BC Shutdown?


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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So I know people are probably sick of seeing posts about Covid and all the drama it’s created in this town and on this page.

Yes, this is a Covid related post. But....

Since the second wave, and when Covid finally hit Revy with its first outbreak. It really has been frustrating to see local businesses being affected by these recent events in Revelstoke. From losing significant business, temporarily closing and making headlines for the wrong reasons.

With Zalas being one of the businesses to make headlines lately, just pisses me right off. It’s really not Zalas fault for the headlines it made. Now, disclaimer before I carry on. I’m no scientist, I’m no health care professional, nor do I claim I know everything there is to know about Covid. I don’t know the story of every employee regarding who they’ve been around or if they’ve done any travelling. I don’t know if the outbreak was caused by a server, or hostess, or a line cook......or a f*cking sledder from Alberta.

But you know what really really grinds my f**king gears. Is seeing parking lots full of sled groups from Alberta and Saskatchewan. Maybe I missed the memo, but I didn’t realize coming to Revy for sledding was essential travel? Wait, don’t they have snow, mountains and other beautiful terrain to sled in Alberta? I’m born and raised in Alberta, it’s really a beautiful province. Oh wait, another disclaimer, Yes I’m from Alberta. We’ve been in Revy for almost 4 years now (When I say we, my wife and I. The wife is born and raised in Revy).

I just can’t believe the ignorance of some people. It’s been made public knowledge that small communities like ours, have limited hospital space and resources. It’s been made public knowledge that small communities like ours, can’t handle a big outbreak of Covid. But yet, groups of sledders feel the need to come here. Do they feel they are above the law? Maybe living in big centres like a Calgary or a Red Deer they don’t feel the effects of Covid as much as we would.

I get that we are a small tourist town. I totally understand that a lot of small businesses here count on the yearly winter season that brings in sledders, skiers and other winter outdoor activities. ****, I’ve been a small business owner myself and I’ve experienced first hand the many struggles that others have faced. Opening and running a small business is not easy, it’s a huge risk and in a lot of cases the margin for error is very small.

Alberta has been one of the worst provinces as far as Covid goes. It is so socially irresponsible to come here in groups to go sledding. They use our gas stations (not to mention filling up in Golden), stay in our hotels, visit our grocery stores while here.

Sorry, but why are businesses in town allowing this? Why are businesses taking these bookings? (Not going to get into the game of calling any businesses out). Like I said above, I totally get that every business in this town depends on that revenue stream. But hey, it’s a Covid world we live in now. Everything we are accustomed to doing basically has to change now. And that includes Revelstoke and its small businesses. It’s a dog eat dog world, and if some small businesses can’t or are not willing to change or adapt moving forward, then we will continue seeing places close down. Basic entrepreneurship and marketing for running a business doesn’t change, pandemic or no pandemic. Business 101 will tell you that the business world has always been like that. If you can’t change or adapt to attract new customers then your likely hood of success won’t be there.

Or better yet, why’s the Town of Revelstoke letting this happen? Or our provincial government? Or our local RCMP?

So now that Zalas had to temporarily close its doors, losing short term revenue and also potential long term revenue from these headlines, however you want to look at them. It’s employees, who are mostly very loyal and dependable as a team. A lot of their employees have been their for a long time. I know a couple of people who work there, a lot of them have families. For them to have to stop work to self isolate for 2 weeks and also lose work for the 2nd time since March, is completely unfair.

This rant is not pointing the finger just at one person and/or group. A lot of aspects have been handled irresponsibility by many groups. From the City of Revelstoke, BC Government and others while letting a lot of people down. Sure, Covid has a pretty high recovery rate and you may not ‘die’ from it. I’ve seen the arguments on Covid vs. The Flu. These are the side effects that Covid has when you look at the big picture. I just feel it is socially irresponsible that a group of people are willing to defy basic law, are willing to potentially put another community at harm and while they think they are doing good by supporting our local businesses by coming here to sled for a few days. They are actually putting a bigger strain out on econom as a whole. Now our government has to pay 15-20 Zalas employees ($13,500-$18,00) for those two weeks of self isolation.

