A few rebuild questions


Active VIP Member
Nov 6, 2008
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Creston, BC
I have my engine out getting rebuilt. The rear of the sled is hoisted up fairly high and has been sitting like that for quite a few days. Last night I cleaned up my engine bay with brake cleaner. Went out this morning and there was gas everywhere. Looks like the fuel pump was leaking really bad, and it didnt look like out any of the outlets that arent hooked up. Anyone every experience this? Could the brake cleaner have dissolved the fuel pump seals or something?

Also wondering what else to replace while I am rebuilding everything. Should a guy put new reeds in after 5k or so miles? They still look fine. Or is there any advantage of going to a V force reed if I am going to replace them?

The only other thing I can think of while I have everything apart is the recoil. Did I read somewhere that there is a kit for this?


Active VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
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I've put boyesen rage cage reeds in mine, but have been told by a couple different guys that the stock brp reeds are good. I also installed a new recoil, but yes, you can buy the parts. I checked all fastners, and found several lose. Both bumpers. Can't see brake cleaner dissolving seals, overflow, or vent maybe. Replace the bolts on your torque stop with new ones. I didn't, and sheared off all three. Check engine mounts, rear pto side was gone on mine.


Active member
Nov 23, 2010
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Gull Lake, SK
My guess is that the fuel is running out of the Overflows for the Carbs. If the back of the sled is up that high, that would likely be the problem.
As for replacing other parts, just do a really good inspection of everything while you can see it all really easily.
BRP reed should be fine. Most guys only see real benefits with reeds if they are doing a bunch of other work as well (engine work mainly).
Hope that helps.


Active VIP Member
Nov 20, 2008
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Calgary, AB & Golden, BC
I have my engine out getting rebuilt. The rear of the sled is hoisted up fairly high and has been sitting like that for quite a few days. Last night I cleaned up my engine bay with brake cleaner. Went out this morning and there was gas everywhere. Looks like the fuel pump was leaking really bad, and it didnt look like out any of the outlets that arent hooked up. Anyone every experience this? Could the brake cleaner have dissolved the fuel pump seals or something?

Also wondering what else to replace while I am rebuilding everything. Should a guy put new reeds in after 5k or so miles? They still look fine. Or is there any advantage of going to a V force reed if I am going to replace them?

The only other thing I can think of while I have everything apart is the recoil. Did I read somewhere that there is a kit for this?

break clean noramlly does not break down rubber seals. Carb cleaner on the other hand will.

Dean i never did the reeds on mine and that was 5500miles. Only real advanatage, and this is on the dyno, is mid range. Top end wise mayby 1-2hp. boyseen some guys see gains, depends on build setup.

As for other stuff, check motor mounts, rivets, bushings, and coolant/oil.fuel lines for wear. I know on my ride alot of the huck rivets where coming loose, they were repaced with SS bolts.
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