2020-2021 Revelstoke Area Updates


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
Reaction score
beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
Dont get to excited.........
Some drifted in spots deeper.
8 km and below snowed the other day (just not above that to cabin or alpine) and some last night above that right to top of mountain.
Tapered right off at 9pm.
Started snowing heavy this morning at 3 am.
I do not sleep. Old.....fart, pee, sleep, repeat again every half hour. BWHAAA>

Gives a great illusion of powder but let me tell yah.
Those rock hard tracks are just under that fresh waiting to jar a ski and pull the shoulder or arm muscle.

We wont even talk about WASHING out on the ass end.....

Still need more for a good reload.
Lets hope this one that is coming tonight will drop the necesary amount. LOL

The little 10 inches of fluff today is no where near enuff. ENOUGH. Enuf.
Ferniesnow, How the hell do you spell that?

Usually handlebar deep is a synanym for the enuff word.
Dman now synanym or cinnamin. I give up..

Snow dammit, Snow,

EDIT: There was some fellas around this Saturday climbing all the chutes that usually is a spring thing.
Should be an indicator of snowpack.......

You seem to do quite well with the spelling Richard. I will wait for a good reload...............it is getting closer and I may go for a poke on Wednesday.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Now thats a comprehensive snow report!

Dont get to excited.........
Some drifted in spots deeper.
8 km and below snowed the other day (just not above that to cabin or alpine) and some last night above that right to top of mountain.
Tapered right off at 9pm.
Started snowing heavy this morning at 3 am.
I do not sleep. Old.....fart, pee, sleep, repeat again every half hour. BWHAAA>

Gives a great illusion of powder but let me tell yah.
Those rock hard tracks are just under that fresh waiting to jar a ski and pull the shoulder or arm muscle.

We wont even talk about WASHING out on the ass end.....

Still need more for a good reload.
Lets hope this one that is coming tonight will drop the necesary amount. LOL

The little 10 inches of fluff today is no where near enuff. ENOUGH. Enuf.
Ferniesnow, How the hell do you spell that?

Usually handlebar deep is a synanym for the enuff word.
Dman now synanym or cinnamin. I give up..

Snow dammit, Snow,

EDIT: There was some fellas around this Saturday climbing all the chutes that usually is a spring thing.
Should be an indicator of snowpack.......
wooT !! wooT !! The an - U - WeLL snoW n MUDs sPeLLinG Bee- eaR conTesT: how Doo ( i ) SPeLL... FeR -NieS- NoW... great QuesTioN: ok fernies -now ... FiR - KNEE - snoW.... KiMRiCK how's that eh !! And i thinK iTs Sin - A - MoN or cinn -A- MaN... BuT HeYman maYbe FiR -KNEE - snoW... Could heLPs us ouT...WHaT !! he's been sTuCK in HoMeRs HoLE over on the Boulder - DoME aLL DaY !!!.. Ya that's what SLiMFasT SLiM SHeaDE THiNKs... NoT !! Guess While we're waiting... eYe BaLLeD checKed the bc Hi - WaY - Kam and she's a snoW - ing and eYe cheKed the ReVeL - haVe -A- toKe... Web... KaM -HeR- rawW and iTs pound - ing snoW BaLLs for the LasT FLeW HouRs ... HeY speaking abouT spelling whaTs SLiMFasT SLiM SHeaDE driVinG since he BLeW. His MoToR in the ParTy - MaCHiNE ... Toe !! ToW !! ToWiE your SLeD GentLeY down the mounTaiN ... BaRLeY !! BaRLeY !! GenTLeY down the Bee- eaR ta the TRuCK 10 Hrs LaTer ... WhaT a CLowN !!! ... Hahaa ... And he also blew up his computer no more fortnight sounds oliKe the KaRMA KoWBoY is in the air tonighT ... Kimrick what about the snow over on sale and the best kePT secreT mt McRae and huLL can ya speakeasy in morse - code ... Go ahead ... Meow !! Meow !! duMP !! duMP !! Area 51 winkK !! winkK !! BeeP !! beePer and yes HoTsauCe !!! OK KCiRMiK - RiCKKiM - MiKKCiR - Holy siHT - man how Daa Ya speLL your name ... ALoHa ... KLiM - MiLK ... YaMaHa... aHa - MaY... POLARiS... SiR -A- LoP... sKi -Doo... oo -DiKs ... Ok youR TurN ... What's the LasTesT snow - BaLLeR - RePorT .... LoL heY whaTs NaoMi speLLed bacKwarDs .. O woW and whaT abouT LaNa.... she was alwaYs good Ta go for FasTGaS or DieseL at the 7/11 or was it that she LiKed the CaSiNO where she's a bit of a drinker and gambler ... Liquor n the FronT PoKeR in the ReaR ... Thanks FiR -KNEE- snoW for the PoKe ReMiNDeR.. AnyHooo thaTs what SLiMFasT SLiM SHeaDE THiNKs .. BuT who Knows ... anYHoooT HooTeRs ... how much did iT snow in RevY and Is iT sTiLL KinDa SKiNNy in the LoweR parking LoT at Boulder ... ThanKs KiM - RiCKahh - Tee ... Lmao if anybody read what I posted aBoVe ... ConGraTs .... KooLBeaNs !!! LoL HeYman KiMRiCK if your havin trouble wiT sheades WASHiNG machine he usuaLLy just turned the BaCoN - STriP Ta the ouTSiDE that way Your ASS don't have to be WASHiNG out on Ya aT the END of the DaY and GiVe Ya a feW xXxTra daYs on the HiLL ... HoTSauCE BY 4 pm... so be off the hiLL By 330 .... MeoW !!!... MeT -A- MooSE - SaLL ... meoW !! meoW !! BWHAAA>
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RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Heaven & Revelstoke
Have not seen it this bad before Ken. My fault for quitting work and planning to sled. Maybe time to take a job so you guys can get some snow.

