OHV/Snowmobile Lobby Group Time

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Hello too all the brothers and sisters here on S&M.

This has been quite a year with ideas of AWA "Alberta Wilderness Association and Friends of the West that are voicing their concerns too the government in charge.

I'm guessing that they would like to see OHV's and Snowmobling restricted or removed from the Alberta Eastern Slopes from Crows Nest Pass up too Hinton Alberta." maybe that is."

I'm putting an idea forward on S&M if it's worth our time and effort too consider looking into a one time voice that can lobby for our rights in at the government level as they do in the USA.

I'm putting this idea out there too see how many folks here on S&M might consider a lobby group of sorts.

Snowmobiles and OHV's under one umbrella we could say.

As we all know lately is 2 areas in Alberta came up on the government spot light this year.
Nordegg Alberta and now Crows Nest Pass that is considering banning all units in the next few months over a period of 3 years give or take.

A lobby group idea will only work with numbers, active people, and funds.
With out the above it won't happen, and all of us "could" see ramifications of not getting this going sooner.

One only needs to look at Abraham Lake as it closed trails by mistake from day one, then slowly over the years closed off more like the North Ram due to "erosion" and never put our off highway registration fund back into our sport.

I'm guessing that this is what the registration funds were put into affect for in the first place.

This thread is too put the feelers out there too find out if considering an Alberta OHV/ Snowmobile Lobby Group idea is worth the time and effort now that many USA and a few other Countries are thinking the same thing.

I'm a small town dude with limited know-who of knowledge at this stuff, but my long time family has been active at this kinda stuff in Alberta at building up communities, towns and cities of the like.

Maybe a lobby group is in order for the years too come, or maybe not,,, "doo-noo."

Please feel free too post yha or nay if one thinks the time is right.

Lem votes yes. What's other folks idea on this, and is it even worth having meetings on it at all the major city's with in our province of Alberta.

PS: This is only an idea that I'm throwing out there. Wasn't going too put up the thread, but like my pops said,,, you won't know unless you ask.
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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Heres an idea of the USA Lobby group and story of why it came into play.

They did a bang up job for the Arizona folks as it has helped their tourism industry in many ways. 9 other states as well.

Power sports dealer ships, after-market distributors, service stations, hotels, restaurants, cities and towns, and the state as a whole.

Maybe Alberta's group if formed would be much like it if folks show interest in something like this here.

Takes numbers in people too make it happen and ideas as well.

Wished I'd had a chance to go too school too learn this stuff, but hey, there are some wize folks that recreation this Province that can share ideas that could shine a light on something like this here.

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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
PS: Their revenue study shows $650 ish billion since its 2012 study.

This is of course is the National cost of funds circulated in camping, fuel, units, repairs, lodging, food, transportation too and from, gear, stores, tires and many other things related to good times...

Maybe one needs too look at a study too see what small Province Alberta generates.

Maybe 1 or 2 billion in circulated cash flow,,, who knows, the numbers might be higher then that too.

An average on the above for my self per year would look like $10.000 ish give or take, Ha.

Probably higher if I kept track. LOL.
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Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I think we have ( it appears) multiple groups , but there seems to be numerous small groups that lack the umbrella of one overall coordinated effort .
For example , we have AOHVA... But there seems to be a lack of information as too what and who they represent & do ...
You constantly here on here ..." Join a club " but if each club is small and only has a few active members , what can we hope to achieve then ?

We need one overall group that speaks for everyone that uses crown land for motorized recreation ..

I mean this with the up most respect , and is not meant to criticize any club or organization , but the sled groups blame the quad groups and vide versa ... And so on . We need to work together INCLUDING Motorsports dealers / RV dealers and many benefactors of the vast amount of $$$ spent in these activities/ areas...

It would be great if there was more information in terms of the protocol and concrete info in terms of who is representing our interests ?

We hear a lot of about "getting involved " but frankly , we need one voice for all of us along with a much more coordinated effort ..IMO .
As it appears now we have hundreds of small special interest groups , that represent a specific area / group / machine / trail or whatever .. But we certainly do not appear to have one voice that speaks for all of us !

Also I must say I am disappointed in in a lot of our larger dealers/ stakeholders ... They have the manpower / where with all and time to spread the word about helping the impending direction this this activity seems to be heading . Alberta's economy has made some of these very profitable over the past # of years and it would be nice to see some support back for our riding areas ...
To be fair , it may be there ... But it is not very visible , and that's what we need right now !
UTV Canada for example has been sharing a petition and is very vocal about the concerns of the way this last closure was handled ..
Well done !
Any ways , just a few random thoughts , and hopefully a way to get everyone pulling in the same direction ..
So to speak.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Yes that the many smaller groups have been our back bone over the years, and hats off too them for keeping areas open that we have at this point in time,,, hopefully they are part of this "national plan" idea that thread idea is looking at,,, "worth our while that is."

Power comes from number of people, and looking at an Umbrella thing might be the idea of all,,, yes too challanges as each group puts their interest first. Looking out side of this "could" make them feel left out I'm guessing.

Its hard for the masses too come together as a whole, but if meeting were too take place starting in the major cities, some of this could be discussed first hand too see what a plan would look like for all.

Alberta umbrella idea like the USA might be good, but it would all so mean that we would have too consider some changes that might not benefit us as we might have to allow some areas for other interest groups as well.

Loose Loose with chances of Win Win.
Hopefully more wins then losses.

Just ideas as others chime in with their input in weeks and months ahead.

This idea only happens if people spark the interest, kind of a fact finding mission too test the waters if Alberta or Western Canada is ready for 2017 and beyond.


Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Found this on the AOHVA site looking at other forums of lobby groups.

Alberta Off-Highway Vehicle Association | AOHVA

I'm going too take the time too email Brent too see what his take is on power of people that might be game in a quest of political lobbying idea.

I'm sure he has lots of info on this stuff as he's all ready in the loop here in our home land.

It was awesome too see the Castle Mountain issue front and center on their home-page.


Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
From reading the pages of AOHVA I see "they" state there is roughly 165.000 UTV's in this province,,, about 145.000 ish are registered.

The Snowmobile unit count "could" be close too this.

So as an example, let's consider that the owner-ship numbers are a 1/3 of that roughly. 50.000 ish owners.

2 too 3 % of these folks that would be active is still a good size considering the per-capita of Alberta,,, this numbers climb much higher if one looks at it in the Western Canada model. Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia.

Seems that lots of co-workers, friends and family in our parts like this idea, but they like my self have limited time when working.

Plus the limited days off also add too the weeks and months looking at ideas.

Might be a long road, but at least it's an option none the less.

Future ideas for future plan ahead.


Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
630 Ched has 2 half hour chats with Stan from Red Deer and his take on "all" user groups allowed access in this province.
The Ryan Jespersen Show | 630 CHED - Edmonton Breaking News, Traffic, Weather and Sports Radio Station

He's a horse fellow who holds no punches towards OHV / UTV folk and would like a system in place too get the trails we have in shape for all users.

One fellow phoned in his awesome view that OHV / UTV / Snowmobile registration should be spent on improving trails, and policing since this is what registration was set in place for.

He mentioned that Mr Knight on our forum is a go too guy if Ryan needs someone too chat with.

Ryan is a off road Jeep guy, and he is our dude since he would consider chatting more on Crown lands use for the many user groups that would enjoy this access.

It's confirmed that there is 165.000 units and the OHV / UTV / Snowmobile generates 2.8 million ish give or take yearly in Alberta.

Please share other up todate info if one finds something on line.

Stats put things too gether with voice.
Just finishing up my email for Shannon Phillips, then contact or MLA for our riding.

Long days working, with long nights throwing out ideas too these folks that represent us.
They need to know where we stand so they can and will see how we feel in these matters.

Don that is game face on. Ha

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
And OHV got a second round on Ryan Jespersen show on 630 Ched, scroll down too listen to his report on the 2 pages if one choses too.

Kevin Tigham who also does not believe in OHV banning either,,, Kevin was the head of Jasper National Park and agrees that Alberta's off road community needs trails.

And quality trails at that.

The Ryan Jespersen Show | 630 CHED - Edmonton Breaking News, Traffic, Weather and Sports Radio Station

Both stress the importance for us to contact our MLA's with our concerns related too crown land use.

Yes, it might not make a lick of difference, but sitting idle will not move the waters,,, "this is a metamorphosis" of what each of us would like to see in the now and for future generations.

AOHVA site has some "Pre" written up ideas that can be read from their Web site.

Both pasted 630 Ched posts as above have the live feed what was mentioned over the last few days.

Ryan is very passionate about this as he would love to hear more on this in the following weeks and months.

Not telling no one what they should do as its not my place as I'm a offer suggestions only for those whom choose too pick and choose at what works for them.

I'm only guessing that if one or more of the mediators was too reach out too Ryan at 630 Ched that he'd truly enjoy hearing what the Mediators of the forum would have to share on OHV / UTV / and Snowmobiles.

Just a thought if the forum leaders would like to that is.

Ryan by the way is a avid Jeep off roader that enjoys the out doors like the rest of us.
He's a fantastic listener, good at asking the right questions and has the fancy words way beyond my know how.

Many of us S&M folk would enjoy hearing and sharing ideas by radio broadcast of future planning as well.

Only ideas since I'm still new at the forum and always game like the many here too pitch in where we can.

Always a couple of weekends too help out any where in Alberta trail stuff as I prefer working on the 3 major area trails close by,,, and the 2 others a bit further away.

None the less, main idea of this thread is the idea too consider voice, people as each of us decide if OHV and Snowmobiling in Alberta needs planning at this stage of the game.

Like Ryan said over the last 2 days... "Many off road groups and people as passionate at our privilege have reached out too him too share their ideas, and he wanted to thank each and everyone for chiming in."

We are lucky here in this Province and Western Canada as a whole with both awesome nabours on each side of us.

All of Western Canada and the Americas relies on us as we do them.

All user group idea for all.

Lem at testing the waters of good times ahead.

PS: Thank the bean its weekend ride time to watch the sun rise and set all in the same day. Ha need too find the top of a mountain too take it in.

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Lacombe AB
Yes, Ryan has a hart felt passion into the out doors, he has the words, thoughts and drive to bring this too the for-front.

We are all lucky too have 630 CHED and Ryan too share our sport with others in Alberta.

This could be our savour at bringing our cause too the table in a time when it's needed more than ever.

Lem with a plan to fix and up keep trails with friends as normal.

All user groups in mind.


Super Mod Geek
Nov 7, 2006
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Parkland County
Yes, Ryan has a hart felt passion into the out doors, he has the words, thoughts and drive to bring this too the for-front.

We are all lucky too have 630 CHED and Ryan too share our sport with others in Alberta.

This could be our savour at bringing our cause too the table in a time when it's needed more than ever.

Lem with a plan to fix and up keep trails with friends as normal.

All user groups in mind.

there will be a round 3 today. I am speaking to Mr Jespersen sometime this morning, I think he said about 10:35


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Listening now.

Val Senio
Royal LePage


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Excellent job TG..... Is Jepersen really a jeeper or is he just saying that to look cool??????
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