Hello People, 'Heartwood"


New member
May 31, 2012
Reaction score
Vancouver Island
I came across across your Forum site inadvertantly while googling "Clubtread "forum directly thru Google, and noted this on the front page of Google.


I'm not sure how to navigate your Forum yet, but thought I'd use your Introduction Page and let you know what happened when I posted this above link to the Clubtread forum.
There are a number of members there that have very ingrained personalities, and some disputes and as some of you noted, some issues.
Thinking that the forum on Clubtread could use that perspective in a positive way, the administrator instead assigned a new moderator 'darren' that has had very distinct issues with me in the past, and went on to target me, lock that thread found now on the "Lodge" and removed other unrelated threads of mine.
Not long after, without any consensus and against the private wishes or beliefs of other members, locked me out of my account and replies, even though I was a financial contributing member.No appeal, no 'penalty box' or 'time out'. Just turfed.
It seems that free-speech in a polite but demonstratable manner does not go well with a small administration over there. I think too that a well-ingrained lower-mainland mindset that is different from our Island has a lot to do with their attitudes, and trust me, environmentalism really doesn't exit there either when the pedal meets the metal, and many of these people are challenged on it or their actions.
So even though I was well established, something was taboo and my history there chucked.
Thought you should know, some of those guys and some girls there are of an intractable mindset, others are really okay people.

May 31 2012
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