red deer suds buds campouts

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Yes, only a hand full of us Mud and Snow dudes showed up for the Castle Edmonton rally,,, pretty disappointing fore sure. Oh well.

My friend likes to complain yet he takes no action in voicing his privileges when the time is needed.

He says it doesn't make any difference 1 way or the other,,, but in all reality it does.

Power in numbers speak volume.

Kinda like our friends in the east that did not sign onto the gun registry... 1.6 to 2.4 million gun owns ain't buying into government propaganda. Ain't going to happen in that province. Purhaps they have 8@!!'s.

Their rights out weigh government crap 10 to 1,,, maybe Western Canadian's could learn a lesson like this.

Hats off to those of us that are taking a run at this with their time and effort. My one friend is only in the game so long as other do the work. Ha.

Oh well.

Yesterday's camel track ride was deffinatly an eye opener,,, I moved the unit 4 times to prevent emergency tactics of distance becoming an issue. 5 kms in each 3 directions,,, then move to the next staging area. Donkey and Kow had enough at pad 5,,, they pulled the pin on me,,, so I did 1 last short stint before setting up the nights stay.

Frozen gear under the hood to dry, power up Gen-set for cab heat, supper, and add trails to map.
Lite supper before turning in,,, oh,,, heat up water for morning coffee wake-up.

Awesome sleep fore sure,,, hot cup of coffee to start the day,,, biggest tasks is gearing up for today's ride. Ha,,, let's just say cold in the open areas,,, much warmer in the trees,,, some chain saw work will warm me up. LOL.

I made sure that I cleared the snow from the unit and parked on some sticks to help brake the track free... Always a good plan to think ahead.

Yes,,, no more log skipping with tracks,,, much easier to remove them instead of crossing over to find out it didn't work,,, Ha,,, nothing like trying to remove a frozen tree with a camel sitting on top of it... Dam heavy quads.

Crack of day light at 8 am in the North, good time to follow if the Wolves show up. Ha. Them and the furry bunnies.
Plastic Kow and Donkey like the bunnies,,, not the Wolves. LOL.

Yes,,, another day of Chill out in the wilds.


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Find this on a Facebook post.

What’s the score?

-Rocky Mountain House public info sessions:
700 unanimously opposed. ( Spontaneous vote )
-Drayton Valley Rally: -28 c winds, 750 opposed.
-Red Deer Rally: 1200 opposed
-Gov RAC survey: 85% opposed
-Petition: 36,000 and counting
-SCI survey: 11,000 votes, 98% opposed

The Long awaited Edmonton public information session. In the heart of NDP support, with LRT to provide transportation to and from the event, just over 100 people show up. By eyewitness reports, very few were in favour of this proposal.

The government did everything it could to get it’s supporters to leave their keyboards, hop on the LRT, to help save it’s dying proposal. In the end, they scrounged up roughly 20 people that cared enough to come out.

This proposal is dead. Return to the NSRP.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
so who is going out to interface with the NDP Bighorn info session. at the westener grounds 1-4 pm.

don't sign in as they consider you consulted. i may sign in as R Notly?


Active VIP Member
Jan 10, 2011
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calgary ab
In a statement Ms. Phillips states that 50,000 Albertans have been consulted on the Bighorn country proposal.
An online petition,( attached) shows nearly 40,000 Albertans are completely opposed to this proposal.
In a democratic society , the job of government is to act upon the wishes of the people , not on the the interests of foreign entities. Y2Y has no place in this , and the fact that Ms. Phillips has secret meetings with Harvey Locke is an example of hypocrisy at its finest. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs, but Ms. Phillips you need to stop promoting your own personal beliefs and listen to the people of Alberta!
Xxxx xxxxxx



What’s the score?

-Rocky Mountain House public info sessions:
700 unanimously opposed. ( Spontaneous vote )
-Drayton Valley Rally: -28 c winds, 750 opposed.
-Red Deer Rally: 1200 opposed
-Gov RAC survey: 85% opposed
-Petition: 36,000 and counting
-SCI survey: 11,000 votes, 98% opposed

The Long awaited Edmonton public information session. In the heart of NDP support, with LRT to provide transportation to and from the event, just over 100 people show up. By eyewitness reports, very few were in favour of this proposal.

The government did everything it could to get it’s supporters to leave their keyboards, hop on the LRT, to help save it’s dying proposal. In the end, they scrounged up roughly 20 people that cared enough to come out.

This proposal is dead. Return to the NSRP.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Lacombe AB
Looks like Kow took some damage from the weekend out.

Poor little girl got some frost nip on her,,, well you know.

Cold bit. Ha

Dam,,, Saterday was tuff going,,, Sunday was twice as ruff.
1st & 2nd gear was not bad so long as I was in close contact with the trees,,, but a person was soon to wake-up once a person passed an opening. Wha Who-e

By the time I got back to the camper unit,,, the space suit was pretty crunchy, I had to thaw out for 20 minutes before exiting it.
Nothing like a cab full of moisture. LOL

All good as I prep for another blast of 5 nights camping.

Always good times

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Lacombe AB
Yes, I park my control unit at the abandonment rack site where the engineer trailer is located.

Him and his dog look after my unit.

We shared contact info of what area I'm riding,,, that way he knows what block I'm in,,, then I report back in at the end of the day.

The road grader and cat dude are pretty close to.
The trick is to stay close to the control Ford,,, no more than 5 ish kms.

Even that is a long walk following a camel track with snow shoes. Ha

Always plan ahead and bring lots of gear. Furry slippers are handy. Keeps my ears warm. LOL


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
good deal, just didn't want you out there without someone knowing? yes a 5 mile hike at 35 bellow could be deadly? stay safe there lem as the cow and donkey may not know their way out.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
we were wondering if lem had a contact in case he had an incident while on his -35 degree adventure? says he did, glad to hear as time without hearing one of the lamb mans adventures is like a warm weekend with warmer beer!!!!!
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