Tracker 2 problems

Sep 29, 2010
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Just wanted to pass on some info about the tracker 2 problems and how and where to get it fixed. The Tracker 2 have been having a issue where static electricity builds up in the battery case and causes the unit to go from transmit to a programing mode, not good, obviously because the unit is no longer transmitting. BCA says this is only happening in tracker 2 with version 1,2, and 3 software and are offering a free update to version 4.If you go to the BCA website and click on the version 4 update it will give you all the info on how to check what version your tracker currently has and how to get it
is definitely an issue if you own a tracker 2 that you should look into before using the unit again.

get educated and get out there

The crew from avalanche safety solutions


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Smithers, B.C.
The tracker 2 static problem only seems to happen if packed in a pocket. Have not seemed to have any issues with ones worn in the harness supplied with beacon. They have only seen a very small number actually have this issue, but they have issued a new software upgrade to eliminate it. From what i have been told is that the only ones that have actually had these issues are the ski patrol down in jackson hole and they pack there's in there pocket on there jacket.


Active member
Oct 28, 2010
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Vancouver, BC (Christina Lake this Winter)
I played it safe and sent my in to get the software updated. I had a short window because I was planning on riding the following weekend, so I gave them a ring to let them know about the rush and they we're awesome in accomodating me.

They got it turned around super quick, paid for the shipping and we're great to deal with. Now I've got that bit of piece of mind back without having to worry about it switching modes.

Play safe out there!
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