But hey, you guys wanna hit up some fresh powder in Revy? Make a weekend of it? I’m not working right now cause of Covid.//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20201228/8a4a0233051e7b25fd6ab63b8f8a45b3.jpg

It is essential I ride to maintain my sanity. I love how selfish some BC people are at wanting Albertans to stay home when 10% of BC is currently in Alberta for Christmas. And we’re idiots. Lol. As far as the Revi hospital goes. I have a few friends who work there. It’s definitely small town. if you relying on that for your health you’re in trouble. I had a severe reaction to medication for strep throat I went to the hospital in revelstoke and they told me to hurry up and go home.
Since Covid flu began. Between all my Harley trips this summer and my sled trips this winter I’ve easily spent 20 grand plus I buy all my toys from Courtney Motorsports further supporting the BC economy. Topped up by memberships to all the snowmobile clubs I can afford. Once you get off your high horse and realize you’re on a donkey you’ll see all Canadians are in the same boat. Keyword we are Canadians. I ride alone in my truck. No 4 place trailer this season with all my buddies, we each travel separate. Follow the byelaws do our thing I do not understand what the problem is. And the reason Alberta is seeing the highest cases per capita is Rachel Notley gets more airtime on our local news than Elvis when he died. Our commonsensical Jason Kenney is getting roasted daily for not being more tyrannical to Albertans
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Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Leduc Alberta
It is essential I ride to maintain my sanity. I love how selfish some BC people are at wanting Albertans to stay home when 10% of BC is currently in Alberta for Christmas. And we’re idiots. Lol. As far as the Revi hospital goes. I have a few friends who work there. It’s definitely small town LOL if you relying on that for your health you’re in trouble. I had a severe reaction to medication for strep throat I went to the hospital in revelstoke and they told me to hurry up and go home. I barely made it. They didn’t even have an EpiPen for me.
Covid. Between all my Harley trips this summer and my sled trips this winter I’ve easily spent 20 grand plus I buy all my toys from Courtney Motorsports further supporting the BC economy. Topped up by memberships to all the snowmobile clubs I can afford. Once you get off your high horse and realize you’re on a donkey you’ll see all Canadians are in the same boat. Keyword we are Canadians. I ride alone in my truck. No 4 place trailer this season with all my buddies, we each travel separate. Follow the byelaws do our thing I do not understand what the problem is. And the reason Alberta is seeing the highest cases per capita is Rachel Notley gets more airtime on our local news than Elvis when he died. Our commonsensical Jason Kenney is getting roasted daily for not being more tyrannical to Albertans

Just a thought here. Maybe they see so many trucks with Alberta plates is because guys are being responsible and driving alone rather then 4 guys in a truck.

popcorn popper

Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2008
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central alberta
Maybe Skegpro should have been in rocky mtn house this summer and seen all the bc plates there when travel was restricted? Couldn’t hardly get a room to work in area. The hotel manager was disappointed at all the out of province travel that was not work related.

Rene G

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Grande Prairie, AB
Maybe Skegpro should have been in rocky mtn house this summer and seen all the bc plates there when travel was restricted? Couldn’t hardly get a room to work in area. The hotel manager was disappointed at all the out of province travel that was not work related.

Skegpro didn’t write it, he just posted what’s on the Revy page...

