VARDA Annual Sponsorship Drive


Active VIP Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Valemount, British Columbia
Another great season of riding is just around the corner and the Valemount Area Recreation Development Association is busy preparing for a busy winter. Since the inception of VARDA in 04/05 we have been relying on support from the snowmobile community to grow our association and expand Valemount’s Snowmobiling and Atving opportunities.

Support for VARDA is crucial if we hope to develop into the tourism destination that we all desire . With the increased visitor numbers and the strong government push to protect the Mountain Caribou at all costs, VARDA is busier than ever . Increased maintenance, grooming hours, mountain patrols, government applications and now our shift to promote our summer tourism industry have all lead to a busy year.

As a non-profit association, we rely on the support from to be as active as we are and to provide the additions and improvements that our guests require. Last season we opened a new access to the Keyhole riding area from the Clemina parking lot, to provide safe access to the area and have as little impact on the environment as possible, as well as cleared the Swamp Trail to provide easier access to Westridge, these are all developments that were asked for by our visiting guests. This season we are clearing out over 44km of trails !

Sponsorship of VARDA has many benefits for your business besides showing your customers that you are giving back to the industry that they love so much. Sponsorships range in value, but include your business listing in our “Who Supports You” flyer , “Valemount Sled Area Map (two year commitment required)” and a listing in the Sponsorship category on our website, all of which are excellent marketing opportunities.

VARDA will be creating a new Winter Map this season and due to high production costs, we will be using the map for two seasons without edit. Due to this, only sponsors who can commit to two years sponsorship will be listed on the Winter Map.

Depending on which level you choose, there are many other added benefits, including representation at the Edmonton and Vernon Snow Shows, cabin signage, website links, season passes etc.

To continue accomplishing our goals and set Valemount as a major tourism destination we are asking for your support of the Association that is hard at work for YOU !

To reach printing deadlines, all sponsorships must be into the VARDA office by no later than Sept 15, 2009

I have attached a copy of the Sponsorhip form for intersted parties to fax back. I only need the signed commitment by the due date.


  • Sponsorship Sign Up Page #3.pdf
    59 KB · Views: 93


Active VIP Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Valemount, British Columbia
Hey all

Please give this some good thought, it has great marketing incentives for your business and your customers will know that you are giving back to their favorite sport. Basic Sponorship is only 250 and gets you some good recognition.

With 4000 fewer users last year than the year before, and the new Workers Comp regulations, associations like us and other snowmobile clubs will need all the help we can get.


Active VIP Member
Dec 5, 2006
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Curtis, how do you recieve payment?
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Active VIP Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Valemount, British Columbia
curtis is 2 years manditory. just looking at the check box on the form. not that its a problem just curious

Two years is only mandatory if you want to be included in the sponsor listing on the new sled guide. We are producing a new larger guide in professional print and it will last for two seasons, so two years is only mandatory if you want to be included in the sponsor catagory in the new guide, but payment for the second year is deffered until the 2010/2011 season.

KGR, right now we are only able to accept cash or cheque.

Thank you for your interest !


Active VIP Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Valemount, British Columbia
Big thanks to KGR and TMIX, thank you guys for the outside support !

Only a few days left to reach the printing deadlines. Anyone interested in sponsorship please contact me at the VARDA office.

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