Northern Gateway


Active VIP Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Prince George
Is there not 2 pipelines being looked at for this area? One is for gas and one for oil. I understood the gas one has already been approved...

Yes a pipeline is being built to supply the LNG export facility in Kitimat.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Nanoose Bay B.C
It's for LNG exports not LPG.
My mistake.couldnt remember which one so I guessed,wrong obvieusly.Im no greeny,my whole family are loggers,Im not the type to protest,I live off of fossil fuel at work and play but ut sure would suck to ruin 100s of miles of our coast line,its your as much as mine let alone if there was major spill in one of the main tributarys,its a tuff call on wether its worth it,theres already a pipeline from Edmonton to Vancouver that has spills everynow and then,if anything maybe they should just be upgrading it.Anyways its a tuff call,one
im glad isnt left up to me.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
My mistake.couldnt remember which one so I guessed,wrong obvieusly.Im no greeny,my whole family are loggers,Im not the type to protest,I live off of fossil fuel at work and play but ut sure would suck to ruin 100s of miles of our coast line,its your as much as mine let alone if there was major spill in one of the main tributarys,its a tuff call on wether its worth it,theres already a pipeline from Edmonton to Vancouver that has spills everynow and then,if anything maybe they should just be upgrading it.Anyways its a tuff call,one
im glad isnt left up to me.

I have to agree with you one this one. I too am not a greenie either with my F350, sleds, boats, trailers etc etc. But, with everything there has to be a moderation and just because it looks good on paper doesnt mean a knee jerk reaction in deciding to go ahead is the answer. I am sure there is a good/safe and reliable solution for everyone. Unfortunately, I believe the cooperations have to share the blame with some of the skepticism amongst people that exists. How many times have we heard about a disaster that was caused by cutting corners to save money (i.e. BP platform). Instead of building it right with all the necessary tools, equipment and supplies out there, they opt to buy cheap stuff or go stingy for a better bottom line. If they had built it right in the first place, the track record would show it, then people can decide with confidence this is the right thing to do. Past history doesnt bold too well unfortunately. I say build it but impose the toughest regulations/standards that exists and have a 3rd party approve it. Cant worry about the initial bottom line on such a high risk venture.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I agree, build it, but do it right the first time..............That being said you really do not hear of too many "catastrophic" pipeline failures on a scale like the gulf mess.
I guess what makes me bitter is the rhetoric from down south. It has little to do with our safety and well being. More over it is about getting Obama re -elected by keeping the Greens happy ,even at considerable economic damage to his own people..............Of course,the actors/movie makers etc. always seem to be experts and love to spout off, particularly in an election year. For some one like Michel Moore ,for example, who makes a living telling people how the U.S. should keep out of others business,it is quite ironic that they all feel the need to tell us what to do with our resources.................................:nono:
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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
if we all pay attn to what the actors have to say we are in for a whole lot of hurt. I have no respect for the Kardashian's of the world as they dont represent everyday reality (my world) and are simply beaking off to get more spot light time. After saying that, like everything in life, we need balances to keep everyone in check including the Michael Moore's of the worlds. IMO without the extreme right or left decision makers we would be in very rough shape. So, again bring everyone to the table and DO IT RIGHT!


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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Build it, ship it , burn it, mother nature's out to kill every last one of us.. Let's take the bitch down with us!


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2007
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I wonder if treaty cheques were strictly dependent upon energy revenue, like many of our incomes are, if there would be the protest from the native communities.
Pipelines are also capable of shipping good clean water :) Think about it....
Super good point.. Canadians need to put serious thought into it's fresh water resorces. Consider the cost of bottled water then consider the price of a barrel of oil, Fresh water will make oil look cheap in 10 years! Rivers like the poor old colorado, that supply water to millions, doesnt even reach the ocean anymore. Truely we have a country with a abundance of the most crucial thing on earth, yet each and everyone of us take a dump in it everyday.. People really are no better than cattle. Drinking it at one end/ while crapping in it at the other.We need to start planning how to manage and supply this essential commodity before others do it for us..I'd bet my left one that at some point water will be flowing south and east through thoses lines..
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Active VIP Member
Mar 18, 2009
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Crowsnest Pass, Alberta Canada
Yea Canada should start thinking about getting ahold of a watershed before it hits the ocean and becomes undrinkable (without extensive technology and high cost). There should be a huge fleet of stainless steel tankers capturing water that is falling off the west and north coasts of Canada (using LNG for fuel) headed down south to supply thirsty Americans who seem to have a knack for poisoning their own water supply. Either/or, a fountain on land or a fountain of man, it all finds its way back into the system.

Lazy politicians are to blame for the rape of Canada's natural resources. Alberta proper should be a super-hot-spot for petrochemical advancement of plastics and new methods to utilize our natural resources in a manner that would supply the world. Instead we just strip away our resources and collect a pittance in royalties, while paying a small fortune to have bic lighters made in Japan with Canadian LPG and petroleum products (for example). Business is war and Canada sucks hind-teet in this regard.


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
just another perspective to hear. Impressive young man and arguments/observations. Just shows you the decision is not black and white


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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just another perspective to hear. Impressive young man and arguments/observations. Just shows you the decision is not black and white

indeed a smart guy, but i think we are to far past and not yet ready at the same time for what he proposes at the end of his speach. for each community to be self sustaining the world population, specifically large urban canters need a large reduction in population. from what i see people arnt willing to not have children or die from starvation... people right now are more interested in downloading the latest app or following what a celebrity does then to further man kind.

but in the present we need to diversify our oil to new markets, now we are told by americans they will buy our oil for their set price. we open up new markets we will have more control to set our prices and what products we will sell. ie. refined/upgraded oil


Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
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Red Deer area
Good speech...right up until:

" it’s time now for a full scale, mass mobilized transition process off the fossil fuel economy. We need to use all of our resources we have left wisely to create a whole new system of operation that is global in scale"

Like all other "globalist economy" (read: socialists) people, they do not offer any alternative. David Suzuki is the worst offender. My uncle (a PHD chemist who has worked for the Ontario gov't and several private environmental companies) calls him "Canada's biggest enviro-fraud". Why? Because he (they) say "you can't do this and you shouldn't do that", but offer no possible solution.
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