Alberta Election


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Don't want any of them. But I think the least evil would be a pc minority or just barely get a majority, hoping it will wake them up they need to get their ch!t together or they will be gone.

Wildrose is fawked.....


Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
I`m sticking to PC for another term. Want to see what Wildrose ends up becoming if they get a bit more power. Not willing to give them my vote. Snowmobiling in Alberta has to much time invested with the PC to start over again with a new party. I know snowmobiling issues isn`t the end all but thats what interests me and I get to vote for whatever reason I want. Time will tell BUT to all out there. GET OUT AND VOTE PC all the way


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2007
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As much as some think in my area PC has done extremely well for infrastructure related things, 3 new schools, trail system grant money, money for a groomer, list goes on. Give them some oppositon but I don't want the wild rose give hem maybe 20 seats at best.


Active VIP Member
Dec 19, 2009
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Medicine Hat, AB
Supprised to see people even talking about a minority gov. Down here in the south, at work, I guess in my industry in general, NOBODY is giving the PC's a snoballs chance in he!! of winning this election. Heck even the polls are showing that it should be a relatively easy win for the Wildrose. So I have to ask, what is everyone missing? I have heard all the positives from the WR side of the coin, I personally am convinced they are the future of this province, so educate me on why anyone would want more PC gov.

Not looking for a pissin contest, Im already decided, but genuinely curious as a longtime PC supporter that has recently swapped teams. Fill me in, and tell me what Im missing, and tell me why you all arent watching the polls.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
Supprised to see people even talking about a minority gov. Down here in the south, at work, I guess in my industry in general, NOBODY is giving the PC's a snoballs chance in he!! of winning this election. Heck even the polls are showing that it should be a relatively easy win for the Wildrose. So I have to ask, what is everyone missing? I have heard all the positives from the WR side of the coin, I personally am convinced they are the future of this province, so educate me on why anyone would want more PC gov.

Not looking for a pissin contest, Im already decided, but genuinely curious as a longtime PC supporter that has recently swapped teams. Fill me in, and tell me what Im missing, and tell me why you all arent watching the polls.
I have never voted PC provincially but I guess a lot of people don't understand why so many people think that a party made up of fringe right wingers and Ex PC's that got pissed off and left the party when they got booted from cabinet is the wave of the future. Some big change.


Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
Supprised to see people even talking about a minority gov. Down here in the south, at work, I guess in my industry in general, NOBODY is giving the PC's a snoballs chance in he!! of winning this election. Heck even the polls are showing that it should be a relatively easy win for the Wildrose. So I have to ask, what is everyone missing? I have heard all the positives from the WR side of the coin, I personally am convinced they are the future of this province, so educate me on why anyone would want more PC gov.

Not looking for a pissin contest, Im already decided, but genuinely curious as a longtime PC supporter that has recently swapped teams. Fill me in, and tell me what Im missing, and tell me why you all arent watching the polls.

For me its the unknown of that party Wildrose. They have no history on their own. Haven`t been around long enough time for me to want them to run the province yet. Lets just say they do get in and then the power struggle comes out in the party and they screw up within their own party. Power has a way of changing people and the way they think and perform. The PC still have the history even with the new leader and her new people in her cabinet.
I give the PC another 4 years to get their stuff together and give the Wildrose a chance to get a few more MLAs and get some more time under their belts as well.
The other partys don`t rate for me at all. They may have a bigger impact than what we want if the election vote is split between the PC and WR to much
Alberta has is all going for us right now and I sure don`t want the world looking at us in a negative way any more than whats happening already. We need a secure longtime government to keep our province going and I dont see that in the Wildrose yet. So for me PC all the way.
I`m no expert and just know what I know and care about, so whatever happens only the people that vote can complain in the future as far as I`m concerned.



