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  1. B

    Scary article

    the thing is the earth has been getting warmer ever since the last ice age......who caused that??? definetly not us cause we werent around. so far as record temps go.....i allways get a kick out of them, " hottest day on record", so humans have been keeping accurate records of weather for...
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    Frequency List/CHIRP Image for Sledding & Baofeng Radios

    it broadcasts local weather forecasts 24/7...alternates between english and french.
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    god damn insurance companies!!

    can i ask who you are through now?, i am gonna start making some calls for other quotes
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    god damn insurance companies!!

    i can understand shopping around to make sure you aren't getting screwed but what about customer loyalty??? Your current company should be rewarding you for long standing business, I am so pissed right now, honestly... 40% price increase!!! I don't give a **** what happened in Calgary or the...
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    god damn insurance companies!!

    just got the renewal for our house insurance, was paying $2200 a year, renewal has an increase of $1500!!!!! for a new yearly price of $3700. un fcuking real, i am almost to the point of dropping all my insurance, between everything i pay almost $1000 a month for insurance, seriously...$12...
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    Just completed PAL... need advice.

    the thing with shotguns and bears is close range, bird shot, in the eyes and nose, and if they are under 10 yards then bird shot acts the same as a slug,
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    three word story

    about the patch
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    S-Module Bracing for Jumping

    I run the grip and rip on my sleds, last year I bent the s mod on my brand new t3 with the bracing on, I know that without the bracing the sled would have been parked after the hit I took. Yes it bent the s mod but at least I was able to ride it the next 2 days so the savings on not having to...
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    X Deck

    Have one, elec connections suck as mentioned but is easily fixed, nice long ramp,,,,, but a pain in the ass for one guy to unfold, my decking is curling up but top layer is still there, bought the deck used so I can't say how old or what was done with it. No cracked welds.... It works....
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    New 2015 Chevy Duramax blown Engine

    if you can keep head gaskets in them
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    T-motion lockout

    how u do that?
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    Skidoo clothing has it built in,
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    three word story

    The ndp voters
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    March Conditions

    never been that far back...are there signs ?
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    Do you ride with a Tether ?

    i agree, i didnt mean to come across as an a-hole, the main thing is to at least wear it....that is half the battle
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    Do you ride with a Tether ?

    Point still stands that guys wear on the wrist because they obviously feel there is less chance of it getting caught on the bars when moving around and sidehilling...
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    Do you ride with a Tether ?

    Just watched 2 days of jackson hole and lots of riders had on the wrist
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    Do you ride with a Tether ?

    A lot of hillclimb competitors wear on the wrist, a lot less chance of it getting tangled when jumping around on the machine
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    North Country Lodge McBride

    I thought the one big cabin had the hot tub
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    2015 / 2016 Valemount Conditions and Updates

    What was the chopper doing? Is the hill sliding in the second pic?
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