BC says NO to Enbridge.


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
its not the pipe line its the route... they coulda and should proposed a better route... i've said it all along... i think they picked the worst route possible so choice B would look better...im still hoping there is a choice b... im all for work. I am all for new people buying oil and new markets. I also support new refineries where ever... but i cant support the route sorry... spill or no spill your openeing up prestine wilderness for us to damage... Build roads and right aways and soon its just another area with too many people in it...wildlife and fish soon be forgotten... we don't need to wreck everything???? leave our last few nice area's alone... these area's have the last un touched wild salmon rivers left... why risk that... why open that up for man to ruin... pick a better route! why can't they twin triple the exisiting route... or go out through a dryer area... anyone seen the route they picked and actually visted the area... there are rivers there like alberta has range roads...


Active VIP Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Salmon Arm
we should just build refineries here in alberta and stop provincial equalization payments immediately in months they will build the pipe lines for us
So now you have all this oil and no way to move it. What are you going to do with the glut of refined product? Can't go North, East, or West and you can be sure the feds wouldn't let you move it South over the border either.

Please try to think before spewing ignorant responses to something you don't understand.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
its not the pipe line its the route... they coulda and should proposed a better route... i've said it all along... i think they picked the worst route possible so choice B would look better...im still hoping there is a choice b... im all for work. I am all for new people buying oil and new markets. I also support new refineries where ever... but i cant support the route sorry... spill or no spill your openeing up prestine wilderness for us to damage... Build roads and right aways and soon its just another area with too many people in it...wildlife and fish soon be forgotten... we don't need to wreck everything???? leave our last few nice area's alone... these area's have the last un touched wild salmon rivers left... why risk that... why open that up for man to ruin... pick a better route! why can't they twin triple the exisiting route... or go out through a dryer area... anyone seen the route they picked and actually visted the area... there are rivers there like alberta has range roads...
you bring up what I think is accurate about the plan B thing. they tried it up here with a nuclear power plant, Bruce power sent a land broker up here 2 years before there was any mention of such a project. he "bought" parcels of land for huge money, way over market value. one was just northwest of Grimshaw, the other was north of Peace River. the first location was located on top of the Grimshaw Gravels aquifer and people screamed bloody murder. a few years later the alternate site was announced to much less opposition. turned out there was still enough opposition they had to cancel the project. I think it's all underhanded and devious how they plan this stuff, and takes a huge outcry to actually make a change from their backroom planning.

Stompin Tom

Active VIP Member
Jun 7, 2009
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its not the pipe line its the route... they coulda and should proposed a better route... i've said it all along... i think they picked the worst route possible so choice B would look better...im still hoping there is a choice b... im all for work. I am all for new people buying oil and new markets. I also support new refineries where ever... but i cant support the route sorry... spill or no spill your openeing up prestine wilderness for us to damage... Build roads and right aways and soon its just another area with too many people in it...wildlife and fish soon be forgotten... we don't need to wreck everything???? leave our last few nice area's alone... these area's have the last un touched wild salmon rivers left... why risk that... why open that up for man to ruin... pick a better route! why can't they twin triple the exisiting route... or go out through a dryer area... anyone seen the route they picked and actually visted the area... there are rivers there like alberta has range roads...
I have to believe there is an end-around play coming somewhere in this fiasco. As you said, they couldn't have come up with a worse plan this time, not only the area the line wants to travel, but also the whole Kitimat port situation. If there is no end play, then Enbridge has got to be the most arrogant company on the face of the earth with some of their defence of the line. I really loved the whole "oil spills are good for the economy" defence they trotted out a few months back.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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The biggest problem is the trying to appease the native's. I have made my point clear in a few rants about that before so I wont go there, however that is a area that no gov't wants to touch without civil war. The route that was picked is actually one of the safest giving the other options. I for one would hate to see a spill, I live near the route, we camp, hunt and fish in many of its area's and would be devastating if something happens. That being said my bread and butter lies on the drilling industry as do many people in BC. I have always said everyone wants the good until its in your back yard. What it comes down to is how can it be done safely for the environment and how to prove that Enbridge has the means and readiness of dealing with the unfortunate possibilities. I say yes to a responsible pipeline, one that hopefully Canadians can say and prove to the world it can be done. Would really raise the bar


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2009
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we should just build refineries here in alberta and stop provincial equalization payments immediately in months they will build the pipe lines for us

yup we will have so much oil and gas at that point and it would be so cheap it would be stupid of us not to all have a flare stack on our front lawns just for the ambiance of the flame

and if we keep our natural gas too we will have like a million years of supply!


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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yup we will have so much oil and gas at that point and it would be so cheap it would be stupid of us not to all have a flare stack on our front lawns just for the ambiance of the flame

and if we keep our natural gas too we will have like a million years of supply!

I want a Flare Stack:d And a 16cylinder 12L engine in my car,,,oooo and Demolition deby Fridays!!

F#ck it Alberta should keep the oil and lets just burn it all.
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