I feel your pain.
I retired so Icould sled at the drop of a good snowflake.
Just seems this year is not dropping what we need.
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RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Heaven & Revelstoke
Not sure of this McRae thing u talk about. ah! Well enough said
Sale has has been so hammed that the caribou left for good due to all the wolves being able to run anywhere.

Ferniesnow does not ride Boulder dome He has areas closer to his home.

After the snow or the forecasted snow this week, I am sure parking will be a problem come Friday and Saturday.

It is amazing that the parking lots are hitting capacity starting Fridays.......

The best thing with the last cold snap was the groomers were able to set the best trails ever.....
It is awesome coming down on a nice trail after riding.

This is just one of those years with very low snow in town and up to mid-level. I am sure we will see the willows till winter is over which takes out some great riding area.
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Not sure of this McRae thing u talk about. ah! Well enough said
Sale has has been so hammed that the caribou left for good due to all the wolves being able to run anywhere.

Ferniesnow does not ride Boulder dome He has areas closer to his home.

After the snow or the forecasted snow this week, I am sure parking will be a problem come Friday and Saturday.

It is amazing that the parking lots are hitting capacity starting Fridays.......

The best thing with the last cold snap was the groomers were able to set the best trails ever.....
It is awesome coming down on a nice trail after riding.

This is just one of those years with very low snow in town and up to mid-level. I am sure we will see the willows till winter is over which takes out some great riding area.
in today's world there's many PaTHs uP the mounTain but the the view o woW is the same at the ToP ... From Time Ta Time liFe can be difficult so we Doo the best we can and see what happens appreciate all those that look at our posts and comments good bad or other wise sledding in all forms brings out our personalities and Charisma and going forward brings out the best in people and after all we r all just part of nature so as climaxXx alwaYs ends wiT a CheeRs .... KeeP your SPiRiTs HiGH cause iNN the end the snow and moTher NaTuRE will lead us in many different directions and I wouldn't want it any other way so I RiDE in any and aLL condiTioNs cheers and stay safe ... QuoTe from Jim Jannard ( owner OAKLeY ) O ZoNE is DiSRuPTiVE bY DeSiGN and I wouldn't want him any other WaY.. Quote from O ZoNE TO Jim jannard...( OAKLeY ... Purpose beYonD ReasoN .... Price Less !!! ThanKs KiMRiCK alwaYs GooD TiMeS BWHAAA> MeoW !!! LoL LMAO Hahaaaa !!!!
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Active VIP Member
Dec 20, 2010
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C61590C8-9B4F-414B-B13D-C28549DBF906.jpeg Snow on the mountains but the town is a swamp. Plugged storm sewers, stuck cars , waves of slop with traffic.


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
in today's world there's many PaTHs uP the mounTain but the the view o woW is the same at the ToP ... From Time Ta Time liFe can be difficult so we Doo the best we can and see what happens appreciate all those that look at our posts and comments good bad or other wise sledding in all forms brings out our personalities and Charisma and going forward brings out the best in people and after all we r all just part of nature so as climaxXx alwaYs ends wiT a CheeRs .... KeeP your SPiRiTs HiGH cause iNN the end the snow and moTher NaTuRE will lead us in many different directions and I wouldn't want it any other way so I RiDE in any and aLL condiTioNs cheers and stay safe ... QuoTe from Jim Jannard ( owner OAKLeY ) O ZoNE is DiSRuPTiVE bY DeSiGN and I wouldn't want him any other WaY.. Quote from O ZoNE TO Jim jannard...( OAKLeY ... Purpose beYonD ReasoN .... Price Less !!! ThanKs KiMRiCK alwaYs GooD TiMeS BWHAAA> MeoW !!! LoL LMAO Hahaaaa !!!!

Is there a way to block your posts? Asking for a friend.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Is there a way to block your posts? Asking for a friend.
HeYman I'm sTILL LeaRninG ... ALoHA !! BY chance... Your friend.. He wasn't the guY that I GaVE a BlocK pass too in that hair pin corner on the Kirk uP ... I'm sTiLL waiting for that steak and lobsTeR aT ZaLas LoL ... Could be a differenT CLowN .. AnYHoo I like my steak right beside my lobster ... How dooo u liKe YouR sTeaK???... asking for a Friend ... HoTSaucE !!! O and the other guY weLL it was his idea !!! wooT !! wooT !! KiMRiCK how s the condition s on the Kirk up trail at the boulder - DoME ... MeoW !! BWHAAA>
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RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Heaven & Revelstoke
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RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Heaven & Revelstoke
Looks like a bunch of rookies out there on training day!

No Sheetz eh!

Was one hellva great day of laughs though.

Sure funny, you can start seeing the talent dropping off as people get tired as the day goes on.

Gotta admit, age and experience was a big help......Sit in young guys tracks. Poach lines. pretend u have a sore back.
Tell all the youngs u are out of breath.

Bwhaaaaa, lol!!!!! Not really...
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