Transgender Catholic Teacher


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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Some of you may have seen the story that "thing" Jan Buterman. Now i generally support human rights. But what really p!$$'s me off is meat gobblers, canoe lickers, and long shlong sallies. This..... Thing.... I refuse to call it a he or she, is all up in a tiff because "it" was releived from teaching by the catholic school board after "it" gave the school board notice "it" was going to be receiving a sex change.... Now this may be the common sense talking, i know thats a rarity these days, but you are a teacher in a CATHOLIC school board, what did you expect was going to happen?! The church openly states that transgenders and homos are a crime against nature and the lord. Now im not a devout christian, but even i have to admit that you are pretty stupid if you want to arguee that "its" and homos have the same rights as everyone else in a catholic schoolboard. The school board offered a settlement of 78g to keep quite. But "it" wanting to be an indavidual, regected it. Now there would be no problem if "it" would stfu, and go into a public school system. No harm done, but no. Im personally against these abominations, because 1. There a crime against nature(in my eyes) 2. Tax dollars pay for all these sex change operations. Do the math. 75,000$ surgery x 100(thats a low number off the top of my head) = 7,500,000 in wasted tax dollars, and what does that give us? Some long shlong sally or gizard lip pete that didnt "feel right as the sex they previously were". Give me a break.
Now i may just be some racist hick, but one thing i dont tolerate is stupidity, and as long as stupidity levels keep rising so will my blood pressure.

Just my point of veiw, but tell everyone what you think.


Active VIP Member
Jul 27, 2008
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North of Stony Plain
Some of you may have seen the story that "thing" Jan Buterman. Now i generally support human rights. But what really p!$$'s me off is meat gobblers, canoe lickers, and long shlong sallies. This..... Thing.... I refuse to call it a he or she, is all up in a tiff because "it" was releived from teaching by the catholic school board after "it" gave the school board notice "it" was going to be receiving a sex change.... Now this may be the common sense talking, i know thats a rarity these days, but you are a teacher in a CATHOLIC school board, what did you expect was going to happen?! The church openly states that transgenders and homos are a crime against nature and the lord. Now im not a devout christian, but even i have to admit that you are pretty stupid if you want to arguee that "its" and homos have the same rights as everyone else in a catholic schoolboard. The school board offered a settlement of 78g to keep quite. But "it" wanting to be an indavidual, regected it. Now there would be no problem if "it" would stfu, and go into a public school system. No harm done, but no. Im personally against these abominations, because 1. There a crime against nature(in my eyes) 2. Tax dollars pay for all these sex change operations. Do the math. 75,000$ surgery x 100(thats a low number off the top of my head) = 7,500,000 in wasted tax dollars, and what does that give us? Some long shlong sally or gizard lip pete that didnt "feel right as the sex they previously were". Give me a break.
Now i may just be some racist hick, but one thing i dont tolerate is stupidity, and as long as stupidity levels keep rising so will my blood pressure.

Just my point of veiw, but tell everyone what you think.

Unfortunatly God created people like you to. Would you have this same thought if one of your family members was an "It" or a "Homo" as you put it.
People need to be more tolerant.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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Unfortunatly God created people like you to. Would you have this same thought if one of your family members was an "It" or a "Homo" as you put it.
People need to be more tolerant.

I have family that are gay, dont speak to them much.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2010
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Unfortunatly God created people like you to. Would you have this same thought if one of your family members was an "It" or a "Homo" as you put it.
People need to be more tolerant.

I also have a homo in my class, and he doesnt shut the hell up. I tolerate homos to a certain point. I dont mind closet homos so long as i dont have to hear them argueeing about rights, and what there going to shove into eachother when they get home.


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2007
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I am with you Foxrider a bunch of crap, just like allot of things where did common sense go, send that person to jail for stupidness and anyone else who thinks the same.


Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2011
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People need to chill

ever fawked a post op transgendered...... best thing ever... never any chances of pregnancy lol


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I think that if general society would put half as much emphsis into usefull and meaningful agendas and not worry so much about the gay community this world would be a better place. People need to harden the f@#k up and worry about there own chit. Just my 2 cents.


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
I think that if general society would put half as much emphsis into usefull and meaningful agendas and not worry so much about the gay community this world would be a better place. People need to harden the f@#k up and worry about there own chit. Just my 2 cents.

Much as I find thier actions to be repulsive (gay men) so long as it was behind closed doors I could give a chit what they do with/to/for one another....same with tannys and the likes.... it's the public display and demand for speacial status and rights that pizzes me off...

I guess one can not help but admire thier persistance and pride..... I would bet we as OHV users, campers, recreationalists if you will outnumber the gay community by a large number yet they are able to influence the decision makers to recognize and act on thier agendas while we sit back and allow mainstream media, the environmental extremists, and the urban dwellers who like to "look at" parks to cast us in a very poor light and we complain online.

This is one fawked up individual (based on mainstream society) who is vocally making waves and will if nothing else end up with a large settlement and the ear of decision makers.... I don't have much of an opinion on thier personal feelings, desires or lifestyle..I do however have an opinion as to why should this person have more rights than me, you, or anyone else for that matter. Many say they can't help how they feel etc..etc.. etc... and if this is the case than I do sympathize with thier situation it would suck to live life as an outcast...but when you bring those feelings/choices/decisions into public light then you have to expect backlash...which they do, infact they need that backlash to tug at the heart strings of others and make them out to be the underdog that is fighting an unjust system.... if people would just ignore them they would have no choice but to STFU & GTFO.... if you know this is how you are why do you educate yourself as a teacher???? that right there is a poor career choice, then to bring your "situation" into the public eye...well thats just dumb, or should be, unfortunately the way society works is we strive so hard to be "politically & socially polite" we deprive average joe public of his/her opinions and rights....


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
I don't care who the teacher farks after school, so long as they are good at teaching.

Would you prefer a straight, white bread teacher who couldn't teach their way out of a paper bag, just because you don't like who's team they bat for after school? If so, perhaps the issue lies within.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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I don't care who the teacher farks after school, so long as they are good at teaching.

Would you prefer a straight, white bread teacher who couldn't teach their way out of a paper bag, just because you don't like who's team they bat for after school? If so, perhaps the issue lies within.

thats the problem with the world nowadays, everybody is to quick and easy to go with the flow so to speak. such is the cause of so much hypocrosy in religion etc. the catholic religion, as much as i disagree with most of it, is doing what is right imo. they are standing behind their beliefs and dealing with this in the proper way. imo they should have done the same thing with their faggot preachers as well. jmo. the world is a really messed up place as it is we dont need to support gays and gay rights imo.:nono::nono:
leviticus 18:22"he who lies with a man as with a woman is despicable and shall be put to death". just sayin.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
thats the problem with the world nowadays, everybody is to quick and easy to go with the flow so to speak. such is the cause of so much hypocrosy in religion etc. the catholic religion, as much as i disagree with most of it, is doing what is right imo. they are standing behind their beliefs and dealing with this in the proper way. imo they should have done the same thing with their faggot preachers as well. jmo. the world is a really messed up place as it is we dont need to support gays and gay rights imo.:nono::nono:
leviticus 18:22"he who lies with a man as with a woman is despicable and shall be put to death". just sayin.

Thats the problem with the world? If you are more concerned with who someone is farking, rather than their ability to teach, you may wind up with inferior teachers.

The church sure does feel that way about homosexuals, until they find one of their priests has been diddling a little boy, then they cover it up? How does that work?


Active VIP Member
Dec 2, 2009
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I understand your original point of the guy being surprised being let go by a Catholic school after advising them he is getting a sex change. That should be a no brainer that he would be fired.

However, a man or womans sexual orientation, or choice to switch sexes should have no effect on you. After all if you want to quote the bible...

Matt. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."
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