Grampa Member
Hello all, well I've been to the dealer and showed them my "stuck shifter" problem and pointed out my "grooved" drive belt. Turns out I get to pay for a new clutch. Not the inside drive assembly or the outside drive assembly but the whole thing because of grooves that I wore in the faces of each. Now I am alternately going through phases of pissed because it happened all together and irate that its not under warranty and a whole lot of guilty because it didnt happen overnight or through any one particular mud hole. Fact is fact though and Im getting a new clutch because my old one is seized damn near solid due to water exposure. (maybe I shoulnt have shown the mechanic the vidio footage of the last mud bog submersion?)The question remains what am I going to do about it next time. Stop my water and mud runs? not likely and Im sure feeling foolish would be the last of my worries if I had to drag my kodiak along to tackle the big holes. That is why I bought the newest, the biggest and the best....CAN-AM....BAH! "But only in the water"! as a fellow water rat has repeated to me. "They are just new and they will get the bugs out" he reminds me as I go on my little tangents. So for now I have decided the best move is to snorkel it. It's gotta be done, I didnt choose a quad that I had to skirt mud holes with I bought one that I could go throught them and made sure it came with the winch to pull me out if I get good and damn stuck trying. I am more than pleased with my 800 Outlander everywhere else but water and I intend to modify it to suit my needs. I will attempt to provide you with the hands off, have never done it before snorkel walk through. You know...for dummies. Yeah thats me, didnt drain my water and went into lots of it. Its a costly mistake try no to repeat it.