Animal Stories....

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
Have ordered a copy of "The Rescue Of Belle And Sundance" and it made me think of my own horse story ...

We recently buried our Morgan Mare of 33 years....she was the Matriarch of our herd, she brought 13 fouls into this world, two of which we still have. Others have gone out and duplicated some of her accomplishments…..She has won ribbons on both sides of the border. Taught several kids how to ride, including some aduts that thought they knew how to ride.

This horse had a work ethic like I’ve not witnessed before, even just a few months ago I was heading into the herd to pick a horse out for a mountain ride and she came strutting up and followed me all the way to the gate as if to say hey I’m ready to go to work…..

Early Sept 2009 we made the decision to put in down as she had foundered again (which leads to laminitis) When the vet approached with needle in hand I asked her to take a look at her and she agreed if it weren’t for the foundering she was still in good health. After blood samples and tests she offered some meds that all but eliminated the foundering and she was back, she had a good winter and we had some kids on her over summer something she liked…..she was working, even if just leading a few kids around….( she spent some of the last couple years before this working with the little bits program)

I first met her shortly after meeting Catherine eight years ago, we had agreed to go to the mountains together each of us bringing our daughters, her daughter was to ride this 25 year old morgan while the rest of us were riding 4 to 6 year olds….Having spent a life time in the mountains this was actually my first horseback ride in them….

Long story just a bit shorter, she showed me and the rest of these young horses not just how fit she was or how cable she was but how smart she really was, instead of being all lets rush around and see everything, when it was time to rest in the mid day break, she would eat and then rest. By the end of the first week and we looked to a horse to go for a late evening rescue ride she was the one strutting over to say sure I’m ready….She was the horse I used to walk across a fast moving river and pull a scared horse out of the mud and into the river back to the other side. I could have used a much taller younger horse but she had shown me in just that week just how level headed and determined she is. At one point as the larger frustrated and scared horse had refused our help she bellered at him and bucked, narrowly missing him and darn near dumping me in the river, but it was just what he needed. Showing me and him that she new her job and was in charge.

We found her in the neighbors field one day standing over their two young horses, walked her back to our property only to find her there again the next day over the fence, then late one night I go for a walk and find her over there fending off the coyote’s from the two young horses….fixed the coyote problem and she stayed home…..

Alas a year and a bit later she started having joint problems and just looked tired so we decided it was time, I uncovered the grave we dug the year earlier, drained it and called the vet. We laid her to rest marked by a rock, under the shade of and old willow at the edge of a field, I will engrave her name into it over the winter. That night when I went to check on the herd they were all standing in the area and one of her sons was laying beside the grave, part of me says it was all just coincidence, but I and my family have decided to believe something else…..

Look forward to reading your stories......


Active VIP Member
May 15, 2009
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Rocky Mountain House
I read this story at work yesterday, and felt sad for you, and also for three of my friends who have had to put down old horses this year.

Then I came home from work, grabbed the kids to go and play with my horses. We got out there to discover my two year old gelding facing one way, and his front leg from the knee down, another direction. He must have been running that afternoon, fell and broke it. Needless to say, I didn't handle it very well, and am shaking as I type this now. I grew up on the farm and am well aware that with life comes death, but it's hard to accept that the horse my 9 year old daughter described in her school journal as looking "fantastically amazing when he runs" is gone now. Wish I had a happier story to share.


Active VIP Member
Nov 15, 2006
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I read this story at work yesterday, and felt sad for you, and also for three of my friends who have had to put down old horses this year.

Then I came home from work, grabbed the kids to go and play with my horses. We got out there to discover my two year old gelding facing one way, and his front leg from the knee down, another direction. He must have been running that afternoon, fell and broke it. Needless to say, I didn't handle it very well, and am shaking as I type this now. I grew up on the farm and am well aware that with life comes death, but it's hard to accept that the horse my 9 year old daughter described in her school journal as looking "fantastically amazing when he runs" is gone now. Wish I had a happier story to share.

Oh no SS. :( So sorry to hear this. Big hugs for you. Been in situations something like this a few times myself always having pets around. Hope that you feel better soon. :)


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
I'm assuming the title means any animals....are dogs okay?

