North Dore?


Active VIP Member
Sep 27, 2006
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we were at the dore this last weekend and saw absolutley no postings to say it was closed at the start of the trail.
we did not ride it but talked to a group of riders that rode both the south and the north and they state taht they saw no signage that states that either is a closed area.
was also talking to the trapper and contractor that keeps the road cleared and he has not heard of any areas that are closed.
all other areas that are closed are clearly posted.

whats up

is it open or closed:confused:

Post number 25 in this thread will get you to a map and website for closures,I WOULD SUGGEST YOU LOOK AT IT AND NOT TAKE THE WORD OF SOMEONE THAT DOES'T KNOW.
It is the sledders responsibility to know where he or she is in respect to the closures. It is like driving a car, you have to know the rules, they are not posted on every street and highway as you enter.
peeps have been going into the closed areas and to be honest this has most likely hurt us for sure. Clubs have spent alot of time(volunteer) to try and keep what you have now and the ones that think it is still their god given right to ride where they please are going to end up costing us more areas. The time was put in by every club and now in some areas that are not being respected the fealing that i have is WHY did we spend all that time just to have it stomped on by these guys. What a waste of time from my point of view.
I for one will have a hard time pulling myself to the table again only to be kicked in the kister by the ones that don't care.


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Prince George, B.C.
Post number 25 in this thread will get you to a map and website for closures,I WOULD SUGGEST YOU LOOK AT IT AND NOT TAKE THE WORD OF SOMEONE THAT DOES'T KNOW.
It is the sledders responsibility to know where he or she is in respect to the closures. It is like driving a car, you have to know the rules, they are not posted on every street and highway as you enter.
peeps have been going into the closed areas and to be honest this has most likely hurt us for sure. Clubs have spent alot of time(volunteer) to try and keep what you have now and the ones that think it is still their god given right to ride where they please are going to end up costing us more areas. The time was put in by every club and now in some areas that are not being respected the fealing that i have is WHY did we spend all that time just to have it stomped on by these guys. What a waste of time from my point of view.
I for one will have a hard time pulling myself to the table again only to be kicked in the kister by the ones that don't care.

Well said!! In the PG area we had 90% of our areas closed down last Feb. and in the spring there were some yahoos that took it upon themselves to track up all the closed areas and (if you can believe it) had the balls to post the pics on the Snowest site!! It's stuff like that from these few idiots that will wreck the few open areas that we do have left. There have been hundreds of hours of donated time by the few volunteers that lobbied for us, and it will all be for nothing. It is the responsibility of each and every sledder out there to know where the closures are, and RESPECT them!! We may not agree but that's the way it it or not. If every sledder out there that frequented our sledding areas bought a membership, we wouldn't be dealing with closures right now. The $100 for a membership then becomes a small price to pay to keep an area that is lost FOREVER!!!


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
last seasn we had the pleasure of reaming out a group whoo we watched KICK DOWN a closure sign and begin to procede into the area...when we approached them they said " well we didnt want to get in trouble for being in a closed area"

i didnt even know how to respond to that statement


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2007
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Blue River
Yep Maxwell you are right...but it will get smaller if people don't stay out of the closed areas!!!!!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
last seasn we had the pleasure of reaming out a group whoo we watched KICK DOWN a closure sign and begin to procede into the area...when we approached them they said " well we didnt want to get in trouble for being in a closed area"

i didnt even know how to respond to that statement

I would have picked up the sign that they kicked down and proceeded to beat them with it.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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I would have picked up the sign that they kicked down and proceeded to beat them with it.

last seasn we had the pleasure of reaming out a group whoo we watched KICK DOWN a closure sign and begin to procede into the area...when we approached them they said " well we didnt want to get in trouble for being in a closed area"

i didnt even know how to respond to that statement

It's a big back country remove their sleds and the coyotes, wolves and cougars will do the rest, attitudes like that, they probably wouldn't even be missed.


Active VIP Member
Sep 27, 2006
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if you insist on riding in closed areas and break down, you should at least drag your sled out to the edge of the closure. not sure what will happen if the boys fly over and see it in there. day 3 today.


Active VIP Member
Sep 17, 2008
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St Paul, AB
So I was up in Mcbride this weekend and rode Renshaw on Sat and had a perfect day. On Sunday some more buds came up and said they new some locals that could take us into the Door. Little did I know it is a closure. I know I should have did more research but I didn't.:sorry: Well I don't want to start stuff but there was at least four guys that were leading the way that live in McBride full time. Shouldn't people that live in the town set the example? Now I find out I was riding in a closed area and feel like a dweeb. I want to keep a good name for us sledders out there and don't want to cause more issues. Shouldn't the locals care about the closure? I made a call yesterday and found out about another handfull of locals that ride there all the time! Set the example guys!:mad: Very frustrating.


