A real pandemic


Golden Boy
Apr 29, 2008
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Isn't that kind of personal responsibility? If you aren't feeling well should you drive straight to the doctor's office or hospital or maybe try eating right, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, reducing liquor or drug use and seeing how you feel after those changes first?
If I gotta quit all the fun stuff what's the point?


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Here's an idea, how about we legalize it all?

The stats from Cannabis have shown that legalization hasn't created an outbreak of stoners, those that were going to use it were going to regardless of if it was legal or not.

Legalization would allow for; a controlled and safe supply, another source for tax revenue, remove organized crime groups from the supply chain and limit the profitability to these groups. Tax revenues could be used for funding addiction treatment centers as well.


Active VIP Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Here's an idea, how about we legalize it all?

The stats from Cannabis have shown that legalization hasn't created an outbreak of stoners, those that were going to use it were going to regardless of if it was legal or not.

Legalization would allow for; a controlled and safe supply, another source for tax revenue, remove organized crime groups from the supply chain and limit the profitability to these groups. Tax revenues could be used for funding addiction treatment centers as well.

Enough dope heads driving around as it is!!!! You want more???
Sorry - enough legal crap out there as it is.... I really have to question some of these harm reduction strategies and programs ...how about forced treatment instead!!! Spend more on meth and crackheads while productive people can't get treated for cancer / heart / lung diseases or working poor can't afford to eat healthy .... This is the real epidemic!


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I think fentanyl is the problem,ever since the the foreign gangs started mixing it in the regular drug supply to make more money all hell has broke loose . If you ask me if a dealer gets busted selling drugs laced with that ch!t they should be charged with attempted murder, not right that they contaminate the drug supply . Not all people that do drugs are addicted, some are the odd weekend warrior or even once in a blue moon , if you are poking that's a whole different thing. I'm talking more party drugs like coke or X , if someone wants to do a line and have a few drinks on the weekend the shouldn't have to worry about dieing. It was like that forever till fentanyl came into play.

Yeah fentanyl is terrible stuff. Makes a guy wonder how its all getting here in the first place...


Active VIP Member
Apr 6, 2021
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Here's an idea, how about we legalize it all?

But, but that would eliminate all the money in the drug trade, no more petty crime or drug gangs because it would be so inexpensive. And, and what about the cartels, they would need jobs. unemployment...nooo

The drug costs almost nothing, it's the shipping that makes money because drugs are illegal.

There will not be an increase in druggies. Drug cartels and gangs would go away because no money in it.

What about ODs legal drugs would be safe...

Drugs are currently free for hot chicks, not all hot chicks are druggies..amirite


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2011
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West koots
Not sure what your saying here. Drug cartels still import mass amounts of weed as it’s a major source of income. It’s really only in Canada that it’s legal in the north America, Well a few states.
shipping is a cost, that’s why fentanyl is added to boost the product load. The cartels are into everything, gas, clothing, food, banks,human trafficking, porn…just about anything that they can get free and sell it to the people.
I don’t think our government is willing to float up the ho chi minh river or dive into the Derin jungle to make a deal on factory direct H or cocaine.
As for the hot chicks I’m thinking we have a different idea of hot. Not really interested in bankrolling some bar whore so I can wake up realizing my dk is going to fall off. Time and time again the fool at the bar pitching $20 at the stripper thinking she really likes me.
think the current system is just fine, its all up to the guy/whore that decided to stick a needle in his arm. That’s the choice bucko!


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

Enough dope heads driving around as it is!!!! You want more???
Sorry - enough legal crap out there as it is.... I really have to question some of these harm reduction strategies and programs ...how about forced treatment instead!!! Spend more on meth and crackheads while productive people can't get treated for cancer / heart / lung diseases or working poor can't afford to eat healthy .... This is the real epidemic!

Legal or illegal people are still driving around high, at least if it was legal there would be some incentive to develop testing methods to check for sobriety for a variety of drugs.

I'm not saying that drugs should be given away for free, users should pay the full cost of them along with substantial taxes with the revenue directed to addiction treatment and healthcare.

Maybe if some of the more "recreational drugs" would become legal some drugs like meth or opiates would be less abused?

I'm not saying I disagree with you, but the current system clearly isn't working. Healthcare services and addiction care can't keep up, law enforcement spends a significant amount of time dealing with drug enforcement, and people are dying taking laced drugs.


Active VIP Member
Feb 28, 2008
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Not sure what your saying here. Drug cartels still import mass amounts of weed as it’s a major source of income. It’s really only in Canada that it’s legal in the north America, Well a few states.
shipping is a cost, that’s why fentanyl is added to boost the product load. The cartels are into everything, gas, clothing, food, banks,human trafficking, porn…just about anything that they can get free and sell it to the people.
I don’t think our government is willing to float up the ho chi minh river or dive into the Derin jungle to make a deal on factory direct H or cocaine.
As for the hot chicks I’m thinking we have a different idea of hot. Not really interested in bankrolling some bar whore so I can wake up realizing my dk is going to fall off. Time and time again the fool at the bar pitching $20 at the stripper thinking she really likes me.
think the current system is just fine, its all up to the guy/whore that decided to stick a needle in his arm. That’s the choice bucko!

They wouldn’t have to go to the jungles and cartel territory to buy supply, you can grow anything indoors and refine the product in a safe clean legit lab.


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Here's an idea, how about we legalize it all?

The stats from Cannabis have shown that legalization hasn't created an outbreak of stoners, those that were going to use it were going to regardless of if it was legal or not.

