New Distracted Driving Law


Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2011
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what if you're at a red light? you arent moving, technically not driving......
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Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2011
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does this also mean we cant use our factory installed radios anymore? what if the radio is only playing commercials... you my cd is skipping?

does this mean i have to pull over to change a cd, or change the setting from cd to radio?

we'll soon find out, i'll do everything in front of a cop until he gives me a ticket...see how far we can push this


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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does this also mean we cant use our factory installed radios anymore? what if the radio is only playing commercials... you my cd is skipping?

does this mean i have to pull over to change a cd, or change the setting from cd to radio?

we'll soon find out, i'll do everything in front of a cop until he gives me a ticket...see how far we can push this

Any moron from all over the world can get a drivers license here. That Might be part of the problem. And texting while driving. If I c someone text while on the road. I pull up close beside them and lay onthe horn. Frickin funny cause it scares the crap outa them. They have no idea where u came from. But yet you need a college degree to get a boating licence now the federal govt have taken over the tests.


Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Any moron from all over the world can get a drivers license here. That Might be part of the problem. And texting while driving. If I c someone text while on the road. I pull up close beside them and lay onthe horn. Frickin funny cause it scares the crap outa them. They have no idea where u came from. But yet you need a college degree to get a boating licence now the federal govt have taken over the tests.

it's not that i don't agree with the law, it's just where do you actually draw the line, they made it that way to allow a bit of leeway, but as much as that can be good, it also can be bad right
a cop and just want to be a prick and give you a valid ticket according to the law

thats all i'm wondering

i absolutely detest people who text and drive, you can spot them a mile away, fast slow fast slow side to side ch!t he's coming in my lane honk the horn guy gets startled

but if i'm stopped at a red light and reference my map, or pick up my phone to use google maps and toss it aside when the light turns green, where does that fall, the bill isnt clear on that in order to have cops use their better judgement, but a cop having a rough day might now have a better judgement, after all, they are humans just like the rest of us


Active VIP Member
Mar 16, 2009
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Rosalind, Alberta
In Manitoba, thats a ticket! red light dont matter, must be pulled off the road to use ur phone.

and YUP we now will have cops standing at the intersections and cross walks waiting to write tickets

That's true, as they do at times going into the plants up here in Ft. Mac, for seatbelt enforcement.

One needs to take the time to read the law and the FAQs for a better understanding of what you could be in for when it comes time for enforcement, and what latitude we as vehicle operators have.

We knew it was coming and we're not the first in Canada.


Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Carbon AB
it's not that i don't agree with the law, it's just where do you actually draw the line, they made it that way to allow a bit of leeway, but as much as that can be good, it also can be bad right
a cop and just want to be a prick and give you a valid ticket according to the law

thats all i'm wondering

i absolutely detest people who text and drive, you can spot them a mile away, fast slow fast slow side to side ch!t he's coming in my lane honk the horn guy gets startled

but if i'm stopped at a red light and reference my map, or pick up my phone to use google maps and toss it aside when the light turns green, where does that fall, the bill isnt clear on that in order to have cops use their better judgement, but a cop having a rough day might now have a better judgement, after all, they are humans just like the rest of us

I agree. Saw a guy Texting while driving in Calgary last week. Almost ran me off the road! He made me drop my cheese burger!

Sent from my kickass HTC Desire because Apple sucks!


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
it's an unnessesary law.... waste of taxpayer dollars in time, debate, reserch etc....

we already have a "driving with undue care and attention" law that could be applied to any distracted driver....

friggin government is all about reinventing square wheels.....


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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The minister of transportation, Luke Ouelette was on Rutherford today and explained to Dave how the new law will work. Basically if you are on the road whether it be driving or sitting at a red light you can be ticketed. He says the law is intended to get the guy driving down the road with 2 hands on his double cheeseburger and steering with his knee. Texting, putting on makeup and reading the newspaper are other high target infractions. If you are driving along sipping on your coffee your probably not going to get pulled over. He said the law is not designed to have cops hiding behind billboards waiting to write tickets. Luke said basically just pay attention and you should be alright.:d:beer:


Active VIP Member
Mar 24, 2011
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They need this law. So many assholes yapping on a handheld, not paying attention, or texting, or watching movies! On truck forums people want to unlock the dash dvd player so they can listen to a movie on a long drive, yeah right. We are all guilty of doing some of these things at some point, but it is getting to be more the norm than "that guy was reading emails, can you believe that?" so I hope they write lots of tickets. Maybe people will start to look at the road while they are driving. As for maps, I'm all for a quick reference when safe to do so, but I've seen those plastered across the windshield on hwy 2 north of Calgary in the hammer lane. Time and place. Do you have to kill or cripple someone before you stop and realize the hazards?

Sent from my iPad2 using Tapatalk


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
They need this law. So many assholes yapping on a handheld, not paying attention, or texting, or watching movies! On truck forums people want to unlock the dash dvd player so they can listen to a movie on a long drive, yeah right. We are all guilty of doing some of these things at some point, but it is getting to be more the norm than "that guy was reading emails, can you believe that?" so I hope they write lots of tickets. Maybe people will start to look at the road while they are driving. As for maps, I'm all for a quick reference when safe to do so, but I've seen those plastered across the windshield on hwy 2 north of Calgary in the hammer lane. Time and place. Do you have to kill or cripple someone before you stop and realize the hazards?

Sent from my iPad2 using Tapatalk while driving and eating 'peel and eat' shrimp

Fixed it for you


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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I am posting this while driving BTW

Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk
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