Any fish cops or conservation officer's here


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2009
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In a Dakota R/T, down by the South Sask. River
My question' are:

Since i am First nations, and get full treaty rights( no license or limit) Can i fish with my white buddy w/o the license, or do i have to buy a fishing license, to fish w him in his ice shack?

Am i limited to the limit posted on the fishin license or can i keep hammering and landing wally's till the tote is full?(got a big family to feed and they all love pickeral)

If i do have to get a license, what happens if i get caught without a license, fishin w my white buddy?

Thanx in advance :beer::beer::d:beer::beer:


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
My question' are:

Since i am First nations, and get full treaty rights( no license or limit) Can i fish with my white buddy w/o the license, or do i have to buy a fishing license, to fish w him in his ice shack?

Am i limited to the limit posted on the fishin license or can i keep hammering and landing wally's till the tote is full?(got a big family to feed and they all love pickeral)

If i do have to get a license, what happens if i get caught without a license, fishin w my white buddy?

Thanx in advance :beer::beer::d:beer::beer:

i would think you wouldnt need a license but your white buddy would ... but what exactly they would do with the limit thing would be interesting


Super Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
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My question' are:

Since i am First nations, and get full treaty rights( no license or limit) Can i fish with my white buddy w/o the license, or do i have to buy a fishing license, to fish w him in his ice shack?

Am i limited to the limit posted on the fishin license or can i keep hammering and landing wally's till the tote is full?(got a big family to feed and they all love pickeral)

If i do have to get a license, what happens if i get caught without a license, fishin w my white buddy?

Thanx in advance :beer::beer::d:beer::beer:

I'm not sure how it works in the states but in Canada you wouldn't need a license. Limits you would want to stay with in simply because they are there to protect livestock numbers. If guys pull all they want eventually the resource would be gone right?


Active VIP Member
Jan 27, 2009
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In a Dakota R/T, down by the South Sask. River
I'm not sure how it works in the states but in Canada you wouldn't need a license. Limits you would want to stay with in simply because they are there to protect livestock numbers. If guys pull all they want eventually the resource would be gone right?

ya ican see ur point. I dont go crazy, just enuff to keep the fam happy.
i got three siblings and i give them 2 each, dad gets three cause he's the old man. I keep all the cheeks tho, and maybe 1 or 2. Each fish is about 5lbs


Active VIP Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Im Metis and am allowed 50lbs of fish in my possesion as long as using it for me or more family. I do have to buy a Harverster Card every year though.


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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ya that not in alberta. just read an article on that some metis hunting /fishing thinkin they should have same rights as a treaty. got some big fines over that one. cant remember exact numbers though but it did end up going right to the top in court.


Active VIP Member
Mar 28, 2007
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I looked it up and you are right, Alberta does not currently recognize metis hunting rights the same as in Manitoba. The Metis Nation of Alberta will provide legal assistance with your case if you are charged.

It dont matter to me because I dont hunt or fish anyways
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Member with many hats
Aug 12, 2010
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stony plain
My question' are:

Since i am First nations, and get full treaty rights( no license or limit) Can i fish with my white buddy w/o the license, or do i have to buy a fishing license, to fish w him in his ice shack?

You wouldnt have to buy the license but you do need your treaty card dont you?? My first nations friend isnt status but her daughter is and she just makes sure her daughter is the one holding the fish!
Am i limited to the limit posted on the fishin license or can i keep hammering and landing wally's till the tote is full?(got a big family to feed and they all love pickeral)

If i do have to get a license, what happens if i get caught without a license, fishin w my white buddy?

I dont think it matters who you are fishing with!

Thanx in advance :beer::beer::d:beer::beer:



Active VIP Member
Apr 2, 2008
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Bon Accord ab
Alberta fishing reg
Sportfishing by Indians
Indians do not need an Alberta Sportfishing Licence or WiN card for general sportfishing, however all other sportfishing regulations apply equally to all persons, including Indians. Indians are persons registered as Indians under the Indian Act.