Legalization would allow for; a controlled and safe supply, another source for tax revenue, remove organized crime groups from the supply chain and limit the profitability to these groups. Tax revenues could be used for funding addiction treatment centers as well.
Studies in Canada have shown that illegal pot manufacturing and sales still exist, presumably with organized crime still heavily involved With only approximately half of users buying from authorized sellers…as far as tax revenues being the golden goose, look at Colorado….welfare, social service and policing costs have all risen exponentially since pot was legalized there….encouraging more people to become dependent on substances is never a good idea….


Active VIP Member
Apr 6, 2021
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Big pharma already sources these drugs legally. Central American farmer co-ops supply tea, coffee, why not poppies and coca ?

That's all it is leaves, just leaves. well poppies are a little different


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Studies in Canada have shown that illegal pot manufacturing and sales still exist, presumably with organized crime still heavily involved With only approximately half of users buying from authorized sellers…as far as tax revenues being the golden goose, look at Colorado….welfare, social service and policing costs have all risen exponentially since pot was legalized there….encouraging more people to become dependent on substances is never a good idea….

It's been less than 4 years since legalization occurred in Canada, I'm sure the use of authorized product will increase over time.

Without seeing data I have a hard time believing marijuana has increased public service costs that much, particularly when alcohol consumption/abuse is still such a huge issue.

I would hire a pot smoker any day over a drinker. The first guy goes home, gets stoned, eats a bunch of food and goes to bed, arriving for work the next day nourished and rested. The drinker drinks, may or may not eat, stays up til midnight, and shows up the next day tired and hungover.

I find it ironic the people the give marijuana such a bad rap, as often those same people have no issue whatsoever with alcohol.


Active VIP Member
Apr 6, 2021
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A lot of oil patch guys would rather smoke weed than drink/drug. Crackheads pass drug tests, pot smokers don't. go figure

I wish we had a drug test for impairment, pot smokers test positive weeks after ingestion. j/s


Active VIP Member
Dec 17, 2011
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West koots
They wouldn’t have to go to the jungles and cartel territory to buy supply, you can grow anything indoors and refine the product in a safe clean legit lab.
Not sure with the billions of dollars the cartel have why they are smuggling it all the way here then. Why not produce it here in a lab. Oh yah they tried and it’s crap. Why is coke only produced in South America? Because that’s where it grows.
Synthetic opioids are not the same as some guy jumping up in down on gas filled bags of mash. It’s the real deal,government has failed as a pot dealer. only they could screw that up. All the crap in our stores are out of date and the smokers I know buy from the private guys.


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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What a friggen mess we have created of our country , and most others . And some of you guys now wanna legalize hard drugs , what the hell is next , rape, pedophilia, murder , drunk driving ? Jesus we are one phukked up society.
Broken laws get the courts backed up, budgets are exhausted , prisons are full, assist programs are proving ineffective , so the solution …….. we’ll make it legal of course , problem solved !
What a race to the bottom .


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2008
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The political spectrum is like a globe, goes left and right. You go far enough either way and you end up at the same place.


Active VIP Member
Dec 31, 2008
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To everyone who doesnt care what people think. We are the ones who are going to change the world!


Active VIP Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Legal or illegal people are still driving around high, at least if it was legal there would be some incentive to develop testing methods to check for sobriety for a variety of drugs.

I'm not saying that drugs should be given away for free, users should pay the full cost of them along with substantial taxes with the revenue directed to addiction treatment and healthcare.

Maybe if some of the more "recreational drugs" would become legal some drugs like meth or opiates would be less abused?

I'm not saying I disagree with you, but the current system clearly isn't working. Healthcare services and addiction care can't keep up, law enforcement spends a significant amount of time dealing with drug enforcement, and people are dying taking laced drugs.
The cynic in me says that some of this is by design ... "we're overwhelmed so we need more resources" .... Big pharma and the medical community are to blame in part ... There's a pill for everything ...a magic bullet.

If the system cannot cope, you need to attack the base / underlying cause not add more fuel to the fire. Our resources are often focused in the wrong places and it needs to be resolved to stem the problem.

Why do people try / get hooked? Eliminate or put as many barriers to the entry point as possible and provide a way out for those who do get hooked. It's not an overnight response and will likely take a decade or two for numbers to drop.
In the meantime, if you're intent on destroying your life thats on you! I want resources going towards helping those who want to help themselves. Sure it's cruel. So are many things in this world.

The answer starts with the kids - the focus should be on the child - programs need to get you to an adult in the best shape possible - emotionally, economically, healthwise, educationally and then you're on your own. You get to 19 and want to be a druggie, well we'll help you get off it but not sustain your addiction!


Active VIP Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
What a friggen mess we have created of our country , and most others . And some of you guys now wanna legalize hard drugs , what the hell is next , rape, pedophilia, murder , drunk driving ? Jesus we are one phukked up society.
Broken laws get the courts backed up, budgets are exhausted , prisons are full, assist programs are proving ineffective , so the solution …….. we’ll make it legal of course , problem solved !
What a race to the bottom .

So what's the answer then?

I don't do the sh!t, so I don't care if it's legal or not, but as a taxpayer I'm sick of outrageous police and prison budgets spent on trying to fight the war on drugs that is proving completely ineffective. As you said courts are backed up and prisons are full, people caught with drugs are just getting a slap on the wrist, if they even see the inside of a court room, many have the charges dropped first.

Maybe if there was real punishment for the trade of illegal drugs, but I don't know how that would happen without more costs encurred by law enforcement and corrections and more burden to the taxpayer.
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