For the Sake of All Sledders and Quadders.


Active VIP Member
Jan 22, 2007
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In the last week I have read some of the most shocking threads I've ever seen. All concerning safety equipment. I want to state out right that I'am not innocent in this controversy. I had a crash last year and wasn't wearing my Tek Vest......I admitted wrong and accepted my punishment . Some of you posted openly of my wrong{SBR} and others did it with pm's.....the fact was everyone had a right to reinforce the stupidity of my mistake. A mistake I didn't not defend . I was wrong and for the betterment of the sport, I hope others see How wrong I was. I lived, others dont!!!!.
So here is my beef and I expect this to be deleted, but here goes.
Some posts have been deleted that showed a real lack of respect for LIFE. Yes we can sweep it under the carpet and carry on or we can address the real issue. Just because you delete it here doesn't mean the BAD Example is not out there being a glowwing example of wrong. If you really care about fellow riders, especially young NEW riders......lets deal with it.. I donot feel Protecting a friend or Sponsor in this issue is FACT I consider it Shamefull.....Stop running from the issue everybody...WE have a Problem and we need to deal with it NOW. We have a responsility to teach the young ones the RIGHT WAY.By deleting sensitive and important issues you are in fact compounding the problem....MAN UP EVERYBODY unless YOU ENJOY FUNERALS.
Same as saving up to buy the equipment......You cant do this azz back wards. If you dont have the equipment sorry sunshine you shouldn't be riding.
And Yes some people will never learn and some cant be taught........but for the fresh open minds of our youngins..we Must set a good example ...and also debate why SAFETY Equipment is a MUST. Other wise we are the problem not the solution.
I should also add the hardest part of DEATH is left for the living to DEAL with.


SUPER COOL MOD & Supporting Vendor
Oct 21, 2006
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Edmonton/Sherwood Park
Thanks Terry... That was very well put. Both my youngin's wear tekvests and full equipment when we ride... No exceptions, and i wish everyone thought that way too. If everyone read what you said sroc, there might be a few more children(and adults) around today to enjoy life to the fullest. Now this shouldn't just apply to personal armour or protection, but also the the handling and safety of operating a machine, whatever it may be, and also that the machine is properly sized to the rider, and their abilities.......... Anyone see the ad on tv lately about the quad being pulled out of the lake??? 'nuff said!!! :(


Active VIP Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Thanks RIC
It just really saddens me that everyone rushes to post a notice of someones death. Yet we Sweep the causes of those DEATHS in the Delete bin.Makes no SENSE...... Foresure ....I hear you about the COMPLETE SAFETY ASPECT.....but that comes from proper education.....and the real truth about all these subjects comes from open discussion not a censored forum.
Death is without honour if we dont learn something from it.


Active VIP Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Saskatoon SK
Well said Snotty!
The more people are aware, the better off everyone is. Having the proper information or education, and equipment is a must. Getting it practiced is another story.


Unfortunately this site won't allow me to just give you a BIG THUMB UP in the post box so instead...."WELL SAID"


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Well said Mr. Along with education comes enforcement and due to the fact that there really is no legal enforcement for this equiptment its up to ALL riders to help and point out to fellow sportsmans where they are falling short on there safety duties. And for those who dont take kindly to helpfull critiscism, take a step back when someone offers a helping hand in this dept, it could meen saving a life.:cool:


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
So should I feel guilty if I do not feel heavy remorse for someone who lost there life to stupidly riding without safety gear!? I feel for those who have to deal with the loss, but I am starting to feel less for those that make/made the choice to ride unsafe. Life is after all about choices. Am I bad man for feeling this way..........

Last night on the news they were profiling a guy who crashed skateboarding and nearly lost his life due to the fact he wasn't wearing a helmet. He has to use a small electronic personal organizer to keep track of his life now. ONe thing I liked about his attitude is that he has no problem walking up to people and yelling in their face that they need to wear a helmet. Where is he when you need him. We all need to be that guy!


Active VIP Member
Oct 10, 2007
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So should I feel guilty if I do not feel heavy remorse for someone who lost there life to stupidly riding without safety gear!? I feel for those who have to deal with the loss, but I am starting to feel less for those that make/made the choice to ride unsafe. Life is after all about choices. Am I bad man for feeling this way..........

