Calgary area people i need your help


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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I am a spinal cord injured rider that is looking for help.After a motorcycle accident a number of years ago,I got transported to hospital and spent over a month with numerous injuries including a pinched spinal cord which over time got worse so Doctors removed the disk in my neck and they screwed a titanium plate into the disk above and below the disk they removed.

Well this weekend at Cataract Creek "The Calgary Snowmobile Club" is putting on a ride with proceeds going to "STARS" an organization I support.
I will complete the ride for sure.

The ride is this Saturday so I don't have much time to get pledges,so if you can help me and STARS out I will gladly come and meet you anywhere in Calgary or area with the pledge sheet.

They will be giving recipets for any pledges over ten dollars.
Like me you just never know if you and or a member of your family will ever need their services so please help,Stars needs our help now.

If you feel you can sponsor an old handicapped sledder please PM me or call me on my at 403-467-4561.



Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I'm good for some $$$ Dave, are you going to be in the SE just off Glenmore at all in the next couple days? I have a field tour in Friday out to the SW of Calgary. Let me know when and where you want to collect.


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Well its time to crash for this old man,if you are interested in helping out a great organization please PM me and I will PM you in the am,or send your phone number and I will call.
There is only a couple of days left.

Many thanks to all that pledged tonight.



Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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To the top.
There is only two days left to pledge on an excellent charity.
Stars needs our help,any questions or if you want to pledge please pm me or call on number posted earlier in thread.



Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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to the top for a great cause,PM me if you would like to support a great cause.



Active VIP Member
Mar 19, 2009
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pincher creek ab
would love to but i'm in cranbrook but I do support stars everytime they are selling calendars in the area as a friend of mine was saved by stars as well


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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I seriously thought there would have been more support for a great cause like this? Come on people...surely you realize what Stars does for all of us?

Before I got to use their service I too did not support them financially,what a dummy I was.
Thank God others had supported them as I would probally died without them.
So come on everyone you all can spare a twenty for a good cause, can't you?



Active VIP Member
Nov 10, 2009
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My twin daughters were born prematurely in Brooks, Alberta in 2002. Stars had to fly them to Calgary, as Brooks did not have the proper equip. to handle this situation. They might not be here right now if it wasn't for them. I owe them my life. I support Stars every year with a thousand dollars. I will still give you something to help again. I am currently up in GP working. I will call to see if we can make arrangements for you to meet up with my wife today or tomorrow. We live in the Dewinton area, and she does visit the south end of Calgary quite often. Thanks.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I am a spinal cord injured rider that is looking for help.After a motorcycle accident a number of years ago,I got transported to hospital and spent over a month with numerous injuries including a pinched spinal cord which over time got worse so Doctors removed the disk in my neck and they screwed a titanium plate into the disk above and below the disk they removed.

Well this weekend at Cataract Creek "The Calgary Snowmobile Club" is putting on a ride with proceeds going to "STARS" an organization I support.
I will complete the ride for sure.

The ride is this Saturday so I don't have much time to get pledges,so if you can help me and STARS out I will gladly come and meet you anywhere in Calgary or area with the pledge sheet.

They will be giving recipets for any pledges over ten dollars.
Like me you just never know if you and or a member of your family will ever need their services so please help,Stars needs our help now.

If you feel you can sponsor an old handicapped sledder please PM me or call me on my at 403-467-4561.


get this back to the top
and have a great time on the weekend dave

knee deep in it

Active VIP Member
Jan 31, 2008
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would love to but i'm in cranbrook but I do support stars everytime they are selling calendars in the area as a friend of mine was saved by stars as well

i am coming to cranbrook this weekend to ride . If you want me to give dave some money and then pick it up from you this weekend, i will

pm me


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Sledder people are the best kind of people.
When I got my pledge form yesterday morning I thought I would throw it out there about the cause.
I had full intentions to go talk to customers,friends and family.
Well after posting on Snow and Mud yesterday morning I was out untill past eleven PM last night getting pledges from members.
My sheet is full!!I even have mail ins coming in.
I am going to start putting pledges on the back of the sheet today,so if you have not given a pledge and want to please PM me or call and I will meet you.
I could of got it done but after reading these peoples posts over the last few years I spent a lot of time with each person,talking sledding and everything sledding and about STARS.
I am overwelmed at how nice and friendly the people that I have talked too and to talk to people that are as passionate about a sport or hobby or for some a way of living.
I could talk to these people 24 hours,7 days a week,but unfortunatly I do need a little sleep.
So with only today left if you want to pledge give me a PM or call 403-467-4561.
Man, sledders are the best!!! :d


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Re: Calgary Snowmobile Club "STARS" club ride


