Hell's Half Acre on RR30

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Jul 1, 2013
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Parkland County
I also live with my property at the corner of Hell's half acre. One side of my property runs along side with this path these atv riders like to claim as their right to ride on. I was here before this cut line was put in and I know what the purpose it was made for, when the gas lines and sour gas line was put in it was cut as a fire right of way. Not for ATV's and trucks who have somehow thought it was theirs to ride as someone spotted an open space to go through. Really people, just because there is a space doesn't mean you should assume it's ok to use it...common sense, right...It used to be for locals to walk their dogs, or nature walks for residents. Buck for wildlife is there with the little bit of wildlife left. This is a residential area even though we have larger yards than those who live in towns and cities. Just clarifying that in case people don't get it.... People work shift work out here too and most live out here for the peace and quiet which has been taken away over the years by those who have deemed it there right to be inconsiderate and ride where ever they feel like it including areas that were not meant for it, destroying and devaluing the land, littering, drinking, racing up and down the road, destroying the pavement and driveways that are endlessly road over by these machines, having your fences cut continuously, gas stolen, vandalism, bush fires, loud music from the trucks that push there way through the bush at midnight, loud swearing when the machines get stuck not to mention the revving of the engines which seems to never stop. And this happens pretty much every day of the week whether its 8 am, noon, 3 pm, 8,pm, 10 pm or 2 in the morning. Welcome to my backyard, welcome to hell as someone who has to live this nightmare day and night. I'm going to assume some of you have families, own homes, etc. I would wager to guess your wives or yourself would not appreciate groups of atv's riding down your back ally at these hours all the time, destroying your property and your hard earned dollars to fix it, your family members being sworn at and constantly being told to move even though the riders are the ones abusing.... nor would you like your children to constantly be subject to this, not able to ride their bikes, or families take walks as these atv riders have no respect for others, not even the RCMP, whom have personally almost been hit by one. How would you like to be so tired working 12 hour shifts then get injured at work because you couldn't get any sleep because of the inconsiderate riders whom assume they can ride where ever but lack the sense to see this is not the place. I'm sure each of you would find your patience run thin if this was to happen in your back alley or in front of your home, affecting your lives personally. Try enjoying your backyard, having a bbq with engines revving and all the above. If you don't mind this and think it's ok then please post your address here now as it can be arranged to have what is done to us be brought to you. If you truly believe it is alright you will have no problem in posting your address so you can experience what is brought here. In my experience there is only the few who are respectful and realize this is not an area to be riding so that when they see it decide to go elsewhere in respect for the residents who live here. My applause goes only to those ones. There is a place down by the river to ride, another one ten minutes north of spruce grove, lac st Anne by Alberta beach or head to rocky or Vega but act like a responsible adult and figure it out as tensions are heated and we are fighting for our rights to peace in our own residential area. No different than you would fight to have this removed from directly affecting your family, home, neighborhood, etc.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Thing is you live next to crown land that is free for anyone to travel on at any time. You have to get used to it because it is never going to stop. Part of life. Sad to say.

I find it funny how your complaining about these units near your property but feel its okay to send them down by the river somewhere to destroy the river ecosystem. As I recall l hate posting you can even clean your unit in the river. Guess what people live there too so it's ok for someone else to have to deal with it just not you.

Another point I would like clarified is where do you to work that you work 12 hr days with no breaks as clearly stated by I hate" how would you like to work 12 hr days and not get any sleep. I don't work 8-10 and get breaks like most of you do". Come on its the 21st century slavery has been abolished for over 100 yrs already.


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
It's like they think that 100% of the ATV's that ride and do what they say are on here , and are going to stop with threats.

My address is rr1 Alhambra. Come on over and spout and u will also find out what's , what.