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Smithers, B.C.
I agree. There are locals that are riding in the closed area and they shouldn't be. They should be setting an example. They were told that if they all stayed out of the dore that there was a chance of getting it back in a year or two even if was a limited management scenario. The frustrating part is that they didnt seem to care. They also seem to think that they will have to be caught on there sled in person to be caught by the authorities. I am not 100% sure how thats going to work but i do know that the Ministry in charge has stated that they will be patrolling next season as this year was used more as a information year.


RIP Judy
Dec 1, 2006
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McBride, B.C.
So I was up in Mcbride this weekend and rode Renshaw on Sat and had a perfect day. On Sunday some more buds came up and said they new some locals that could take us into the Door. Little did I know it is a closure. I know I should have did more research but I didn't.:sorry: Well I don't want to start stuff but there was at least four guys that were leading the way that live in McBride full time. Shouldn't people that live in the town set the example? Now I find out I was riding in a closed area and feel like a dweeb. I want to keep a good name for us sledders out there and don't want to cause more issues. Shouldn't the locals care about the closure? I made a call yesterday and found out about another handfull of locals that ride there all the time! Set the example guys!:mad: Very frustrating.

Those locals are fully aware of the closures and choose to ignore them. They feel it is their RIGHT to be there, since they have sledded there all their lives. We have had this argument with them and it just will not sink into their small minds. If they played by the rules, we could get the area back under a special management agreement. We have a snowball's chance in he!! now. You can thank them for that the next time you are in town.

There have been Ministry of Environment planes out there periodically and they are keeping track of the areas these guys are riding in. They will be caught eventually and when they are fined and/or lose their sleds, they will only have themselves to blame. In the meantime they are wrecking it for those riders that are following the rules in the hopes of getting the area back in some capacity.
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Active member
Feb 20, 2008
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I agree with you, you would think that of all people the locals would be the ones advocating not riding it there. I think that because they live there, they think the "rules" don't apply to them and they will do whatever they want. What they are going to do, is wreck it for the rest of us that have to drive 8 hours to get there, 3 or 4 times a year. We try to abid by the rules to keep from losing anymore riding areas, and this is what happens. Very disappointing that local would wreck it for the rest of us. As far as I am conserned it is very disrespectful to the people that have went and fought for the areas to stay open, when something like this happens they have to sit and think why did I even go and fight, when our own locals do this. Once again, I think it is very sad when the locals are the ones that are riding in the closure areas, and even sadder when they take someone new to the area, which later feels like a "dweeb" for going in there, hat off to his post of admiting that he didn't look into the closures, but he put his trust in the locals.


Active VIP Member
Sep 17, 2008
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St Paul, AB
Put their names up on here.

I would love to but it would cause me a lot of headaches in the end. These people are good people just a little closed minded. All of them have helped me in the past when I have been in trouble. They just have to open thier eyes. When my garage is 8 hours away I need all the help I can get. I will personally talk to them. As we know I am just some out of towner, that has been supporting the town for 11 years, that won't get taking seriously. They will get serious when they get fined. Don't get me wrong I hate the closures as much as they do. After catching a glimpse of the area it would be amazing to legally go back!:d


Active member
Mar 31, 2007
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This is a very emotional topic when talking to sledders and back country people. But for the most part the closures are 90% political not pratical or out of concern for the caribou. I ride McBride and Prince George area and some in the pine pass. Why people chose to ignore closures are they are not fact based on the numbers and once you loose a area it is very unlikely we will get that area back. The caribou herds in Pg area are getting larger not smaller. They have closed several area's from PG to McBride area that we have never seen caribou and only the odd moose. It would be nice to see a little more workable closures ie jan to mid march close senitive area's after that open them up as snow is getting a very good base at that time and wolf's are pretty much running on top of the snow at that time. Give the public true numbers for caribou number's as well as true numbers for wolves.
So if the moose numbers are down do we close the highways and the railways because alot of moose are killed on the highways and the railway. Also there are several elk killed in the park at Jasper but vehicles continue to drive the higway. I have not heard of sleds killing caribou and truely how many caribou are taken because of sled tracks allowing wolves access to them. I have personly seen a wolf run 25-30 klm in 2.5 feet of fresh snow. My point beening that if wolves are hungry they are going to find a heard of caribou but will chose a lonely moose long before attacking herd. I really think that if any of you lived in Mcbride you would ride some old favorite area's, where no one else is riding or up renshaw where there are lots of other sleds and is quite alot of the area is already tracked up.
I am not saying it is ok to ride closed area's and I like to see the animal kingdom to be in balance and not threated by a few riders that are not smart enought to leave a area if caribou are right there. Move some where else to ride that day. At the end of the day we need to continue to work together to protect what we have. Hat's of to Barry, Judy and all the other's that spend alot of time negotiating on our behalf and volunteering there time for the sport.
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