2021 175 turbo doo vs 174 turbo pro (7lbs)


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Great video, Thanks. It will be interesting to see how his 850 T Doo pulls against Chrisco's 850 mountain tek turbo once he has it dialed in.
New Doo chasis and turbo vs new Polaris chasis and turbo.
Anyway thanks again for the video and a true comparison.

Chris’s machine is a 163 not really
A fair comparison. 175s are like goats

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Chris’s machine is a 163 not really
A fair comparison. 175s are like goats
yea LiKe BiLLy GoaTs on STERiODS.... Baaaa !!!! THis posT is sounding more and more Like old MaCDonalds FaRM does anYbody haVe an oinK !! oinK !! HeRE... Fine I'll jusT haVe fries wiT mY BiG MaC !!! e i !! e i !! ooOO !!! MooOO over Ronald MaCDonald TruMP cause Bidens MooOO Ving in so haVe a GooD NiGHT !! PaRDON Me PLease !! ok folKs bacK ta the shoW !! AnYbody have a video... QuacK !! QuacK !!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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So is the pro really making 7lbs if the doo is only compensating??? The compensating turbo the doo uses seems to work pretty good when comparing to a aftermarket kit.

Sorry I couldn’t resist, excellent vid. Thanks for sharing.
yes I agree: take the sled down ta BrenT LinDerMaNs shoP sticK the Polaris on the dYno and see what HP numbeRs are ... Then have brenT maKe adjusTmenTs ... JusT a thought .. beeP !! beeP ... When brenTs done she won't be know FLuTTeR - BuG .. Hahaaha !!! HoTSaucE !! With aLL Dooooo ReSPecT..
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Forsure. I was gona make a video with my buddies khaos but it’s hard to make a
Track poaching video. You know they work well when he’s pinning and wiggling in your track
mr MaXXweLL poacHed Eggs n Ham wiT iTaLiaN RoasTeD CoFFeee this morning PriceLess LoL... bocK !! bocK !! BuT this poaching tracKs stuFF is this normaL for a PoLaris ... AsKing for mY NeighBoR... Pinning and wiggling is this a Canadian thanG ... Or is iT a YanKie doodle DanDy .. LoL... bocK !! bocK !! Remember FoLKs... iTs a Canadian Game yesterday, todaY and in the FuTure buT the YanKs wiLL alwaYs wanTa a Taste from TiMe Ta TiMe ... CheeRs !! keeP youR SPiRiTs high !!!
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Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
It’s been discussed a lot on here, the doo turbo really shines when it senses load. When the skis aren’t sky high it loads the engine more I think.

I'm wondering if it has to do with the A/R on the turbine side of the turbo? I think your MTNTek runs the BW 6258? I feel like my Garrett 2860RS is tight on A/R (can't remember which housing it has), it spools relatively quick but I think I lose up top because of it and push lots of drive pressure, I've popped my pipe twice now.

