War is Hell 2


Active VIP Member
Dec 5, 2006
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What happened to War is Hell The Original 1

Couldn't sleep last night(early morning), so I got up
and was surfing the web, and I heard some papers rustling.
Looked over and saw what looked like a rat. It started to scurry away,
and I knew it was not a rat, it was too slow. I grabbed my trusty 6 cell Mag Light, and cornered the little bastage in the crapper. I closed both doors, and it was just me and him. It was on. After about 10 minutes of him trying to climb the walls, he stopped and just sat there in the middle of the floor. So I raised up and thud....missed him. Woke the princess up.
After another couple of minutes, he settled back down. I raised up again, and ...thud, missed again. Well, third times the charm. Sent him to little
squirrell heaven. Smucked him right square on the mellon. He just laid there twitching for about half a minute, then he got X's for eyes, his little tongue hung out of the side of his mouth. Took him outside and fed him
to the night creatures, cuz they got to eat too.
Then I went back to bed. The end.
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