Two More Deaths - McBride


Active VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
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Sherwood Park
Re: 2 renshaw any deaths

I feel so sorry for the losses that you all have to go through. So Sad....My Condolences.


Active VIP Member
Sep 14, 2008
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Edmonton, Ab
We consider the risks everytime we go up there, not just this year, you're comments make it sound like we are just ignoring the dangers this last couple weeks, and if we just wait till next year, then we'll all be okay. the risk is there each and every time you ride up there, every year.

Couldn't agree more... I was up last weekend, introducing a new sledder to the mountains, and couldn't beleive some of the stupidity that I saw. We entered an area and and I spent some time showing him how to do a search, dug a snowpit, etc, and did a quick analysis of the area pointing out two slopes that I felt were dangerous enough that I wouldn't even go near them much less climb them, one of which had all the makings of a devastating slide (cornices above, south facing on a warm day, long runout, terrain trap below, BAD consequences) and wouldn't you know it that 20 mins later a group comes along and starts taking pokes at the worst slope I could see!!! Lucky for them the snowpack held, but if that many guys are willing to take that level of risk how long is it till something bad happens?


Super Senior Member
Jan 12, 2009
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My condolences to the families of the two riders from Stony Plain. Rest in Peace. :(


Active VIP Member
Nov 26, 2008
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Spruce Grove, AB
My condolences to the families of the two riders from Stony Plain. Rest in Peace. :(
This is the closest yet to my backyard, living in Spruce Grove....
My condolences to the families of all the fallen riders.
RIP Boys, my first ride next year will be in memory of you guys!!


Active VIP Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Smithers, B.C.
Sledders are on the mind this morning.. Once again send out my condolences to all involved.. My thoughts are also with the search and rescue guys, they have a tough job to do. I would just like to take my hat off to all the s&r guys as they are the ones that go in and deal with things that are quite often not pleasent at all.. When they get called out it's never for an enjoyable situation, so i'd just like to say thank you to all S&R people across the nation, especially the guys/gals in our town as we have a first class group of S&R members.. These guys are hero's in mind for what they do and have to go thru to help people and they never ask for anything in return..

HRT Offroad

Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Kimberley, BC
My condolences go out to all the families and friends of the victims involved in the latest avalanches. It truly is sad!!

I have been messing around in the back country for over 20 years now and have never come close to being in trouble due to avalanches. I play hard out there, but I play smart. It's great to play in the meadows and trees, but it's definitely not a safe place to be if there is high alpine above the area where you are playing. There are always plenty of safe places with low risk and little or no exposure. Please everyone...use your heads out there and play safe...there is no need for people to die!!


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Nov 27, 2006
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Sherwood Park
Random thought...
Odds of getting killed in an avalache versus winning the lottery...
I bought a lottery ticket this week thinking I might win. I'm going sledding this weekend thinking...

Billy Boy

Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Central Alberta
My condolences go to the families of the sledders that were lost in McBride this is getting to sound like a broken record. As for the previous posts about the high danger rates in the back country right know; yes currently they are extreme in certain areas, but if you use your head and spidy senses you should have a safe trip. We were up to Silent Pass this past weekend when conditions for avalanches were high but you stay in safe terrain and look around you and observe the signs you should have an incident free trip. Now in saying that sometimes things happen that are beyond your control and you should be prepared to respond (hense all the safety gear we carry) and even then things can turn tragic. Our group had a safe trip and we enjoyed ourselves with what you would call a perfect day of sledding but when we were there I observed sledders taking unecessary risks; why do you have to highmark and try to touch a cornice when that cornice has had full sun exposure on a warm day:confused: and why do you have to highmark on a very steep hill which also has had full sun exposure and there are small avalanches starting on the very area you are highmarking:confused: These were a couple of the risky things we observed that day and then you wonder why we are getting these tragic consequences as we have had this season. As for myself my mountain riding is done for this year.

Billy Boy:cool:


Active VIP Member
Nov 13, 2006
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BBTOYS, thanks for your post on page 7, I think that about summed it up in my mind as to why a lot, not all, of these deaths have been occurring. Poor decision making and not considering the what if's... My condolences go out to all of the families of those that have been killed this year in avalnches while sledding. This is an amazing sport and I keep telling people that ask why we keep going that you just have to experience it once and you will be hooked. It is like any hobby or sport, you can do it safely and still enjoy it or you can take huge unnecesary risks but be ready to accept the consequences for the decisions that you make. It's the whole risk vs. reward thought process... lots of times, especially this year the risk is not worth the reward. I will still go to the Mountains to ride this year, I will just adjust the areas that I ride accordingly and come home to tell the stories and show the pictures to my two year old who loves to see daddy's ski doo pictures.

