Gov of Canada Trail Dollars


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Can only hope Alberta gets a fair chunk.

Canadian Government to invest $25 million into Canadian Trail Infrastructure

On Tuesday, January 27, 2009 the Canadian Government approved the 2009 budget for Canada which will provide $25 million dollars to trail development infrastructure across the country.

The funds announced in the budget will allow trail enthusiasts to undertake a nationwide trail building and improvement program that will stimulate tourism, create jobs and ultimately improve trail oriented recreation for Canadians and visitors alike.

The budget for 2009 provides $25 million dollars to the National Trails Coalition for the 2009-2010 year for a national initiative. The government’s contribution will be matched by the Coalition and its partners leading to economic activity in the communities and creating a trail system that will benefit Canadians and visitors for years to come. The National Trails Coalition has been in existence since 2007 and its members are:

Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations
Canadian Trails Federation
Canadian Off-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council
International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association

ISMA is an active member of the Coalition and will be participating in upcoming meetings in Ottawa.The snowmobile community is very excited about this opportunity to work with the Federal Government and other trail enthusiasts to improve the trail system and the tourism product Canada will offer to outdoor enthusiasts worldwide.

Guidelines and other details will be forthcoming.


Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
Rumor has it at 1 Million Plus. Let the work begin. Do we have any volunteers remaining in this province that trail ride? Or want to get involved?
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