Will the USA fall?


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Feb 13, 2011
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Didn't work for 300,000 Kurds in northern Iraq. Iraq"WAS" the 4th largest army in the world before the Americans interceded in the Kuwait occupation. Pretty poor odds for people to overcome with sticks and rocks.

There have been many many bloodless goverment throw overs in past history.
And dont bringt up the Kurds and that being a great reason to have invaded Iraq cause if that is what people are using to justify the invasion then why did it take till the U.S despretly needed oil?

Oh well America has found out you cant sabre rattle to get what you want if you can't afford the sabre!


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Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
This would be a good opportunity to lay off all the mercenaries, oh sorry, "security contractors" they have working overseas. Some of those guys are making 4-5X a soldiers salary. Skid them all, that'd save a few bucks. That was one of the worst things Bush and Chaney did over there was to privatize the war.


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Mar 3, 2009
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There have been many many bloodless goverment throw overs in past history.
And dont bringt up the Kurds and that being a great reason to have invaded Iraq cause if that is what people are using to justify the invasion then why did it take till the U.S despretly needed oil?

So enlighten us. None come to mind to me at the moment. Bloodless????? Like I said before the 4th largest army in the world doesn't just hand over the keys at the first sign of trouble. Least not the Butcher of Baghdad.

Sofa king

Active VIP Member
Nov 3, 2008
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IMO this is not a U.S problem, it's a global problem. Politicians are nothing more then puppets of global corporations whether they know it or not. Fact is the extremely wealthy use fear to manipulate the worlds governments. They use fear of terrorism, financial colapse, disease, failing medicare, no pensions, government sanctions etc.... to influence the public opinion which in turn influences politicians indirectly. If that doesn't work they cut campaign funding, move factories, cut thousands of jobs, force the government to go to court in cases designed to waste money, finicially burden anyone who doesn't play ball, which inturn influences the politicians directly. They own the television networks, the news papers, the radio and the political parties on all sides. They are the big boys on the block and they are not going to let anyone forget it. As far as the wars mentioned above, you could argue several different reasons for the wars and most of them would probably be true, but one thing is for sure, whether its a war or rescue mission billions are going to private companies for freight, building contractors, weapons manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, banks, aid groups and you can be sure a global company has a hand in most if not all of them. War is the best business opportuntiy you can get and if all goes to hell and the markets crash the banks simply get EVERYTHING which I am sure a global company owns part of as well. These corporations are involved for one reason only MONEY and there is no human cost is too great to get in the way of making more money. Why don't they tax the extremely wealthy? Simple because if they do they will sink the economy and the country that tries to tax them. The car manufacturer bail outs are a great example. Open a small business run it horribly and then when your facing bankruptcy tell the government you want all the people that are struggling to survive to pay you a large some of money. LOL FAT CHANCE. Start a huge company and intertwine it in as many ways as possible into the countrys economy (the country that allows these companies to make trillions in the first place) and if it all goes south the government will have no choice but to save you from bankruptcy. You can have your cake and eat it too, if not you can at least send lawyers to make sure no one else can eat it. These guys are smart, really smart. Smart enough to have us all arguing over where queers can get married, WMD that didn't exist, what celebrity f#cked who, which politician snorted coke off a strippers ass, meanwhile they are raping the earth and a$$ f#cking us all and getting mighty rich the whole time. They are probably drinking wobbly pops right now laughing at how stupid we all really are. Just sayin.


Active VIP Member
Oct 3, 2007
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don't know who is right or wrong, but the debt thing started a longtime ago, cause i remember many many many moons ago, that if you didn't have some money you didn't play, or diverisfy. Today you play and expand your wealth on the expectation of growth, once growth and the playing field becomes worldwide and things happen in a nano second, things can go sideways quickly and a person doesn't have enough fingers to point with. As to the wars and fighting, we're just like the ones in the fight zone, we're speculating on who's right or wrong based on the info we read and hear, not knowing who is doing the writing , or starting the conversation. all i know it's a privilege, and i'm thankful to not be ducking bullets and seeing if my back yard got blown up by something everyday. my 2 cents cause that's all got to spend today.


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Oct 3, 2007
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Sofaking, you nailed it. who is they, i always ask everyone regarding any questionably conversation, who is they, and no one knows who they is. But believe me there aren't to many theys running the world, but supernova theys, they all want to be the top they in the circle of influence of theys.


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Nov 13, 2006
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Any where there is snow
Sometimes feels like we are the puppets dancing as the power brokers of the world pull our strings; how do we cut those strings?



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Oct 18, 2008
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spruce grove
ill lay it out there, i back the americans all the way, theyve been taking a beating on this thread. Sure theyre not perfect but damn those mofos made the west ( and that includes canada ) what it is today, which is the best region on earth imo! I really really hope they can pull it together because im not a big fan of say china or india or really any other country being the "world police" or superpower. Dark days ahead i believe if its anyone else but them.