I have never once road at h.h.a. but if u guys come on here I'm going come for a ride and take my quite core outa my brute and u won't like it.

sent from my I phone azz kicking HTC


Jun 29, 2013
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stony plain
I'm still not quite picking up what you're getting at here...
You own this land?
You own this pipeline?
Are people breaking laws here?
Or are you just an idiot that came on a public forum (whose members are all ohv enthusiasts)to try and make new friends by telling them all to go phuck themselves?
Don't understand what you're saying about 4 feet...5 feet???You dug it up to see how deep it was and took pictures?

i work in the oilfield so i do know how deep it is cause its part of my job and if you read the entire couple pages you would understand . Buck for wildlife owns the land so therefor its a wildlife reserve not a ohv staging area if you did your research you would know this instead of other people telling what it is when it is not what they say it is and what are they wildlife rules ? walking only not ohv vehicles are permitted , this was declared back in 1997 ill even show you a quote from a representative himself " In 1997, the provincial government turned over management of Buck for Wildlife lands to the Alberta Conservation Association, an arms-length, not-for-profit organization.
“Buck” lands are normally reserved for foot traffic only, said Todd Zimmerling, ACA Chief Executive Officer."
my point has been proven so whats your point your trying to make ?


Jun 29, 2013
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stony plain
Thing is you live next to crown land that is free for anyone to travel on at any time. You have to get used to it because it is never going to stop. Part of life. Sad to say.

I find it funny how your complaining about these units near your property but feel its okay to send them down by the river somewhere to destroy the river ecosystem. As I recall l hate posting you can even clean your unit in the river. Guess what people live there too so it's ok for someone else to have to deal with it just not you.

Another point I would like clarified is where do you to work that you work 12 hr days with no breaks as clearly stated by I hate" how would you like to work 12 hr days and not get any sleep. I don't work 8-10 and get breaks like most of you do". Come on its the 21st century slavery has been abolished for over 100 yrs already.
If you work in the oilfield drilling rigs its 12 hrs a day no breaks 2 weeks on and 1 week off so maybe you need to re-educate yourself cause i think your the one thats in denial

d mills

Active VIP Member
Nov 10, 2009
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If you work in the oilfield drilling rigs its 12 hrs a day no breaks 2 weeks on and 1 week off so maybe you need to re-educate yourself cause i think your the one thats in denial
You get breaks workin on a diggin' rig dummy......don't try and act like such a martyr


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
stony plain
You get breaks workin on a diggin' rig dummy......don't try and act like such a martyr
obviously you cant tell the difference goof lol why dont you go try out a drilling rig its alot different then a diggin rig dummy lol


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
stony plain
You get breaks workin on a diggin' rig dummy......don't try and act like such a martyr

how about you give me directions to your place and ill ride out there like the ohv riders ride out there and we'll see how tolerant you are

d mills

Active VIP Member
Nov 10, 2009
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obviously you cant tell the difference goof lol why dont you go try out a drilling rig its alot different then a diggin rig dummy lol
Diggin' rig is a common slang synonym for drilling rig. I would think a person with a vast intellect such as yourself would've known that.


Jun 29, 2013
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stony plain
It's like they think that 100% of the ATV's that ride and do what they say are on here , and are going to stop with threats.

My address is rr1 Alhambra. Come on over and spout and u will also find out what's , what.

I have never once road at h.h.a. but if u guys come on here I'm going come for a ride and take my quite core outa my brute and u won't like it.

sent from my I phone azz kicking HTC
give me directions to your place and ill ride my bikes day and night and party with my friends and we'll see how tolerant you or your family is , guarantee you'll call the cops cause im disturbing your sleep so you cant work and dont have peace

d mills

Active VIP Member
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
how about you give me directions to your place and ill ride out there like the ohv riders ride out there and we'll see how tolerant you are
Pm me when you get to Camrose.


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
This thread is going no where fast..... and will be shut down shortly!