We moved out to the farm before our first son was born and brought our heinz 57 pooch with us, and he was stricken with distemper in a couple of years from coyote droppings (according to the vet) and had to be put down. We had never gotten him any shots before, and we attibuted this to his untimely demise. So we decided to purchase a new dog, a few years after the birth of our son Nick.

Found a good breeder of Golden Retrievers down in High River (Marjorie Moore) and got a puppy after an extensive interview, almost like adopting a child. Nick was 18 months old, and the puppy took to him right away, always gentle around him and rambunctious everywhere else.

Fast forward a year or so, Nick was three and Olie (registered name "Justmoore, for the love of Olie" because he was born on Valentine's Day) was two, and both were playing outside. Olie was never more than an arm's length away from Nick, they stuck together all the time. One day Nick decides to head toward the highway, wife was in the yard and looked up to see our three year old on a dead run for the road. she screamed at Nick to stop but he just kept on trucking, Olie turned to look at Lori and then ran to Nick grabbing him by the coat sleeve and promptly started dragging Nick back toward the house. Nick was screaming and trying to get away, but Olie hung on and kept looking toward Lori, who was sprinting down the driveway towards them. how the dog knew what to do is beyond our comprehension, especially at such a young age.

Nick is now 13, and Olie is 12....he is in his golden years (excuse the pun) and has demonstrated several times his undying love and protective instincts toward both of our boys, fending off other aggressive dogs and coyotes in his lifetime with us. It will be a very sad day around this household when his time to cross the Rainbow Bridge arrives, I choke up just thinking about it.

Olie and Family....

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
Sumsupport.....sorry to hear about the 2 year old.... bet dog stories, horse stories....needed to hear some good animal stories...

Sumsupport .......not all good stories have happy endings...

thanks for sharing .....any more birds, even cats LOL


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2009
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how i got mikey.

we had an add up at no frills , a few days later we got a call from a guy who had a cottage in maynooth , he came to show us the dog , he was skinny as a rake , terrified of everything and we went in his jeep into town with the dog , he would'nt stop jumping on my dad's shoulders , he pushed him off and he got right back up! like "get me away from this guy!" , once he told the dog we were buying him he settled down (the dog understood what my dad meant) we bought him and the next day my parents went to town and i was left home alone with him , i took him outside , played fetch with him for 2 hours and we instantly were best friends , i took him back inside and did my homework but he would'nt let me leave his side , i had to do my homework right beside his cage!! i could'nt believe it! then the next day i was going for a sled ride on my phazer , he was tied outside and i said bye to him before i left and as i was walking away he bit my jacket and held me back so i could'nt leave!!! i loved him and miss him very much!!!


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2007
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Cow town
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.

There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor;
those who were hurt and maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers, Suddenly he begins to run for the group, flying over the green
grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bride together...

RIP Belle, endless great memories.
Till we meet again.


GBCA Member
Nov 25, 2007
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in my garage
We had a austrailian shepard named lucy. she came to us via a horse traner that never had the time to spend with her. She was an abused dog and had a unique attitude. But never the less she was loyal like no other. and if anybody so much as rustled the gravel, she would be there in a jiffy. she left us about 2 weeks ago before the baby came. some of the site members have been chased by her.. i will never forget when she suprised sbr at the cabin.


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Active VIP Member
Nov 25, 2009
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Beiseker Alberta
psychic dog

A year after my mother passed away I was watching tv lay on the couch with my sheltie Shep lay asleep on the floor by me

Shep suddenly woke up walked towards the door of the room with his tail wagging and looking up as if someone he knew had just walked in. He then walked across the room tail still wagging and looking at the chair where my mother used to sit with his tail still wagging.