Active VIP Member
Mar 8, 2011
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USA and Canada are not without blood on their hands. For being all about "freedom," both countries are remarkably quick to invade and slaughter people in distant lands - people who never declared war or even formally attacked them. Feel free to consider the number of local people that died by foreigners' hands in these incidents, if you dare.
Vietnam War (the Gulf of Tonkin incident either never happened or was a false flag operation to trigger a war by Americans)
Bay of Pigs
[possibly some Central and South American incidents I'm not familiar with, including Contras]
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq

scrfce, now contrast with those countries you don't trust. How many countries have they attacked and invaded in the last 50 years? I count zero.


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2008
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spruce grove
USA and Canada are not without blood on their hands. For being all about "freedom," both countries are remarkably quick to invade and slaughter people in distant lands - people who never declared war or even formally attacked them. Feel free to consider the number of local people that died by foreigners' hands in these incidents, if you dare.
Vietnam War (the Gulf of Tonkin incident either never happened or was a false flag operation to trigger a war by Americans)
Bay of Pigs
[possibly some Central and South American incidents I'm not familiar with, including Contras]
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq

scrfce, now contrast with those countries you don't trust. How many countries have they attacked and invaded in the last 50 years? I count zero.
like i had said by no means are we perfect as a western civilization but in all honesty once again i back most decisions we ve made because they have no matter if u want to accept it or not benefited us and i think the world in general much more than if another competing country had taken the lead. And yes i know theres been alot of pain and suffering that go along with the say atrocities we ve committed but also very much believe we d be awhole lot worse off if it was anybody else that had taken that ''lead''. i back the states thru and thru.
and those countries i dont trust dont necessarilly have to invade another country for me to dislike them, their human rights track record pretty much sums it all up for me

im a true believer that freedom dont come free,,,unfortunately.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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USA and Canada are not without blood on their hands. For being all about "freedom," both countries are remarkably quick to invade and slaughter people in distant lands - people who never declared war or even formally attacked them. Feel free to consider the number of local people that died by foreigners' hands in these incidents, if you dare.
Vietnam War (the Gulf of Tonkin incident either never happened or was a false flag operation to trigger a war by Americans)
Bay of Pigs
[possibly some Central and South American incidents I'm not familiar with, including Contras]
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq

scrfce, now contrast with those countries you don't trust. How many countries have they attacked and invaded in the last 50 years? I count zero.

I think the reason everyone went into Afghanastan was because that is where Al Qaida is. Bin Laden and Al Qaida declared war on the west when they flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and suicide bombers in Europe. Might want to rethink your statement I'm thinking.


Active VIP Member
Feb 23, 2009
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I think the reason everyone went into Afghanastan was because that is where Al Qaida is. Bin Laden and Al Qaida declared war on the west when they flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and suicide bombers in Europe. Might want to rethink your statement I'm thinking.

Really? you believe that the burning jet fuel from the crash melted the titanium blocks of the jet engines but left human DNA behind.
That was the US's explanation for there being zero debris form the crash yet they where able to gather DNA from the deceased.
Its was all set up so we would go into a war, just like WW2, Vietnam, etc... because like Sofa King said war is the most profitable business there is.
http://zeitgeistmovie.com/ Watch these documentaries they are very interesting.
Just my .02


Active VIP Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
like i had said by no means are we perfect as a western civilization but in all honesty once again i back most decisions we ve made because they have no matter if u want to accept it or not benefited us and i think the world in general much more than if another competing country had taken the lead. And yes i know theres been alot of pain and suffering that go along with the say atrocities we ve committed but also very much believe we d be awhole lot worse off if it was anybody else that had taken that ''lead''. i back the states thru and thru.
and those countries i dont trust dont necessarilly have to invade another country for me to dislike them, their human rights track record pretty much sums it all up for me

im a true believer that freedom dont come free,,,unfortunately.

So the U.S. has a clean human rights record?!!!


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Who's getting rich off the wars? Halliburton? who used to run halliburton? oh that's right the vice president at the time!

So Bush says to congress and his war machine.........Hey guys whatta ya say we get some Arabs to fly some planes into buildings, killing thousands of people, putting the whole western world in mass panic, totally destroying the markets, as well as over time almost bankrupting not only all the airlines and the country just so he can pick a fight and make a few bucks off Haliburton????? You think one guy can make that decision?? So now we have a conspiracy theory of EPIC proportions. This is right up there with the moon landing, Bermuda triangle and Roswell. Sheesh Mike you need to get some help there buddy. I didn't really believe anyone would really post something that bizzare on this website.
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