wonder if her family is proud of her - wow


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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And lesson learned partial video clip of whole situation can be manipulated by social media and regular media to make anyone look like a bad guy. Imagine if the only part of the video shown was the part where immigrants told the her that women are not allowed to talk in public in their previous country.

That will never happen because the media would never show something that puts muslims in a bad light. The fact that Islam treats women as second class citizens is acceptable to progressives and the media and is explained as being part of the rich cultural mosaic that multiculturalism brings to Canada.


Active VIP Member
Jan 7, 2012
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Cranbrook BC
What I found comical is when he tries to say being asked to leave the restaurant was a racial issue. The manager that asked all of them to leave after causing a disturbance was browner than he was.


Active VIP Member
May 4, 2013
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Wow what a piece of work she is and what about her spineless husband/boyfriend or just friend allowing for that BS. He should had stood up and told her to put a cork in it, even drag her out. He is just as guilty.
It sicken's me to know that some of our young men and women give a portion of their life and sometimes their life to to serve and protect our country built by immigrants, European or otherwise, we all are immigrants.
We go to foreign lands and try to help people abroad from the corrupt bullies for humanities sake. That is what the world know's Canada and what the Canadian soldier stands for, humanitarian help, protection and justice from a tyrannical government. Yet these pieces of crap calling them selves Canadian's are exactly what we who served and those who are serving are standing against the bullies and tyrant not at all what this country was built on.

FYI, when i was serving in Cypress about 1/3 of my division was dark skinned and 4 in my unit were dark skinned.
Dark skinned as in non typical white dude. These guys are as Canadian as i.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2015
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Yes Canada was built by violent 3rd world immigrants and communist left wing lunys. No it was built by normal Europeans.Fact.


Active VIP Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Creston, BC
This woman is obviously a dickhead. You can tell by the way her beaten down husband watches in pride/fear (of her) while she does her thing. I dont think anyone is going to dispute that her tirade was embarrassing. Whether you agree with our immigration policy, or like certain cultural groups or not, this is not the way to handle it.

The scary thing to me is that in this day and age, anything you possibly say and do can be recorded and uploaded immediately for the world to see. Nobody is perfect, and to have your worst moment broadcast for the whole world to see in an instant is pretty scary. This woman seems like a ****bag loser, but I dont think she deserves the treatment she is getting. And Im curious about the legalities over firing people for stuff like this. Pretty scary that you can lose your employment for a temporary lapse in judgement during your personal time (that in no way affects your employer).


Active VIP Member
May 4, 2013
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Yes Canada was built by violent 3rd world immigrants and communist left wing lunys. No it was built by normal Europeans.Fact.

So you have experience with that or your just blowing hot air?
I was in Bosnia for 2 years, you want to talk about "normal Europeans", you have NO CLUE until you stood 10ft in front of a rifle and watched a women and child murdered, ya that F--K's with you, for a long time and that's just one thing. Get over your self.

There are innocent good people every where, no matter your color or race or religion, i have experienced it even under chaos
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Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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I am curious to know what her job was at the dealer. Different to be out back not dealing with customers vs say someone in finance or sales kinda deal


Active VIP Member
Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
So you have experience with that or your just blowing hot air?
I was in Bosnia for 2 years, you want to talk about "normal Europeans", you have NO CLUE until you stood 10ft in front of a rifle and watched a women and child murdered

And that’s exactly the mess Trudeau and his bring anyone over BS immigration policy will do to this country if we aren’t lucky.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Wow what a piece of work she is and what about her spineless husband/boyfriend or just friend allowing for that BS. He should had stood up and told her to put a cork in it, even drag her out. He is just as guilty.
It sicken's me to know that some of our young men and women give a portion of their life and sometimes their life to to serve and protect our country built by immigrants, European or otherwise, we all are immigrants.
We go to foreign lands and try to help people abroad from the corrupt bullies for humanities sake. That is what the world know's Canada and what the Canadian soldier stands for, humanitarian help, protection and justice from a tyrannical government. Yet these pieces of crap calling them selves Canadian's are exactly what we who served and those who are serving are standing against the bullies and tyrant not at all what this country was built on.

FYI, when i was serving in Cypress about 1/3 of my division was dark skinned and 4 in my unit were dark skinned.
Dark skinned as in non typical white dude. These guys are as Canadian as i.[/QUOTE]

How do you know that from the video that has been released ? So if they are immigrants, and are in Canada legally, but demand different rules in our public schools, different laws regarding headgear like RCMP uniform, headwear off in our Legions to honour the fallen, different laws regarding the treatment of women, body mutilation of young girls for religious reasons, different rules regarding facial recognition in security areas, governmental demands to secure public funds to segregate and divide their religion and culture from the accepted norms ? Does that make them as Canadian as me ? Does that mean that to be a good , nice Canadian I need to just stand back and accept their demands to change Canada and what I grew up seeing as our culture ? Does their right to embrace their culture and practice their religious beliefs trump mine? How many "cultural" changes can we accept before there is no "culture " left ? Why are their rights greater than mine, in a country they chose to immigrate to ? Because we have some who believe that " hug it out" is the only acceptable response, does that mean we all have to agree with that ?
Yep, I think she went way over the top, drunk , pissed off . But I'm gonna suggest there's a whole bunch of people in Canada who probably won't ever say it , but have very similar thoughts to what she voiced, and unless your dense, it's pretty easy to see why. She screwed up by doing it on video.

PS, She should sue the ass off her employer, cause she will win wrongful dismissal in a cakewalk.


Active VIP Member
Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
I am curious to know what her job was at the dealer. Different to be out back not dealing with customers vs say someone in finance or sales kinda deal

Why? What she did was on her own time and had nothing to do with her employer Cranbrook Dodge or their customers. She wasn't even in the same province at the time, let alone the same town. I won't defend what she was saying, but losing her job for speaking her mind is a dangerous precedent I can't accept.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2009
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Why? What she did was on her own time and had nothing to do with her employer Cranbrook Dodge or their customers. She wasn't even in the same province at the time, let alone the same town. I won't defend what she was saying, but losing her job for speaking her mind is a dangerous precedent I can't accept.

Since this has gone viral, I think it would be a valid business decision if she did have a position that put her in the public spotlight or if it causes friction between her and other employees. I cannot say for sure if the dealership has legal grounds for terminating her, but we're seeing a lot of people being terminated for things they say on social media these days, most of which are apparently within the employer's rights. That said, I think it totally sucks that she'd have to worry about a moment of indiscretion in her personal life affecting her job.

I found this article that suggests she has little grounds for fighting the dismissal: http://www.hrreporter.com/columnist...5/05/19/whats-the-deal-with-off-duty-conduct/


Active VIP Member
Oct 13, 2010
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I don’t agree with her getting fired if she isn’t dealing with the public for a job but I wouldn’t want someone dealing with my customers knowing that she may blow up at them and that I would have to deal with it. Being pc is out of control now IMO.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Come live in Brooks for a few months. I can relate to the frustrations this lady is feeling. Starting to feel like I don’t belong in the town I have lived almost 40years. My rights and traditions are being reduced almost daily it seems.
I am the Captain now! lol
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