Winter Logging activity in the Fernie area


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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The way I understand it parking can be an issue in town. My son has an FSA membership but usually goes in from Morrisey for this reason. Just what I've been told so take it for what it's worth.

We stopped riding out of Morrisey because of people jamming up the parking lot with what seems like a couple trucks and a couple two places. You'd think its easy to park but jeez some people just don't have a clue. Someone starts a row on the east side like a normal person and then next thing you know someone pulls in and parks diagonal across the middle. Duh. There's like 8 trucks in a spot you can fit 25. Just 1 guy is all it takes. Or someone tries to pull down in there with a 4 place to unload. Been blocked in a couple times and had to do the 15 point turn and drive on the snow bank to get out. #learnhowtopark

Some guys dont get it that you can unload at the parking lot, and then move the truck after, so they just unload on the road. More than once we've been blocked by sleds parked just randomly parked on the road and guys getting ready, they just stare at you or move very they are trying to tell us the parking lots full - YEAH I KNOW its full.....but I'm going to unload at the parking area and then come back and park my truck....because I don't wanna unload my sleds on a blind corner on an icy road....thanks though......... rant over. :D

Parking in town is easy, and usually by the time you get to Morrisey in your truck, you can be almost to the top of Coal Creek rd on your sled..... :)


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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I talked to a logger yesterday and they are logging in the flathead all winter long day and night
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