The 850 doo has more power than the 800 Liberty ever has, so that's a big part, the doo could get away with a fairly loose A/R on the turbine and still have the feel of snappier response, because much less power is coming from boost.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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It's not crack.......its a blend of much more.......
A BLenD of HasH BrowNs green onion CracKer BarreL Cheese HoTSaucE and Cracked Eggs the good old DeNNYs ScramBLuurrr !! BockKK !! bockKK !! ChicKen soup !! HoLd the CracKeRS !!! LMAO I thinK I'm crackin uP wiT to manY Laughs on snoW n BLooD lol
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Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 2011
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The Turbo Alphalaris raced the Turbo Doo 850 as well. They were dead even. No video to prove it, but the rest of the group was there and watched. Being an 800 and a 165 it is working very well at 5PSI and pump gas to keep up to the 175 Doo.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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The Turbo Alphalaris raced the Turbo Doo 850 as well. They were dead even. No video to prove it, but the rest of the group was there and watched. Being an 800 and a 165 it is working very well at 5PSI and pump gas to keep up to the 175 Doo.
nice ta hear the FLuTTeR - BuG is geTTing ouT of iTs CoCooN !!... HoTSaucE !! How bouT the suspension iTs noT sTiLL doing the jiTTeR - BuG is iT... o and... mr MaXXweLL would u liKe youR CoFFee Warmed uP !! ThaTs HaLaris !! Based on your statements from previous posts the FLuTTer - Bug 535/160 ~ 3.34 weight ta power ratio running 2.38 gears ... Ski -Doo 565/165 ~ 3.42 running 21/53 ~ 2.52 gearing ... The FLuTTer - BuG should have WoN bY 1-3 sleds lengths ... Eh !! KeeP tuning ... O and dollar for dollar the ski- Dooo Is better bang for your BucK at 23,000 where I have the FLuTTer - BuG pegged at norTH of 24,500 QuacK !! QuacK !! UncLe Buck (John CanDy) would be Proud !!! Ahh the greaT ouTDooRs.... LMaO
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Ok I was starting to wonder??? Is this one of those situations where we all just pretend everything is normal... or did I miss an inside joke somewhere along the Line?? Turns out no! Its just drugs. Thanks for clearing that up for me. ;)
one Adam g12 one Adam g 12 we gotta a summiT - TREE in the parking lot possing as a sledder... He thinKs he's a contender buT he's jusT a pretender Arnold call the CHoPPa we gotta get SummiT - Tree back above 8000ft before he geTs to low on saP keeP the DruGs ( maple syrup ) on stand bY ... i'LL be BaCK !! Quick Arnold droP the TREE LiNE ... Ahh thinK we lost summiT - TREE he s noT acting NormaL and all the SaPs running ouT ... Call fridaY the 13th ( Jason ) we need the ChainSaW !!! WeLL summiT- TREE is nothinG buTTT FiRE wooD ... Thanks Adam g for Clearing and cleaning uP them wood ChiPs for Me... CampFiRE in the parking LoT ... Yeaaa !! ParTy... Blazing Saddles stYLe ... MonGo pass the BeaNs... SummiT - TREE sure burns HoT !!! mr MaXXweLL wiLL u be RoasTing MaRSHmeLLoW s oVeR an oPen FiRE this eVening !!! As I Prepare the fasTesT 850 FacTorY TuRBoO SKi - Doo in the WesT for youR morning RiDE uP aT EAGLeS pass !!! KeeP an eYe ouT for SnoWMoTioN making sled video he's in the area !!!
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Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2008
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Central Alberta
So if the turbo Doo is 165hp @ elevation what really is the power/pound on these other kits? I understand that not everything is equal with all the different mechanical stuff such as track 15”, 16”, track type, weight, overall weight, 800, 850, turbo size, maps etc ... there’s a lot of variables but my point is the Doo T is one hell of a sled if in facts it’s 165. This again brings me back to my other point that not everything is equal some kits will only make 4-5 Hp/1lb other 5-7 and HO 8-10... for the record I’m not bashing any kit it’s reality. Engineering, Efficiency & design is something that Doo has done. I’m kicking myself a bit for selling my 2021 T Doo but there’s always next year.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I'm wondering if it has to do with the A/R on the turbine side of the turbo? I think your MTNTek runs the BW 6258? I feel like my Garrett 2860RS is tight on A/R (can't remember which housing it has), it spools relatively quick but I think I lose up top because of it and push lots of drive pressure, I've popped my pipe twice now.

The 850 doo has more power than the 800 Liberty ever has, so that's a big part, the doo could get away with a fairly loose A/R on the turbine and still have the feel of snappier response, because much less power is coming from boost.
I cheked out the BW 6258 turbo and it seems to work best in an 1800 cc motor ( small 1.8 litre 4 cylinders Up hill RaLLy cars ) and needs minimum 12.5 boost or iTs sloppy out of the gate (LaG) large wasteGaTe now if mTn teK And SWaPED the guTs well that's a different story ... But all in all its a racing turbo that fiTs in tight places and probably in the top 3 options for turbos back in the daY 2013 ish ... So turn the BoosT up on that snoT - RocKeT and let er RiP at 225 hp wit 8000ft settings ... ThanKs for the info ABmaX... The garret was more of a mysterY ... beeP !! beeP !!! O and I SiDE noTe if she's running less then 7 psi of BoosT with stocks guTs she will be coughing LunG picKLE s ( Large wasTeGaTe ) Cough !! Cough !! BuT I'm sure u will give her your fuLL aTTenTion... Can some one pass the bucKleYs ... QuacK !! quacK !! QuoTe from GaRReT ... ITs better to have a LaRGE TurBo with smaller housing then a smaLL turBo wiT a BiG housing ...stoP... A FiNE BaLaNCE between the 2 is prudenT to maintain .... VolumeTriC eFFicencY*(cattechsummitrider*) so that been Said BRP has the luxury of running a SiZE 8 turbo wiT 5 psi housing set up for 8000 ft in todaYs world ...
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Active VIP Member
Mar 14, 2009
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here’s the pro against Paul’s sidewinder stock tune but CR straight pipe so +200 hp ish. I was running more boost that day, but to put things in perspective it’s probably in the 180 hp range at 7 lbs. Works good enough for an antique.
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