Group riding etiquette question?


Active VIP Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Prince George
I really need some feed back on this.

6 of us came sledding to Valemont for 4 days. Day 2, today I was at the back of the group and my motor grenades (Sucks to be me). The person in front of me turns around right away and comes back to see what's wrong. We screw around with the engine and figure out it's blown , this takes about 15 - 20 minutes. Nobody has come back still, so I told the other rider to go tell them we were towing the sled back to the truck. The other riders are 20km ahead so it takes the guy a bit to catch up to them.

So my question is???? Should they have rode that far ahead or is that just being a$$hat's.

We have always looked out for the person that is right behind you, and so on down the line. So if you look back and don't see anyone behind, you stop and let them catch up or in a case like this go back and see what's wrong. If everyone just looks for the person behind them on the trail then no one is left behind. I am really pissed off about this and just want you guys opinion to.

By the way I loaded my sled and told the other guy to go catch up and ride for the day. I am going to be sitting in my room for 3 days but I certainly don't want to wreck anyone else's trip.

Thanks in advance


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2011
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Calgary, Alberta
Always look out for the guy behind you. I try to turn around and check every few km on a trail to make sure the person behind me is still there. If they aren't hold up and wait. If they still don't show after a few minutes, you turn around and find them.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I really need some feed back on this.

6 of us came sledding to Valemont for 4 days. Day 2, today I was at the back of the group and my motor grenades (Sucks to be me). The person in front of me turns around right away and comes back to see what's wrong. We screw around with the engine and figure out it's blown , this takes about 15 - 20 minutes. Nobody has come back still, so I told the other rider to go tell them we were towing the sled back to the truck. The other riders are 20km ahead so it takes the guy a bit to catch up to them.

So my question is???? Should they have rode that far ahead or is that just being a$$hat's.

We have always looked out for the person that is right behind you, and so on down the line. So if you look back and don't see anyone behind, you stop and let them catch up or in a case like this go back and see what's wrong. If everyone just looks for the person behind them on the trail then no one is left behind. I am really pissed off about this and just want you guys opinion to.

By the way I loaded my sled and told the other guy to go catch up and ride for the day. I am going to be sitting in my room for 3 days but I certainly don't want to wreck anyone else's trip.

Thanks in advance

I'm 100% with you on this. The problem is that some people just dont give a chit and there view is you are ruining there life experience if they have to stop. Now..................if your the guy that breaks down all the time because of poor maintenance responsibilities then you may not have an argument. There are those guys out there. Not saying its you. Lol.


Active VIP Member
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
Prince George
I'm 100% with you on this. The problem is that some people just dont give a chit and there view is you are ruining there life experience if they have to stop. Now..................if your the guy that breaks down all the time because of poor maintenance responsibilities then you may not have an argument. There are those guys out there. Not saying its you. Lol.

Nope never ever have I been the one broke down. Guess it was my turn but I have towed out each of their sorry asses except 1


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
I really need some feed back on this.

6 of us came sledding to Valemont for 4 days. Day 2, today I was at the back of the group and my motor grenades (Sucks to be me). The person in front of me turns around right away and comes back to see what's wrong. We screw around with the engine and figure out it's blown , this takes about 15 - 20 minutes. Nobody has come back still, so I told the other rider to go tell them we were towing the sled back to the truck. The other riders are 20km ahead so it takes the guy a bit to catch up to them.

So my question is???? Should they have rode that far ahead or is that just being a$$hat's.

We have always looked out for the person that is right behind you, and so on down the line. So if you look back and don't see anyone behind, you stop and let them catch up or in a case like this go back and see what's wrong. If everyone just looks for the person behind them on the trail then no one is left behind. I am really pissed off about this and just want you guys opinion to.

By the way I loaded my sled and told the other guy to go catch up and ride for the day. I am going to be sitting in my room for 3 days but I certainly don't want to wreck anyone else's trip.

Thanks in advance

I have to agree with you!!!
If you don't look back, and want to keep riding....... Well then phuck off!!!
I have been dead on the snow, and I knew my sled was dead. So I sent the rider in front of me,( because I like playing sweep) out to find the rest of the group, within 10mins she was back with the rest of the group. A 16K ride home (Hotel) in silent mode was worth it.
I don't think your being unreasonable, but what you are posting is more than fair!!! "Let's RIDE"
But let us all ride together!!!
Chit happens.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Whitehorse Yukon
Never leave anyone behind I check every couple corners on a tight trail and slow down if I can't see the guy behind me. I will stop if I don't see them and shut my sled off if I wait too long to see if I can hear anything. Things happen on the trail I saw my buddy ahead of my lose control and off into the trees he went. Had to stop and help him if he was in the rear he would have been on his own if no one was paying attention.


