that were more in line with a 16 yr old than a 36 yr old. HYPOCRIT. The guy had illegal **** on his truck, he got busted. Instead of taking his lumps like a man, he came on here and btiched and moaned about it. Booo fawkin' hoo. The sympathy train pulled out of the station a long time ago.


Active VIP Member
Feb 28, 2008
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Still a bunch of clowns beeking and acting tough, if they get out from behind their keyboards they are all just big pu$$ys. Keep acting tough everybody you know it makes you look so cool in front of your S&M "friends", you have no idea the specifics behind the story, nor do you want to know facts, you guys keep typing that tough youll have to go buy a new keyboard as the one you are using is gonna break from your sheer strength. This site seems so bent on bashing I wonder is it because your wifes bash you guys constantly so you vent on here? Or is that you are just a bunch of losers with no friends and your wife is fat and ugly and you hate your life and this site makes you feel cooler? I guess to each their own.


Active VIP Member
Sep 23, 2010
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red deer ab
Hey , you leave the wife's out if this !!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while working extremely hard


Active VIP Member
Feb 25, 2009
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Still a bunch of clowns beeking and acting tough, if they get out from behind their keyboards they are all just big pu$$ys. Keep acting tough everybody you know it makes you look so cool in front of your S&M "friends", you have no idea the specifics behind the story, nor do you want to know facts, you guys keep typing that tough youll have to go buy a new keyboard as the one you are using is gonna break from your sheer strength. This site seems so bent on bashing I wonder is it because your wifes bash you guys constantly so you vent on here? Or is that you are just a bunch of losers with no friends and your wife is fat and ugly and you hate your life and this site makes you feel cooler? I guess to each their own.

that is the funniest post ever!! Don't like it, don't read it, go away. wow, better check your own bitter crappy life or is it tinted? Rose colored maybe?


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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What friggen planet do some of you guys inhabit every day ? I've been pulled over a lot for alots of infractions, if I'm guilty, you bet give me the ticket, that I won't whine about.
But you guys instantly crucifying this guy because of his comments re the cop, make me think you guys haven't been out much, and worse last few years. I have been stopped by some of the snottiest, a$$ wipe, full of themselves dickheads , wearing cop suits , that I have no problem believing his report.
Yiu bet not all of them , but man there's a hell of a lot more a$$hole cops, with a crappy attitude than I ever remember. If I'm doing something wrong, explain why, write the ticket and bugger off, no lectures, no what ifs, no grandstanding, and no belittling anyone in front of their friends or families. That's crap.
Growing up had tons of respect for the police and their role, not anymore, way to many self important knobs witha badge doing things to erode that respect
To the good cops, thank you very much.
But to assume this guy was dead wrong and the cop was professional, get a clue, your assumption may be incorrect. (and it sounds like a cool truck) which wouldnt even be discussed if it weren't for for jealousy, envy and per conceived notions of people who drive a truck like that .


Active VIP Member
Jun 18, 2009
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Oh... Busted. This thread was entertaining.

My 2c.
Hubby's truck had tinted windows, got broken into, windows shattered, there were some small squares but most of it was big shards held together by the tint.

Also, I have tinted windows, haven't been pulled over - ever *knocks furiously on wood*. But bet your behind I would be sweet as punch to that cop, with 2 screaming kids in the back seat. :/ If he asked me to take the tint off, I'd probably help him do it? LOL


Active VIP Member
May 31, 2010
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Dark side of the moon
Will Blue Marble give me more horsepower?

no, but this on your sled will

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