Humorous picture thread


Active VIP Member
Jan 10, 2011
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calgary ab

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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Oh really and why is that?

I have had my professional license for over 10 years with zero accidents and zero out of service violations so i'd say i'm doing better then probably 95% or more......

Callous disregard for the laws. Plain and simple. You admitted you know you need trailer brakes and you openly disregard that requirement.

Here is what I dont understand. You are a small business man, you have worked most of your life to put you in your financial position. That blatant disregard for that one simple law could cause you to loose everything you have worked for. If you were in an accident and somebody was seriously injured or killed you could be sued for everything you own, business and personal. You could loose your home, your equipment, your license. Simply because you were to lazy to wire your truck properly to haul an electric brake trailer legally. You cant say you didnt know they worked, you blatantly didnt do your due diligence and knowingly hauled equipment without trailer brakes hooked up.

If you have a class 3 or class 1 license you are held to a higher standard in a court of law when it comes to driver infractions.

Your original post on the subject:

"Trailer brakes are overrated.......

I've ran my dump truck with my light trailer for years without putting a brake controller in, i'm lazy. It's not legal but i'm not concerned about pulling my skidsteer or mini hoe behind a tandem without brakes unless it's icy. It could haul it in the box, the truck stops it fine."

That is not what I would consider a professional driver.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Read it again.

Trailer Brake Requirements

  • If gross laden weight of trailer is 909 kg / 2,004 Ibs or over, or if gross trailer weight is over half that of the unit, independent braking system is required.

Trailer brakes are REQUIRED if the gross laden weight of trailer is 909 kg or over, OR if the gross trailer weight is over half that of the unit.

You have already met the first requirement, you are required to have trailer brakes. The second stipulation does not mean the first is thrown out. It only means you have to meet one of the two to have brakes required.

Really? Look at page 9 here and this is Alberta government site


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Callous disregard for the laws. Plain and simple. You admitted you know you need trailer brakes and you openly disregard that requirement.

Here is what I dont understand. You are a small business man, you have worked most of your life to put you in your financial position. That blatant disregard for that one simple law could cause you to loose everything you have worked for. If you were in an accident and somebody was seriously injured or killed you could be sued for everything you own, business and personal. You could loose your home, your equipment, your license. Simply because you were to lazy to wire your truck properly to haul an electric brake trailer legally. You cant say you didnt know they worked, you blatantly didnt do your due diligence and knowingly hauled equipment without trailer brakes hooked up.

If you have a class 3 or class 1 license you are held to a higher standard in a court of law when it comes to driver infractions.

Look at above post, no I don't need brakes, it is legal. I always laugh when people say the whole what if accident happens thing. First off it has to be your fault to even matter. If you're driving down the road and someone smacks you no fault of your own and there is something illegal on your vehicle it doesn't automatically become your fault. Now at fault for an accident and caused by something illegal on your vehicle? Yea you're screwed. I don't haul sketchy chit, in fact i'm the opposite i've never had a close call hauling my equipment. But as I said, i'm more concerned with safety then a stupid minor law. My only close call has been due to a incompetent shop that almost wrote off my entire rig due to not putting cotter pin on slack adjuster properly and it falling out. No one worries about liability. When I told them what happened they shrugged it off and didn't care even though they were 1/2" away from potentially a 7 figure lawsuit and killing people.

I'll drive down the road with a tire a few lbs lower on air that's not legal without a second thought. But I go overkill with my requirements with chains for example because I want my equipment to stay shiny side up, and want it to be tied down how I like it, not just legal.


Active VIP Member
Jun 17, 2007
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Sherwood Park
Just get the dots to go over his rig. Then you'll have your answer. Now go start another topic to argue in.
Nevermind i see its been started
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