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Nov 20, 2007
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NW Edmonton
Well I have heard several different versions of this but read the regulations before going and hunting or fishing with metis person or people! On the Alberta Outdoorsman Forum they have had this battle for years. If you look at the regulations for hunting you cannot help or hunt with a metis person without him buying a tag due to the fact he is suppose to be hunting for his family to feed his family and supply his family by himself. We happened to come upon an older couple trying to load a moose into a truck one day and helped load it. We then asked if he was going to tag the animal and he said I dont have to and drove away. We called the poacher number and let them know the liscence plate number. They called us back several hours later and said that they were metis and we could be charged for helping them load the animal if it was friends of ours! Just keep this in mind in Alberta! Its in plain writing in the regulations as well. Not sure bout fishing though!


RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
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In Heaven & Revelstoke
Seems the issue is clear!

Black and White! Another term.

Ha ha. Just kiddin.

I fish with my native friend and he never has a license. I definately have to have a license.

I am not aloud to help him with his nets but fishin through the hole with poles or pop ups are no probs. Been checked lots and have never ever had any issues.

Of course he always has more fish than my sorry a@@!

Seems I can only ever catch one and he hammers them all/


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
lets no go there. too late. In my opinion we should all be equal. You want to catch fish catch fish by the law. You want to hunt hunt buy the law. You work you pay taxes by the law. I believe that putting out indigenous people on reserves was a mistake. Culling out the young and forcing them into the Catholic school system was not right. Yes we whitees won the battle of the cowboys and injuns but we did not need to rub in in their faces by placing them on reserves. Our indigenous people did quite well before us whitees showed up and took over their land. The right thing would have been to sign a truce and let bygones be bygones and let the indigenous people have the same opportunities as the the immigrants that came in took over the land and made the country what it is today.

That may sound a little redneck, But it's coming from a redneck, so what else would you expect.

feel free to pull this post. but if you do, you have violated my freedom of speech. ( we still have that in this country, don't we?)


RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Heaven & Revelstoke
lets no go there. too late. In my opinion we should all be equal. You want to catch fish catch fish by the law. You want to hunt hunt buy the law. You work you pay taxes by the law. I believe that putting out indigenous people on reserves was a mistake. Culling out the young and forcing them into the Catholic school system was not right. Yes we whitees won the battle of the cowboys and injuns but we did not need to rub in in their faces by placing them on reserves. Our indigenous people did quite well before us whitees showed up and took over their land. The right thing would have been to sign a truce and let bygones be bygones and let the indigenous people have the same opportunities as the the immigrants that came in took over the land and made the country what it is today.

That may sound a little redneck, But it's coming from a redneck, so what else would you expect.

feel free to pull this post. but if you do, you have violated my freedom of speech. ( we still have that in this country, don't we?)

Are we a little touchy tonight pipes....

You know better than that, we have lots of native content workers at ESSO, CNR, Cenovus, etc.
Lots are really good workers who I would trust my life with and enjoy working with.

We are all equal! Just depends on who you are, what you want to do with your life, etc.

I know lots of whitey welfare trash that think the government owes them a house or room and booze all day!


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta

Are we a little touchy tonight pipes....

You know better than that, we have lots of native content workers at ESSO, CNR, Cenovus, etc.
Lots are really good workers who I would trust my life with and enjoy working with.

We are all equal! Just depends on who you are, what you want to do with your life, etc.

I know lots of whitey welfare trash that think the government owes them a house or room and booze all day!

exactly. I have native friends at said places and I get along with them well. They have chosen work with the whitees and hunt and fish by the whitees rule. To these people, I give the respect that they deserve. To those that think that we owe them because we took there land away from them. I'm sorry. Try that chit in the middle east and see what happens.
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RIP Fellow Sledder
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
In Heaven & Revelstoke
exactly. I have native friends at said places and i get along with them well. They have chosen work with the whitees and hunt and fish by the whitees rule. To these people, i give the respect that they deserve. To those that think that we owe them because we took there land away from them. I'm sorry. Try that chit in the middle east and see what happens.

well said!
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Active VIP Member
Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
Seems the issue is clear!

Black and White! Another term.

Ha ha. Just kiddin.

I fish with my native friend and he never has a license. I definately have to have a license.

I am not aloud to help him with his nets but fishin through the hole with poles or pop ups are no probs. Been checked lots and have never ever had any issues.

Of course he always has more fish than my sorry a@@!

Seems I can only ever catch one and he hammers them all/

Well of course he would have more fish using a Gill Net!
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