Barry, a big thank you for the hard work and dedication you show to the sport and as a volunteer with S&R, I hope everyone on here recognizes that everytime you have to go and do a recovery that you leave a little piece of yourself on the mountain as well. I don't know where the sport would be without dedicated volunteers such as yourself, please pass on my thanks to the rest of the Mcbride and district S&R.

My condolences go to the families of the sledders that were lost in McBride this is getting to sound like a broken record. As for the previous posts about the high danger rates in the back country right know; yes currently they are extreme in certain areas, but if you use your head and spidy senses you should have a safe trip. We were up to Silent Pass this past weekend when conditions for avalanches were high but you stay in safe terrain and look around you and observe the signs you should have an incident free trip. Now in saying that sometimes things happen that are beyond your control and you should be prepared to respond (hense all the safety gear we carry) and even then things can turn tragic. Our group had a safe trip and we enjoyed ourselves with what you would call a perfect day of sledding but when we were there I observed sledders taking unecessary risks; why do you have to highmark and try to touch a cornice when that cornice has had full sun exposure on a warm day:confused: and why do you have to highmark on a very steep hill which also has had full sun exposure and there are small avalanches starting on the very area you are highmarking:confused: These were a couple of the risky things we observed that day and then you wonder why we are getting these tragic consequences as we have had this season. As for myself my mountain riding is done for this year.

Billy Boy:cool:


Active VIP Member
Apr 29, 2008
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thank you barry, this is the point i'm trying to make too, we need people to be informed before they make broad brush statments about the dangers of mountain snowmobiling

sorry that it came out the way it did but with th risks this year being substantaly higher then other years people should play it safe and not think only about themselves when they want to go ride in the mountains. We need to consider our families and friends and the effect it has on them. Iam sure that the entire time that you are gone they are worrying about wether or not you are coming back.


Active VIP Member
Nov 17, 2007
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My condolences to all the families grieving this winter.

I've been discussing this issue with some ski touring experts, big debate on why so many sledders getting caught and no skiers.

Main reasons;
1) poor decisions being made
2) poor decisions being made
3) poor decisions being made

Out of all the incidents I think only one was a result of wrong place wrong time which is really tragic. Correct me if I am wrong.

I think the only way to reduce the deaths is for us as a group to drop the hammer on the riders making these decisions. If you see someone highmarking an unsafe slope, rip him a new one and not just one guy do the talking maybe 3 or 4 guys???

Obviously they won't listen to the advice of the avy experts, maybe they will listen to other riders on the moutain????

I really don't like people telling me what to do but in extreme situations extreme solutions are needed.

It's better than the Gov. closing the back country like they did when the fires were bad in '03/04 my $.02


Active VIP Member
Nov 15, 2008
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Salmon Arm B.C.
First of all my deepest condolences to the families of all the fallen riders.

Please ride safe out there. I have the privilege of riding a lot cuz of where I live. What disturbs me is seeing the extra risks that some people take and that is pretty much everytime I go out. Having said that, we as sledders all take a risk when we go out, but I would rather be in that risk factor doing what I love to do, rather than sitting at home. Play safe.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Nanoose Bay B.C
My heart goes out to all the families that lost loved ones this year 08,09 will be a year remembered sadly by the whole snomobile community,that said we are partacking in a back country speed sport and no matter what the conditions are theres going to be deaths thats the way it is in motorsports unfortunatly,I agree we should be watching what other riders are doing out there and telling them there idiots when doing dumd things,its like when Im quading and run into people not wearing helmuts Im the first to tell them Im not pickin the pieces of there brains if they crash and its pretty selfish of them to expect me to.


Active VIP Member
Feb 20, 2008
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The business end of a Beer!
Man o’man…two times in one week I’m posting to send condolences…there has got to be a message here…three souls from the greater Edmonton area are no longer with us…message received!!!

My condolences to the families affected by this new tragedy…my thoughts are with you.
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