The hairs on the back of my neck were standing proud by then

That the one and only time anything liked that happened


heavy d

Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2009
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A few years back we lost Zeus, an old beat up bull mastif thet we took in as a rescue. He had been abused and abandoned and had been liveing on an acreage fighting cyotes for food for what they figured was a couple years.
The second Zeus came into our lives we could tell he was unique, he was 10yrs when we got him (according to the original breeding contract that had been secured from his previous owner), very old for a large breed dog. Within a couple of days of feeling everything out, Zeus new he had a home where he would be looked after and loved as unconditionally as he loved us. My wife claims that Zeus would sit by the door all day until I would get home from work, then he was a pimple on my ass, we would spend hours in the truck, or he would lay right beside me under a vehicle until the repair was done.
The other day I was looking for a dvd and popped on into the player that ended up being one that we created a Zeus slide show on........I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't get a little misty.
We were lucky to have Zeus until he was 13.

Zeus, old friend, you are very sadly missed, and we will meet again.


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Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
Good looking dog......

A few years back we lost Zeus, an old beat up bull mastif thet we took in as a rescue. He had been abused and abandoned and had been liveing on an acreage fighting cyotes for food for what they figured was a couple years.
The second Zeus came into our lives we could tell he was unique, he was 10yrs when we got him (according to the original breeding contract that had been secured from his previous owner), very old for a large breed dog. Within a couple of days of feeling everything out, Zeus new he had a home where he would be looked after and loved as unconditionally as he loved us. My wife claims that Zeus would sit by the door all day until I would get home from work, then he was a pimple on my ass, we would spend hours in the truck, or he would lay right beside me under a vehicle until the repair was done.
The other day I was looking for a dvd and popped on into the player that ended up being one that we created a Zeus slide show on........I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't get a little misty.
We were lucky to have Zeus until he was 13.

Zeus, old friend, you are very sadly missed, and we will meet again.

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
Pic # 1

Nikita passed away Dec 22 2005. Was a sad Chrstimas.....

Pic # 2

Sky (short for Midnight sky) When I met my wife and this dog, I wanted to call him Bear......Sky passed away April 2009.

When I first met these two dogs, Nikta was the friendly come say Hi kind of dog, while Sky would run and hide....appartently he was beaten and left for dead when Catherine took him in, he would go to the gals but would hide from any took me took weeks to get him to let me pet him, but once there he bgan to trust me and things progressed well. But any new male and he'd hide.

When we moved to the new place and after Nikita passed he stuck close to Duchess and they became a great pair of guard dogs....Sky would stand in the middle of the drive way and stare down anyone or anything with no movment and you coulnt get a read on him.....(truefully he was scarded but he knew his roll ) Duchess would run around behind the approching truck and if you stepped out without permiision, well she would nip you back into the truck....) All it needed was someone to call her off and then you'd be fine...

Sky and Nikita were farm dogs, in her day Nikta was the coyote hunter but as age crept up on on her, the coyotes would bait her out and Sky had to take over...he wasnt a hunter, but he would chase them out of the yard to keep them away from Nikta. I can remember seeing her pick her self up and march (as best she could muster) it just looked like she was saying fine, I'l show you how to get rid of them.....

About two days before we but Nikita down, we woke up to Coyotes howling and looked out to see Sky laying across the door of the dog house, with Nikia's head on his back, he would let her out of the dog house and he must have gotten tierd of chasing the coyotes was pricless to see that he would take care of her that way. We kept her inside for tha last few days, but she didnt like the staying inside for long, she was an outdoor dog...

Pic # 3

The inseperable Sky and Duchess.....Duchess is now 13 years old and showing signs of slowing down...she has ran with us while we ride bikes, horses and go 4x4'ing on the quads or hiking...but this last summer she had issues going for a 10 mile walk about...

Pic # 4

Our newest ...Casey....we came by her through the dog resue program, it's taken two years to get her to listen off leash, on leash she's great, but this dog has the call of the wild in her, and were happy that she dislikes coyote's.

I've watched her out run them down, run over top of them, grab them by the neck and toss them, there wasnt any fight....she patrols about a five mile radius, unfortunatly that takes her onto other peoples lands one of the three dont like it, while the other two have had no problem and enjoy her visits...

When she runs, her gait is incredible to watch, her span at a full run is just shy of 12'. It's looks like slow motion but man can she cover ground in a hurry.