Active VIP Member
Sep 9, 2009
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In a van by the river
Im wildrose all the way. That fricken redford is a crazy bitch. "shes gonna change albertans"...what is wrong with albertans is what I would like to know. She didnt even get voted in and starts trying to change all sorts of laws. Sorry but I already have a mother. Giving away money to the teachers right off the hop just to get into power really pissed me off. We have a fairly healthy education system. Read the stats folks. There are more people retiring in the next five to ten years then there has been in 50 years. That means lots of elderly people. that means lots of extra people will be relying on the health care system and hospitals over the next 20 years and she has no plans of doing anything for the healthcare system. She's MADD. good for her but that doesnt give her the right to change the way I live my life the way she wants it. Thats my:rant:


Active VIP Member
Apr 4, 2011
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I just can vote in an entire new party to run the province. Not one WR member has a seat in the house or any experience in parliament. I think it would be foolish to vote in a whole new party.

I have to agree with you 100%.......put in a bunch of newbees and watch our province grind to a halt because of lack of experience. I think it would create chaos having all inexperienced people leading the way......we can't take that risk.

Let them get a few more seats, some experienced MLA's who know their way around and in four years .....if they prove themselves worthy, give them the title to run our province.


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Taber Alberta
Having REDFORD(DICTATOR) as our leader is ok????? Stealing from us is ok??? How is she going to pay for all of her promises????? Bribe the unions is ok????? Threaten doctors is ok???? You people ever heard the phrase: power corrupts?? I was a PC er before but it is no longer a PC party. Time for a change!!! If the PC party keeps power, it will only get worse and you can quote me on that.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Having REDFORD(DICTATOR) as our leader is ok????? Stealing from us is ok??? How is she going to pay for all of her promises????? Bribe the unions is ok????? Threaten doctors is ok???? You people ever heard the phrase: power corrupts?? I was a PC er before but it is no longer a PC party. Time for a change!!! If the PC party keeps power, it will only get worse and you can quote me on that.
Yes it won't be great but I fear wildrose would be much worse. Anyone who would vote liberal or ndp is hopeless anyway. Don't know how anyone who lives in alberta can vote liberal...


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Taber Alberta
How can people say that Wildrose would be worse before we give them a chance, makes no sense? Spend some time and really look at their platforms. Being scared of the Wildrose party is exactly what the PC party wants, reminds me of what the Federal Liberals said about Harper. Seems to me that Harper is not so scary after all. My final point is that Danielle Smith is much better looking than Redford. LOL:)
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Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
I have in the past voted PC.....but agree that it's not the same party any more.....lok at the lies and deceit ......

So was considering the WR but wow they have just been playing silly bugger, same as Reford, more lies and deceit , Smith should have stood up and tossed out those two fools but instead she canceled TV and Radio spots as she new she'd be confronted about the issues.....

Raj as a doctor has a couple of good idea's but he's no he's out.....

Check out these guys.... Alberta Party they're not getting in but hey you have to start some where......I met with a PC, WR, lberal and Alberta party candidates last night ...... one guy impressed me the Alberta Party guy....have been googling and reading about thier leader ....seems like a straight shooter....(hope he lasts)

The following is from the Alberta Parties web site....when Glen Taylor wasnt invited to the Leaders debate he streamed a blog answering all the questions, these are some of the answers, the full blog is on thier web site....


Brian Thiessen:
Question from @Pamaay88 What would be the first fix to HC to reassure residents?

6:54 Brian Thiessen

Glenn Taylor:
The first thing we need to do is restore trust

Glenn Taylor:
We need frontline workers to be confident they will be supported, and Albertans to be confident in the system.


Glenn Taylor:
An independent auditor for the Health system is essential


Glenn Taylor:
The Alberta Party believes in an innovative and decentralized education system.

Glenn Taylor:
We believe Albertans should be entirely free to choose private schools, but we are committed to using public funds to build the best public school system in the world.

Glenn Taylor:
The provincial government shouldn't be making school decisions. Local school boards should be managing the construction and administration of their facilities - not the government in Edmonton. The provinces' job is to make sure they have the resources they need to do so.

Glenn Taylor:
Senior's housing authorities should have the authority to borrow against their assets, and not have to rely on municipalities debt limits to fund the construction of needed senior's lodges

Glenn Taylor:
Our policy for renewing the democratic system in Alberta by making MLAs accountable to their constituents is at the heart of the Alberta Party's policy.

Glenn Taylor:
The Alberta Party is the only party that has promised to support good ideas regardless of their source. I have a demonstrated history of finding common ground, building consensus and then making decisions in the best interest of my constituents.