Last night on the news they were profiling a guy who crashed skateboarding and nearly lost his life due to the fact he wasn't wearing a helmet. He has to use a small electronic personal organizer to keep track of his life now. ONe thing I liked about his attitude is that he has no problem walking up to people and yelling in their face that they need to wear a helmet. Where is he when you need him. We all need to be that guy!

To true Zrrrr to true, we all have choices to make and lets face it no matter how many examples are given or how many times people are told to wear the safety gear they still think IT CANT HAPPEN TO ME. WTF


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Smithers, B.C.
Snot is so right in the fact that it isnt the guy that dies that pays realy, it's the people that they leave behind taht pay the ultimate price.. And the whole deal that people say oh they need to put in laws, what the heck is that going to do?? Nothing.. The way to change start change is thru education not legislation.. I'd way rather see money spent on education rather than legislation.. But also what i dont get is the fact that there seems to be a large difference between sleds and quads.. I havnt seen many sledders withouty helmets an yet alot of quaders.. Why?? Snow is soft and somewhat forgiving where dirt and rocks are hard and very little give... So yah that is some thing in it all that i never did get about the whole mentallity of the helmet deal.. I have a buddy that hasn't talked to me in like 2 1/2 weeks now cause he knows i found out that he went quadding in hinton and ddnt wear a helmet even after i offered him one... He knows i'm i'm going to give him *&^% when i talk to him next.. EDUCATION IS WHAT WE NEED TO WORK ON ACCOMPLISHING!!!!!!!!!


Dec 11, 2006
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Hidden zone
One Mans .... Very well PUtz statement.... Makes good followers !!!! RIDE ON SNOT ! :):beer:


Active VIP Member
Jan 22, 2007
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So should I feel guilty if I do not feel heavy remorse for someone who lost there life to stupidly riding without safety gear!? I feel for those who have to deal with the loss, but I am starting to feel less for those that make/made the choice to ride unsafe. Life is after all about choices. Am I bad man for feeling this way..........

Last night on the news they were profiling a guy who crashed skateboarding and nearly lost his life due to the fact he wasn't wearing a helmet. He has to use a small electronic personal organizer to keep track of his life now. ONe thing I liked about his attitude is that he has no problem walking up to people and yelling in their face that they need to wear a helmet. Where is he when you need him. We all need to be that guy!

Absolutely not......your numb feelings are what many are feeling.....Kind like WTF, Whats the USE.... But my point was there are many young or uneducated minds out there that deserve the same education you got about safety....Many young people come from poor families and yet become Rich and succesfull people......some thing ..some one..... influenced them with a different example......Some verterans of both sports only think of themselfs and their high and mighty adtitude......never realizing or caring what their actions are teaching others.
I know you wear the gear, your response tells me you do.
I also am numb to it some times...if all the people who dont wear the equipment leave this world .....and the issue was over with a funeral it would be acceptable......SADDLY though their actions or wrong examples leave another generation of.......".I'am so Superior it will never happen to ME"...and the cycle repeats itself.And another family is left to the walking dead.
You make good points ZRrr .


Active VIP Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Mcbride BC
Well said.

Injuries can and will happen always when least expected. By wearing the proper equipment the chance of severe injury is reduced greatly.

You are so right about this being a place where examples should be set, as alot of people new to the sports look to these types of forums for advice and the likes.

The posting of pics with action shots and not even so much as a helmet on, NOT COOL. Then commenting that it's a personal choice, EVEN LESS COOL.

Personally it's not my actions that worry me about injury, that I have somewhat control over, it's the clowns that are out there where I am, that I have no control over that worry me.


Active VIP Member
Sep 25, 2007
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Well said.

Injuries can and will happen always when least expected. By wearing the proper equipment the chance of severe injury is reduced greatly.

Personally it's not my actions that worry me about injury, that I have somewhat control over, it's the clowns that are out there where I am, that I have no control over that worry me.

i think the same. this is why i dont go to rallies anymore. too high a concentration of dummies.


Bad Bunny
Oct 20, 2006
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Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Terry, I agree completely with your statements. 3 years ago I spend a few days just before Christmas at the hospital praying my 15 year old son would live after a tragic crash while snowboarding...he was wearing all the right gear.