It's been said, that the luv of an animal is like no other, I cant imagine not having them around....

Heres to all the animals that have passed through our lives making us better for having know them...


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Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
I'm going to go with the story of how we got our dog.

A year ago my girlfriend and I were moving into our first detached house that would allow dogs. Being that I was really wanting a dog, I had been hounding her to let me bring one home. It was the weekend before we moved into our house and we were in Cranbrook getting some items to set up our pad. I managed to convince Erica to go to the SPCA with me to walk some dogs, but she firmly let me know that we "can't get a dog until spring" as it was just before the snow flew, and she didn't want to have a dog through the winter. I agreed and we went for a walk around the compound and pet some dogs. Nothing really caught my interest until we encountered a black lab cross. She seemed really nice, if not afraid of being in such an odd environment. We took her for a walk, and within several minutes I was able to drop the leash and she trotted along quite nicely with us. We kept cruising for an hour or so, played some fetch and the dog won our hearts over. We walked inside and I paid the fees, but we were forced to leave her there until the Monday, as we were moving that weekend. I went in after work on Monday and picked up the happiest dog in Cranbrook that day. She was all kisses and quickly adapted to our lifestyle and has enhanced it significantly. She comes ski touring, sledding, hiking and all that good stuff.

The kicker? The dog's name is Spring.

heavy d

Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Great story J, it's cool that you guys got your dog from the SPCA, there are so many good pets that are just "thrown away" now days.
Everyone loves puppies, but alot forget that they turn into dogs.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
I have two dogs with very distinct personalities. Both husky types. One I call my "healer". I don't know how he does it....he can smell my blood a mile away. A little knick or cut and he comes over to check it out. I can see the look of concern on his face. At first I didn't want him licking the cuts, but soon found that if I did they healed incredibly fast. Almost to the point of being mysterious that's how quickly they heal. Anytime something happens now I wait for his arrival, inspection and tending of my wounds. :beer:


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2009
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how i got mikey.

we had an add up at no frills , a few days later we got a call from a guy who had a cottage in maynooth , he came to show us the dog , he was skinny as a rake , terrified of everything and we went in his jeep into town with the dog , he would'nt stop jumping on my dad's shoulders , he pushed him off and he got right back up! like "get me away from this guy!" , once he told the dog we were buying him he settled down (the dog understood what my dad meant) we bought him and the next day my parents went to town and i was left home alone with him , i took him outside , played fetch with him for 2 hours and we instantly were best friends , i took him back inside and did my homework but he would'nt let me leave his side , i had to do my homework right beside his cage!! i could'nt believe it! then the next day i was going for a sled ride on my phazer , he was tied outside and i said bye to him before i left and as i was walking away he bit my jacket and held me back so i could'nt leave!!! i loved him and miss him very much!!!

well..............i got two thank yous.


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2009
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Kimberley BC
Great story J, it's cool that you guys got your dog from the SPCA, there are so many good pets that are just "thrown away" now days.
Everyone loves puppies, but alot forget that they turn into dogs.

To be honest, I can't believe the dogs I have seen come from the SPCA. Most of them take a bit of time, but every one I know who has an SPCA dog has had great luck. I can think of 5 off hand that are all fantastic dogs, that people couldn't take care of for one reason or another. Oh well, their loss is someone elses gain.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
Great story J, it's cool that you guys got your dog from the SPCA, there are so many good pets that are just "thrown away" now days.
Everyone loves puppies, but alot forget that they turn into dogs.
I have another Golden that I got from the pound, he was scheduled to be euthanized after bieng picked up by the dogcatcher. they only keep them at the pound for 3 days, then put them down. he was 6 or 8 months old when I got him, right at that gangly, clumsy, chew-everything-in-sight he calmed down after a year or so, turned into a fantastic farm dog. never been tied up (except for once, after digging up Lori's flower beds :eek:) and never roams away from the yard except for the odd 'yote chasing adventure.

here he is, cooling off in the firepit....I called him Kelso. quite the hound, always looks at me with his big brown eyes as if to say "thank you"....he's my buddy.


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