Glenn Taylor:
An investment in arts and culture is critical to the fabric of our province. It is through arts and culture that we create the legacy of our past , we celebrate our present and move creatively into the future. It is how we tell our stories.

We support the development and ongoing support of the creative industries in Alberta.

I'd vote for these guys but they only have 25 candidates and not one in my riding so I'm back to what the hell do I do......

I'd vote for these guys but they only have 25 candates and not one in my riding, so back to what the hell do I do now......
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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I have to agree with you 100%.......put in a bunch of newbees and watch our province grind to a halt because of lack of experience. I think it would create chaos having all inexperienced people leading the way......we can't take that risk.

Let them get a few more seats, some experienced MLA's who know their way around and in four years .....if they prove themselves worthy, give them the title to run our province.

Better to have a party that makes an honest mistake than a dishonest one like the pork barrelling PC's have since Ralph left.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I`m sticking to PC for another term. Want to see what Wildrose ends up becoming if they get a bit more power. Not willing to give them my vote. Snowmobiling in Alberta has to much time invested with the PC to start over again with a new party. I know snowmobiling issues isn`t the end all but thats what interests me and I get to vote for whatever reason I want. Time will tell BUT to all out there. GET OUT AND VOTE PC all the way

In all fairness Glen instead of promoting fear mongering maybe someone from the ASA could make a call and ask Danielle Smith what her position is on snowmobiling in Alberta. Seems like a simple solution to me?:dunno:

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
How can people say that Wildrose would be worse before we give them a chance, makes no sense? Spend some time and really look at their platforms. Being scared of the Wildrose party is exactly what the PC party wants, reminds me of what the Federal Liberals said about Harper. Seems to me that Harper is not so scary after all. My final point is that Danielle Smith is much better looking than Redford. LOL:)

Cant argue with the better looking part, but no one in her party can add.....they've made an bunch of promise's including not rasing taxes all sounds good but whaen asked how they plan on doing all this Smith just changed the subject . When she was being hecklced at the CBC noon hour Leaders Forum re your party cant add, her response was "neither can you"....

I'll say it again....these are our leaders.......

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
I have a pet project that like snowmobilng is not one of the hot button issues, but I tweeted the question to all the party leader, thier party offies and some party candates...

Question: " What is your postion on the Wild horse / Cattle Industry problem taking place in the foothills"

1) Raj Sherman..."I dont no"

2) Glenn Taylor I dont have any information on that issue but I will have my people look into it and get back to you.

3) Chris Kuchmak Alberta Party Sherwood Park, " Can you tell me what your concerns are..."

4) Redford, Smith, Mason and the three other candates I sent the meassage to have never answerd....

5)The Alberta Party has since sent back a link to the PC's web site showing an artical re the relationship that the PC Party has with the Cattle industry ......might have somthing to do withthe PC's lack of regard and concern re the horses as the cattle industry wants 100% of the wild horses gone.....


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
I just can vote in an entire new party to run the province. Not one WR member has a seat in the house or any experience in parliament. I think it would be foolish to vote in a whole new party.

I have to agree with you 100%.......put in a bunch of newbees and watch our province grind to a halt because of lack of experience. I think it would create chaos having all inexperienced people leading the way......we can't take that risk.

Let them get a few more seats, some experienced MLA's who know their way around and in four years .....if they prove themselves worthy, give them the title to run our province.

Yup, it's too soon. Danielle Smith needs to get some more seats. She needs to get into the legislature (under the dome) and gain experience on how things work and then run hard next time with some seasoned candidates along with her as a leader with political experience. I think if we elect Wildrose today with all their inexperience, our economy will suffer. We can't afford to wait 2 or 3 years while all these new-bees learn how the system works. Danielle Smith didn't even have a seat coming into this election so does she really have any idea how the inner workings of a government even operates? I have a hard time believing that it would be to our benefit to give the reigns of a multi billion dollar business (our province) to someone who has not even spent any time in the legislature to learn how that business operates. I am not saying that she can not be an effective premier, I am just saying "not yet". Throwing her in the ring too early may also ruin a good persons career. Let them learn the ropes, then give them the reigns.
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