karma`s a Bitch


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Westend, Edmonton, Ab
Well I don`t normally believe in Karma but this pass week I`ve had a change of mind. The family and I were heading back from Salmon Arm and got cut off doing a 100 kph while pulling a 30 ft rv. This piece of crap pulled out in front of us( he made a right turn) on the highway and I had to do everything I could not to drive into the back of his Prius. I was steaming mad he could have killed us and I know I would have killed all four them If I had made contact. Well an hour or so down the highway and what do I see, This SOB lost control and pull his car half way in the ditch and hit a provincial park sign. He damaged his car and got it stuck. He tried making a corner to fast and slide on the gravel. Now I`m not saying wished any of this and I`m not saying I didn't. I know there wasn't any kids in the car just four males probably in their 20`s, and I know I owe Karma a drink.


Active VIP Member
Jan 6, 2012
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Lloydminster Sk.
Sometimes it gives a person a good feeling when you see something like that. Not that I want to see anyone get hurt but 99% of the time these people are oblivious to the problems they cause.


Active VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Well I don`t normally believe in Karma but this pass week I`ve had a change of mind. The family and I were heading back from Salmon Arm and got cut off doing a 100 kph while pulling a 30 ft rv. This piece of crap pulled out in front of us( he made a right turn) on the highway and I had to do everything I could not to drive into the back of his Prius. I was steaming mad he could have killed us and I know I would have killed all four them If I had made contact. Well an hour or so down the highway and what do I see, This SOB lost control and pull his car half way in the ditch and hit a provincial park sign. He damaged his car and got it stuck. He tried making a corner to fast and slide on the gravel. Now I`m not saying wished any of this and I`m not saying I didn't. I know there wasn't any kids in the car just four males probably in their 20`s, and I know I owe Karma a drink.
We have lived in Salmon Arm for the past 4 1/2 years, having moved here from Alberta. (Major reason, tired of -30-40 temps). I can honestly tell you, I have never seen such a major lack of driving skills, and consideration for other drivers. Try to pass a slower vehicle on the highway?? They will speed up when you are passing. Try to make a lane change, they will speed up and do all they can to not let you in. Oh yes, will pull out in front of you on the highway when you are doing the speed limit, as you found out. Absolutely a high number of very stupid, inconsiderate people here. So sad really. Oh, and don't get me started on the work ethic here, because there is none, but that is for another post.


Active VIP Member
Jul 23, 2012
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Glad to hear you and your family is safe ! Sounds like it could have been very scary :(


Active VIP Member
May 4, 2013
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Karma, too funny.
It is my observation that a very large portion of the driving population are poor drivers in the first place, earning their right to drive with the bare minimum, i'm betting that is the case of members on this forum.
This included myself.
In 2016 i decided to take a riders course for motorcycling even though i have been on motorcycles for many years, before high school. This was a friends advice after he took the course even though he was a long time rider.
This changed everything and opened my eyes to a lot of bad driving habits people have, including myself again.
Immediately after taking my riding course in 2016 i signed up for the defensive drivers course and in 2019 took the advance motorcycle riders course.
Yaya i know your an awesome driver/rider bla,bla,bla....till you take the course and find out how bad you really are and how many bad habits you have.
On a daily basis i see these simple yet extremely dangerous thing people do all the time;
-changing lanes in an intersection.
-tail gating/following too close, unaware of time required to react to stop.
-turn signaling, what's that?
-shoulder checking, is there such a thing?
That is just the beginning on the basics no longer observed by most drivers regularly.
If your a motorcyclist, your even worst as a driver/rider considering what you are on for transportation.
Your bad driving habit basically transfer over to the riding, amplifying the risk to your self. Plus many choose to ride with hardly as little then a helmet for protection.
I see riders in shorts, flip flops, tank tops, helmets that one can hardly call a helmet. Combined with a lack of riding skills and bad habits from their driving(car) style.
So is that Karma? I'ed also like to think so BUT.
People choose to do what they do, stupid failed to weigh the risk and the lack off knowledge will always pop its head up eventually. Hope every one was ok and maybe learnt from it.

The big greasy

Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2020
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Red deer
The sad part is. In his mind he probably did nothing wrong.

I have a friend that drives like that. I will not get into a vehicle if hes driving for those reasons

Totally because of his driving?, or is it the Prius effect? Lol!!!


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Leduc Alberta
We have lived in Salmon Arm for the past 4 1/2 years, having moved here from Alberta. (Major reason, tired of -30-40 temps). I can honestly tell you, I have never seen such a major lack of driving skills, and consideration for other drivers. Try to pass a slower vehicle on the highway?? They will speed up when you are passing. Try to make a lane change, they will speed up and do all they can to not let you in. Oh yes, will pull out in front of you on the highway when you are doing the speed limit, as you found out. Absolutely a high number of very stupid, inconsiderate people here. So sad really. Oh, and don't get me started on the work ethic here, because there is none, but that is for another post.

Yah my moms side of the family lives there to. My aunts and uncles have good work ethic and have done very well for themselves. But my cousins other than two of them you couldn’t imagine more lazy people! That think the world owes them!

Beer Slayer

Active VIP Member
Dec 2, 2018
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Great Lakes
Well I don`t normally believe in Karma but this pass week I`ve had a change of mind. The family and I were heading back from Salmon Arm and got cut off doing a 100 kph while pulling a 30 ft rv. This piece of crap pulled out in front of us( he made a right turn) on the highway and I had to do everything I could not to drive into the back of his Prius. I was steaming mad he could have killed us and I know I would have killed all four them If I had made contact. Well an hour or so down the highway and what do I see, This SOB lost control and pull his car half way in the ditch and hit a provincial park sign. He damaged his car and got it stuck. He tried making a corner to fast and slide on the gravel. Now I`m not saying wished any of this and I`m not saying I didn't. I know there wasn't any kids in the car just four males probably in their 20`s, and I know I owe Karma a drink.
A couple years ago I was on a step hill in my bus losing speed with four/five vehicles behind me. I was doing about ninety five in an eighty before the hill. The last piece of sh!t behind me decided he wasn't waiting for me to crest the hill and passed all of us at warp speed. I had to pull over to the shoulder to let this a$$hole in because a car came over the top of the hill and he had no where to go. A few minutes later when I crested the hill, there's numb nuts on the shoulder with an OPP cruiser behind him. Gave him a little toot of the air horn as we drove by. One of the cars behind me pulled in behind the cruiser... probably filled the cop in to what just happened?
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