My views on religion

mudd kitty

Active VIP Member
Mar 29, 2010
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high level Alberta
I usually don't speak my serious opinion, but I will this time.

I watched my father suffer and die when cancer ate 90 pounds off his body and caused the smooth part of his eyeballs to become craters to the point that the pupil part looked like it was sitting in a stem. It was a horrible thing for him to go through, for 3 months it was like a nightmare we couldn't wake up from. Day and night we watched him suffer and were completely helpless when he wanted us to somehow make it better. It was the hardest time in my life and probably our marriage. When we went through that time, it made me do a lot if thinking and rethinking. It made me realize that life is too short and too serious to joke about, whatever you believe better be worth it.

God loves us enough to not control us, instead He gives us the freewill to make our own decisions. What we do with that is up to us.

A year or so after my dad died, I became really really sick. Finally they found out that I have a tumor and gave me less than a year. This was by God's grace that it was even found. It was so hard on my body and among deterioration and things I can no longer do, it has now caused for me to not be able to have children. It messed my body up and makes it attack itself. After countless appointments and frustration, they found that certain things trigger parts of my brain which trigger it's growth. Avoiding some situations and different triggers have been able to slow it's growth for the moment. It is not a permanent fix, and next time it will come back fast, with a vengeance and I probably won't be so lucky.

I asked a question earlier, if somehow someone knew and told you that you would not wake up tomorrow, what would you do next ?
Not something a lot of people would think seriously about very much. At least that is my opinion.
I pray every night when I go to bed that tonight isn't that night. One night, (or day) sooner than later 'that night' will be my and magnet's reality.
When I asked that question I was only wondering what other people would truly think or do. Now I guess I know.

I believe in God, and hope that through His grace when my night comes, He will take me home to Him.

God has given magnet patience and support for me beyond what he ever would have been able to do on his own.

I believe that my way to share God's love is not so much through words, that is not my place. Instead through behavior and example. So I won't preach to you, only tell you the hand I have been dealt sucks, but at least it is giving me more time than I was supposed to have with my loved ones. I will never have children, and although I am aware my days have been numbered, I know last time was a gift from God, because if they hadn't found my tumor, they wouldn't have been able to find partly what is triggering it's growth, and that alone would have killed me back then. Although I am getting sick again, I know I have been blessed by God with the extra time I was given.

If you don't believe in God I do not judge you for it, but do not insult Him.

The day I found out about my brain results, before I got to the surgeon, I read something that has always stuck with me.
It said "If you are living like there is no God, you'd better be right."

WOW thats a horrible thing to go through!! My brother had a metoblastoma brain tumour. He has gone through surgery , Chemo , countless hours of physio and will never be the same. But I personally give thanks to the the Doctors that went to school for years and the nurses and staff that helped him through it.

Isn't it true that God then gave u the tumour and the doctors found it and have given you extra time to live.... I feel so insensitive asking you this but really didnt God then want you to Die ?
The Doctors found a way for you to live!
If it was the "devil" that gave you the tumor yet you have been a devout catholic through out ur life then if you died before they found it you would have gone to heaven and not hell so what would the Devil gain in that?

I know alot of religions will refuse the help of medicine and such because it is man made and if god wanted you to die then should you have gone to the doctors to live? It took hours ....years of mans life to come up with what we have for medical help and that help has prolonged life and cured many.Made having babies safer and too many things to count. Yet those things are all technically against God will are they not?

I dont even know why I am replying cause I really dont care what other people think or who they worship. But I do know KARMA is a BEOTCH!
And I knock on wood.....does that count as a religion?

Snow Monkey

Active VIP Member
Jan 3, 2009
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Near Edmonton
WOW thats a horrible thing to go through!! My brother had a metoblastoma brain tumour. He has gone through surgery , Chemo , countless hours of physio and will never be the same. But I personally give thanks to the the Doctors that went to school for years and the nurses and staff that helped him through it.

Isn't it true that God then gave u the tumour and the doctors found it and have given you extra time to live.... I feel so insensitive asking you this but really didnt God then want you to Die ?
The Doctors found a way for you to live!
If it was the "devil" that gave you the tumor yet you have been a devout catholic through out ur life then if you died before they found it you would have gone to heaven and not hell so what would the Devil gain in that?

I know alot of religions will refuse the help of medicine and such because it is man made and if god wanted you to die then should you have gone to the doctors to live? It took hours ....years of mans life to come up with what we have for medical help and that help has prolonged life and cured many.Made having babies safer and too many things to count. Yet those things are all technically against God will are they not?

I dont even know why I am replying cause I really dont care what other people think or who they worship. But I do know KARMA is a BEOTCH!
And I knock on wood.....does that count as a religion?

First...I'm not catholic.
God gave people gifts, some are gifted to research and through that gift, have come up with radiation, chemo, blah blah blah.
Not everything in life is fun, but when we are given a circumstance, we can choose what we do with it and how we allow it to impact our life.
God can do anything, but sometimes things are learned through heartache and trouble, I believe to wake people up. If everything went smoothly, what point would living be ? It was through God's grace that certain people were put in certain places at certain times, to allow God to use them for His works, that day when I was told the news that I was told, it was God who was there, all God. Satan gets more credit than it deserves. Sometimes things happen which we don't understand and likely never will. That's where i think we need to realize it isn't up to us.

A relationship goes 2 ways, if you get used long enough, would you help someone who ignores you? If someone wants something does it mean we get it ? No, might, might not.

Have a great weekend all !

Joey's Sister

Feb 2, 2011
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Honk if you love Jesus, text while driving if you want to meet Him.

Illicitly he turned water into wine :beer: I heart Jeebus, I get presents on HIS beerthday!!

My opinion on Religion is that it is essential to a culture and makes the world interesting. I don't condone evolution or creation, being a good person in this life is rewarding.


GBCA Member
May 5, 2009
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Calmer, formerly of the GBCA
amature.......everyone knows joey's real sister wouldnt be caught dead in a pic with a dragon......yamaha only for the hodgeman's

Illicitly he turned water into wine :beer: I heart Jeebus, I get presents on HIS beerthday!!

My opinion on Religion is that it is essential to a culture and makes the world interesting. I don't condone evolution or creation, being a good person in this life is rewarding.
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