Well there everyone let me start this post saying,I belong to a few other clubs and well have never met such a close group of friends.
I will be going on the rest of the Calgary Snowmobile Clubs rides and social club events.
Now about our ride,we split off into two groups,one group for family ride and our group that went looking for some powder.
After around three miles I turned around to do a quick sled count behind me and I managed to hit a stump just off the trail which smashed my hood and actually split my bumper and airbox open,but did not stop to look at damage as I was going to finish this ride.
So from there everything was pretty much going fine,until we got to the twenty mile mark.
We found a meadow and a cut block that excited me and I did a couple of climbs up through the block and I pulled back down into the meadow and pulled a half donut.
The last weekend I had nicked a rock on last ride and had bent idler arm,but spent the week collecting pledges instead of working on my sled so while spinning my donut broke the idler arm and lower a arm.
So now it was either ride back to the truck and let all my ride sponsors down or McGivor a way to finish the ride.
So with a lot of help from the members in our group we cut a dead tree and zap strapped the log through both ski hoops.I now had steering again.
So from there we went to meet up with the rest of the members which we did do without any problems,well that is untill we stopped for lunch.
As I had smokies in my muff pot and it does not get hot on trails,I took a couple of pulls straight forward and straight back in the meadow.
Well it was a little too much for my zap straps and they broke making my skis go in opposite directions and I got thrown off barely missing a tree that would of ended my day.
So after having my hot smokies I put my sled back together with the log and finished the ride with no more problems.
In the end I put on sixty miles,forty of which were with our home built steering system.
Would I do it again?Darn rights I would,this is an excellent organization to support and the members of this club are remarkable,helpfull and friendly.
Everyone that was there was getting their hands dirty helping me finish the ride,offering rope and cutting wood & giving me duct tape.
I really had fun and remind all from the Calgary area that if you have not joined the club to join today.
They are keeping our trails open and clean and the people were just plain nice and friendly.
So if you still want to give a pledge for this ride you can still PM me.

Check out photos on the SW Alberta forum under STARS ride

The simularities between a good snowmobiler and practicing safe sex, is knowing when to pull out.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Re: Calgary Snowmobile Club "STARS" club ride


Well there everyone let me start this post saying,I belong to a few other clubs and well have never met such a close group of friends.
I will be going on the rest of the Calgary Snowmobile Clubs rides and social club events.
Now about our ride,we split off into two groups,one group for family ride and our group that went looking for some powder.
After around three miles I turned around to do a quick sled count behind me and I managed to hit a stump just off the trail which smashed my hood and actually split my bumper and airbox open,but did not stop to look at damage as I was going to finish this ride.
So from there everything was pretty much going fine,until we got to the twenty mile mark.
We found a meadow and a cut block that excited me and I did a couple of climbs up through the block and I pulled back down into the meadow and pulled a half donut.
The last weekend I had nicked a rock on last ride and had bent idler arm,but spent the week collecting pledges instead of working on my sled so while spinning my donut broke the idler arm and lower a arm.
So now it was either ride back to the truck and let all my ride sponsors down or McGivor a way to finish the ride.
So with a lot of help from the members in our group we cut a dead tree and zap strapped the log through both ski hoops.I now had steering again.
So from there we went to meet up with the rest of the members which we did do without any problems,well that is untill we stopped for lunch.
As I had smokies in my muff pot and it does not get hot on trails,I took a couple of pulls straight forward and straight back in the meadow.
Well it was a little too much for my zap straps and they broke making my skis go in opposite directions and I got thrown off barely missing a tree that would of ended my day.
So after having my hot smokies I put my sled back together with the log and finished the ride with no more problems.
In the end I put on sixty miles,forty of which were with our home built steering system.
Would I do it again?Darn rights I would,this is an excellent organization to support and the members of this club are remarkable,helpfull and friendly.
Everyone that was there was getting their hands dirty helping me finish the ride,offering rope and cutting wood & giving me duct tape.
I really had fun and remind all from the Calgary area that if you have not joined the club to join today.
They are keeping our trails open and clean and the people were just plain nice and friendly.
So if you still want to give a pledge for this ride you can still PM me.

Check out photos on the SW Alberta forum under STARS ride

The simularities between a good snowmobiler and practicing safe sex, is knowing when to pull out.

hey smokin dave if ya dont mind i think im going to start calling
ya super dave


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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hey smokin dave if ya dont mind i think im going to start calling
ya super dave

You know this is the second time in twenty four hours I have heard that,I think someone has that user name already though.
Thanks for your pledge Polarice,its good people like you that motovated me to finish the ride.
I am some sore today though,I am getting too old for all the



Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This year the ride will be a two club effort with the crowsnowriders the ride will be held in the pass if anyone is interested in riding or donating pm me or give me a call on my cell 403-998-5887
you know this is the second time in twenty four hours i have heard that,i think someone has that user name already though.
Thanks for your pledge polarice,its good people like you that motovated me to finish the ride.
I am some sore today though,i am getting too old for all the



Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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This year the ride will be a two club effort with the crowsnowriders the ride will be held in the pass if anyone is interested in riding or donating pm me or give me a call on my cell 403-998-5887

I will be riding with Bret Rasmussen from March 16-19th so will not be able to make the ride but will happily sponsor you for the ride. I will give you a call.



Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2008
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To the top for a great cause......hey Andrew put my down for fifty.
As I am unemployed with not much chance on finding a job,I challenge all you employed and even you unemployed sledders to meet or beat my pledge....:)
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