Active VIP Member
Dec 5, 2006
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Didsbury, Alberta
i have rode with guys like that if you break down the world is going to end for them but if they break down they will ask you to fix the problem or ride hard to the cabin then bitch why your late. my weekend is for relaxing and having fun don't need that ch!t got different friends to ride with


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
more than 4 people is a hassle . if u dont see your buddy after a few corners shut yer sled off and take a listn ... its simple and easy to do 0.o

More than 4 is NOT a hassle, but eyes likes hows you thinks about the rest of your posts o_Oo_O


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Morinville, AB
I really need some feed back on this.

6 of us came sledding to Valemont for 4 days. Day 2, today I was at the back of the group and my motor grenades (Sucks to be me). The person in front of me turns around right away and comes back to see what's wrong. We screw around with the engine and figure out it's blown , this takes about 15 - 20 minutes. Nobody has come back still, so I told the other rider to go tell them we were towing the sled back to the truck. The other riders are 20km ahead so it takes the guy a bit to catch up to them.

So my question is???? Should they have rode that far ahead or is that just being a$$hat's.

We have always looked out for the person that is right behind you, and so on down the line. So if you look back and don't see anyone behind, you stop and let them catch up or in a case like this go back and see what's wrong. If everyone just looks for the person behind them on the trail then no one is left behind. I am really pissed off about this and just want you guys opinion to.

By the way I loaded my sled and told the other guy to go catch up and ride for the day. I am going to be sitting in my room for 3 days but I certainly don't want to wreck anyone else's trip.

Thanks in advance

20km's is a LONG way to go without stopping and getting everyone gathered up again. We have some guys in our group that like to hold it to the handlebar, and other guys that kind of toodle along. We'll either stop at every intersection to let everyone catch up or every few minutes and keep the herd together. On days with crappy visibility, everyone usually stays pretty tight on the trail in and out. I think you're justified to have a sour taste in your mouth, especially if you've helped them out of a pickle before.


Active VIP Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Just wait till you have to walk out 6k at -25 out of Renshaw and 4 of u. Im with u also always look behind and keep him or her in your view ALWAYS.


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2011
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Calgary, Alberta
I do this even driving to or from the mountains with friends, if I look in my rear view mirror and I can't see my buddy's headlights, that were there a little while ago, I will pull over at the next pullout and wait. You never know what can happen, especially driving Roger's Pass in the dark.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2011
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Lake Country BC/Fort Mcmurray
I'm all about keeping the group together or waiting back till the guy behind me is within sight. Stopped on a lone guy in revy few days ago broke down on an old SRX. Gave him some fuel to see then gave them my pricy tow rope to tow his sled out. Stayed with him till his buddies finally showed up.


Active VIP Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Whether its quadding or sledding I like being at the front of the pack cause I love to rip fast but I'll stop every couple minutes to make sure everyone is coming behind me. Also if someone else is leading the pack I'll bring up the rear to make sure nobody gets left behind.

Another couple good things to do is make sure everyone knows to give adequate space and not tailgate and I also like to use motorcycle hand signals so the people coming up behind me know to slow down or stop.


Active VIP Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Prince George
20 km is ridiculous. sounds like you need new riding buddies.

I agree. I didn't mention that 1 of the people in this group did this before and lost someone up the Renshaw in a whiteout for an hour.

I am definatly done with 2 of the people in this group. There are much better groups out there to ride with. I always stop to help people. I believe that our sport is made up of some great people but as in any group there always is the a$$hats

Thanks everyone for the replies!!!

Luke The Drifter

Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2008
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Parkland County
20 km is ridiculous. sounds like you need new riding buddies.

Ditto. I always look behind me and make sure everyone is a-ok. Radios are a invaluable tool to have for sledding. I'd be definitely having a talk with your group and finding new riding buddies.

I remember reading on snowest a few years ago about a group that was riding Boulder Mtn that found a girl on a RMK900, stuck, crying, cold and not a single person from her boyfriend's group around. It was her first time riding a sled too. Pretty pathetic that someone would do that let alone to a complete newbie:mad:. I think there were a few guys on the 4M that wanted to bash her boyfriend's skull in.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
I have to agree with you!!!
If you don't look back, and want to keep riding....... Well then phuck off!!!
I have been dead on the snow, and I knew my sled was dead. So I sent the rider in front of me,( because I like playing sweep) out to find the rest of the group, within 10mins she was back with the rest of the group. A 16K ride home (Hotel) in silent mode was worth it.
I don't think your being unreasonable, but what you are posting is more than fair!!! "Let's RIDE"
But let us all ride together!!!
Chit happens.
oh the silent treatment
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