I too outfit myself and my kid in the correct riding gear but it's been an education process over the past few years. I started adding gear as I met people who had been hurt w/o the right gear. It has been through other peoples mishaps that I have been educated. This is what makes a thread like this so valuable...learn from others.
The reason I PM'd you was that you didn't deserve to be beat up on the site over an accident where you knew who was to blame, you had stated it and we move on.

For those who don't gear up correctly, here is your chance to gain some education. Read and learn...change your to ride another day.

Good post.


Active member
Aug 7, 2008
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Antler Lake, AB
I have a question. I am new to this site, but have been riding bikes, trikes quads and 4x4 trucks for way too long to mention, and thats why i feel wierd asking. What gear do you guys wear. I wear a MC helmet, mechanics gloves and an old hockey jersey when riding my Warrior or my Kodiak in the summer. Add winter coveralls in the when it gets colder...probably next weekend. Rubber boots or Winter boots depending. So I ask, does everyone wear MC boots, chest protector, MC gloves and shin pads, elbow pads etc when putting down the trail on their 4x4 mudslinger?


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Mill Bay, BC
i have a question. I am new to this site, but have been riding bikes, trikes quads and 4x4 trucks for way too long to mention, and thats why i feel wierd asking. What gear do you guys wear. I wear a mc helmet, mechanics gloves and an old hockey jersey when riding my warrior or my kodiak in the summer. Add winter coveralls in the when it gets colder...probably next weekend. Rubber boots or winter boots depending. So i ask, does everyone wear mc boots, chest protector, mc gloves and shin pads, elbow pads etc when putting down the trail on their 4x4 mudslinger?

helmet, chest protector (might not have broke both collarbones if i was wearing one), quading boots, pants and jersey and my gloves. That is just when i am on my quad.

And it is not a dumb question if it helps save a life.


Active VIP Member
Apr 2, 2007
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Saskatoon SK
The more gear the better you are protected, not invincible. The more prepared the better you will react. Consistancey is a must! Educating thoughs who seem less informed is need!. All of these postes are great info, but why must everyone learn from others hardships or mistakes. Does it have to have a shocking factor for people to grasp it? Ride safe, using common sense will usually keep you out of harms grasp. I have given myself two concussions,and blew blood vessels in both eyes.... both incidents were while operating motor vehicles and neither were from preforming stunts or goofing off. The results were from my misjudgment and complacency. Thankfully i did have the proper gear on, as the results would have been worse. :cool:


Active VIP Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Mcbride BC
I have a question. I am new to this site, but have been riding bikes, trikes quads and 4x4 trucks for way too long to mention, and thats why i feel wierd asking. What gear do you guys wear. I wear a MC helmet, mechanics gloves and an old hockey jersey when riding my Warrior or my Kodiak in the summer. Add winter coveralls in the when it gets colder...probably next weekend. Rubber boots or Winter boots depending. So I ask, does everyone wear MC boots, chest protector, MC gloves and shin pads, elbow pads etc when putting down the trail on their 4x4 mudslinger?

I'll tell you how I decide what gear I'm putting on before I ride. A few might knock me for my way of deciding but in the end I think it's the same for all.

I too have all the toys, and been riding/racing since I was a kid. When I get on my dirtbike all the gear goes on, mx boots, shin pads, riding pants, kidney belt, riding shirt, elbow pads, roost/chest protector, riding gloves, helmet,goggles. Bikes are a huge adrenaline rush for me, it's very easy to get out of control, so I wear all the gear. When quadding, it depends on what type of riding is planned, I have a XT 400 Outtie, not a racer, so the wild stuff isn't in the plans. If it's just a mellow day on the trails with family/ friends you'll find me with rubber boots, rain pants, kidney belt, riding shirt, helmet, goggles, riding gloves. If it's a day ripping with just the guys, I'll wear the gear minus the shin pads, elbow pads, roost protector. When sledding I wear helmet, goggles, kidney belt, clothes are layered, sledding jacket, bibs, gloves, boots, and beacon. I carry my shovel ,probe ,saw and a variety of emergency equipment in my backpack, prepared to spend the night in the mountains if required.

I have had my share of crashes, none serious thanks to my choice of protective gear and been able to walk away from them all. I tend to air on the side of caution, and I ride inside my ability, I know my limits and no one can make me ride beyond them.
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