Jun 29, 2013
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stony plain
m@t states a good point its nor the ohv riders right to ride there neither is it mine to act like i hate all atvs couldnt give two sh#ts about bikes riding back there and acting like i own the place but i have seen what you havent and what you havent seen and if you did you'd be irate about it too like what about this womans kid and the cat "The worst day was when a woman brought his grandson’s dying cat up to the house after seeing it run over by an ATV, he said.
“She said the quad went right down into the ditch, just chased the cat down. It’s buried right here. We never did find out who did that.” Are you so naive that you support these ohv riders doing this ? like thats murder but you still defend the there name like they did nothing wrong but kill someones cat on purpose


Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
stony plain
This thread is going no where fast..... and will be shut down shortly!

it wont stop what needs to be said quadtrash this will go on whether you like it or not , its an on going battle between the residents and the ohv riders luckily i have something in mind that hells half acre will become hell cause like i said earlier it aint gonna cost me but its gonna cost everyone thousands of dollars lol


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
it wont stop what needs to be said quadtrash this will go on whether you like it or not , its an on going battle between the residents and the ohv riders luckily i have something in mind that hells half acre will become hell cause like i said earlier it aint gonna cost me but its gonna cost everyone thousands of dollars lol

What need's to stop is the childish bashing!!!


New member
Jul 1, 2013
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Parkland County
"My address is rr1 Alhambra. Come on over and spout and u will also find out what's , what. I have never once road at h.h.a. but if u guys come on here I'm going come for a ride and take my quite core outa my brute and u won't like it."

Thank you for your point. you spoke it well as you definitely were clear in stating you would not want this brought beside your back yard Neither do the residents here. Perhaps that's why you gave a RR 1 number as that's not giving directions to your place or an area right beside you as many have freely given to do with HHA so people can come ride out beside your place. It would make ATV users very happy if you posted it inviting them to come out and ride beside your property, etc Again, I have lived here before cut line existed and it was never set out for atv use so why is that so hard to accept? By the way, the places I named are designated spots for ATV use. Why not use them? They were made for guys like you so you don't give the rest a bad rap. AS for the support, yes, the whole area is against it the ATV users coming out here as shown in the support at the county meeting. You need to ask yourself why you guys are so adamant at continuing? Why not go elsewhere where you are welcomed? As for the threats, well, maybe people out here are exasperated at the self-centered attitude of these riders and the violation of our rights to peace. We choose to live out here and not in the city or town for this reason. It was quiet. If we wanted to have the noise we would live by the race track, right? You don't want it brought to your place, and common sense should tell you this is not the place either...


Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
"My address is rr1 Alhambra. Come on over and spout and u will also find out what's , what. I have never once road at h.h.a. but if u guys come on here I'm going come for a ride and take my quite core outa my brute and u won't like it."

Thank you for your point. you spoke it well as you definitely were clear in stating you would not want this brought beside your back yard Neither do the residents here. Perhaps that's why you gave a RR 1 number as that's not giving directions to your place or an area right beside you as many have freely given to do with HHA so people can come ride out beside your place. It would make ATV users very happy if you posted it inviting them to come out and ride beside your property, etc Again, I have lived here before cut line existed and it was never set out for atv use so why is that so hard to accept? By the way, the places I named are designated spots for ATV use. Why not use them? They were made for guys like you so you don't give the rest a bad rap. AS for the support, yes, the whole area is against it the ATV users coming out here as shown in the support at the county meeting. You need to ask yourself why you guys are so adamant at continuing? Why not go elsewhere where you are welcomed? As for the threats, well, maybe people out here are exasperated at the self-centered attitude of these riders and the violation of our rights to peace. We choose to live out here and not in the city or town for this reason. It was quiet. If we wanted to have the noise we would live by the race track, right? You don't want it brought to your place, and common sense should tell you this is not the place either...

I have stated that I live on a no exit road. Lots of quads go by. Don't care.

But live on a no exit road for a reason.

Sucks to be u as said before.

But now that u keep this trash going , I am now going for a ride in Ur back yard on Sunday.

See u before lunch.

sent from my I phone azz kicking HTC
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