06 Dragon

Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2006
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Red Deer County
In Revy now. Spoke to the hotel I am staying at. Informed them that I am from Alberta, they said no problem, come on down. Went to ride boulder today both parking lots full up. Good to see folks are getting out. Spoke with the nice lady at the trail head accepting monies for trail fees. Informed her that I am from Alberta and asked her if there was any problem. She replied non what so ever other then practice social distancing. Still sign in at the cabin and be aware of social distancing in the cabin if you utilize it to warm up. She also said that what is the difference if you are traveling from Alberta to sled in Revelstoke or traveling from Kelowna or any other town in BC? Neither is essential! How very true!!!
Oh and I did get fingered in the parking in down town Revy from a local. Didn’t hurt me feelings too badly.
Be safe out there folks and enjoy.
We are all Canadians. Enough segregation already enjoy our beautiful country.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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In Revy now. Spoke to the hotel I am staying at. Informed them that I am from Alberta, they said no problem, come on down. Went to ride boulder today both parking lots full up. Good to see folks are getting out. Spoke with the nice lady at the trail head accepting monies for trail fees. Informed her that I am from Alberta and asked her if there was any problem. She replied non what so ever other then practice social distancing. Still sign in at the cabin and be aware of social distancing in the cabin if you utilize it to warm up. She also said that what is the difference if you are traveling from Alberta to sled in Revelstoke or traveling from Kelowna or any other town in BC? Neither is essential! How very true!!!
Oh and I did get fingered in the parking in down town Revy from a local. Didn’t hurt me feelings too badly.
Be safe out there folks and enjoy.
We are all Canadians. Enough segregation already enjoy our beautiful country.
Prolly got fingered by a weed sucking NDP'er on a bean sprout run. Did he have a man bun and a scarf around his head? I may know the guy. Lol


Active member
Nov 7, 2014
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I think everyone just needs to stop watching the fear mongering they see on the news. Yes people have died from covid but look at the numbers - 99.5+% survival rate and nobody has any clue how many people have had covid without any symptoms. Do you know how many deaths were called a covid death but it was actually just people that died WITH covid rather than FROM covid or that they just tested positive and died from something completely unrelated? How many people died from being put on a ventilator when they shouldn't have been and destroyed their lungs but yet it was labelled a covid death? When you hear about new cases well what are they? Super sick people that are hospitalized or are they mostly just positive tests with no symptoms or very minor cases. The PCR tests used for covid shouldn't even be used and regular surgical masks are almost entirely ineffective unless your wearing an M95. The vast majority of people who are hospitalized for covid have other health conditions or are at least in their 60's. I know of one person who had covid and was very sick but they were in their late 60's and didn't really take care of themselves at all and the rest of the people I know who have had it didn't show any symptoms or they said it was barely a cold. If you have symptoms stay home just like you should with a cold or flu. If your comfortable then go sledding, enjoy yourself. If restaurants welcome your business then go ahead and support them. The biggest reason that people are so afraid of covid is because they don't know much about it themselves aside from the crap on the news. This is going to be around for a long time just as the flu is and there is already a second strain of it. If you don't want to risk getting it then sit in your home and isolate while you destroy your immune system in the process. You have a much higher risk of getting hurt from sledding than you do from getting covid, better sell the sled!
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Sep 27, 2006
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Parkland County, AB and Valemount, BC
I’m in Valemount, always wear a mask when leaving my room and respecting the local laws. Went to the moose for supper the other day, wore mask, social distanced as much as possible. Was treated very well by hotel staff and restaurant staff. Haven’t seen one cop in 4 days. And gave the waitress a good tip as they need it. There customers have been cut in half and they need our support, who knows how long they will be working. So stop listining to Facebook dialog and go about your business just follow local health recommendations and your fine.


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Nov 7, 2014
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Hey I heard that if you have too many people from multiple households in a truck that you can get a ticket. It's this true?
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Active VIP Member
Jun 15, 2013
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This has been posted on other forums, and as far as I know it is not true. I don't believe they are legally able to do that at this time.


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Apr 24, 2009
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Hundy P it’s true. $1000/per person.

were handing them out in banff. Personally know of 4 guys in a truck in valemont that got $1kea for being in same truck.


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
I agree ever story is somebody’s cousin’s friend. When I see a ticket posted online or hear a news story I’ll believe it.

no no, it's true. My sister saw it on facebook. Her husband's, cousin's, daughter got one for four people in the cab. She and her friends were on their way to a scrabble tournament in Vancouver.


Active VIP Member
Dec 8, 2006
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raven,ab and Revy
no no, it's true. My sister saw it on facebook. Her husband's, cousin's, daughter got one for four people in the cab. She and her friends were on their way to a scrabble tournament in Vancouver.
Was in Revy for the better part of the week and never saw any Police Presence. One thing I sure saw alot of was Quebec and Ontario plates.....
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