Quartz creek

Apr 15, 2009
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Re: Quarts creek

If it is a mistaken identity or guilty by association then I will be the first to appologize and say i am sorry for naming mountains Edge. The intention wasn't to blame anything on Mountains Edge, the goal was to help out our good customer who got shafted in this situation and find someone that may know this guy in order to right a few wrongs. Obviously some issues are being resolved as one person posted that he knew the guy who caused all this and was going to let him know about this post.

Maybe out of this the person responsible will realize that aside form the fact that he almost killed several people (and that he is very, very lucky that everyone was okay) he has cost an innocent person his riding season and his snowmobile which is totalled beyond repair. Regardless of anything else this is not right! Everyone makes mistakes but people need to be reponsible for their actions, especially when it involves other innocent people's lives who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If we were not on the hill and if and if our crew wasn't up there helping the people that got burried, first hand and not from a friend of a friend of a friends account, then we wouldn't be putting anything on this post because you are right these sites are where things get totally blown out of proportion. Don't you think that a dealer would know that better than anyone?

I am not here to offend you or anyone else otherwise I would sign in as something other than the dealership name. Again, my appologies to Mountains Edge as obviously we made a grave error. Many thanks to all the people who helped out and acted accordingly to ensure that nobody got hurt in this situation.

mountains edge

New member
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: Quarts creek

He should have a turbo nytro to ride until dip fawk bones up for the train wreck he caused. "I'm sorry" don't get Jim out sledding!

I wasn't there and don't know jack (or Jim) but if nytro dud can afford a turbo nytro then he can bone up for the damage he caused.

If a guy was sitting still in a field and someone t-boned him wouldn't everone expect some compensation? How is this different? The damage sounds like a direct consequence of his actions. Sure, maybe it would have rolled down the hill anyways after getting unstuck.....but it wouldn't be a complete write off!

I cannot be the only one reading this and thinking the same thing!

Well I'll pass that on to Jim, the guy was with the Mountians edge crew out of Sundre. We saw the trailer leaving at the end of the day and the sled that was involved is in a gallary on the main page of their website so there is no denying who it was. Also, there is no denying that the rider knew he damaged Jim's sled as the tunnel was completely t-boned from sled to sled impact and the sled was destroyed. For anyone to ride away from this and not take responsibility for their actions is appaling, especially when peoples lives are at stake.

As far as liability goes I would say there is a good argument there - if it would have been trucks in the parking lot or boats on a lake there would be an issue, sleds on the hill is no different. i don't want to sit here and sound off but as a dealer we are supposed to be out there setting the example. it is disappointing to continually see people not take responsibility for their actions simply because they think they can get away with it.
As one dealer to another, I think it is very unprofessional to defame myself and my business in an incident in which you obviously do not have all the facts. If you and others read on in this public forum, you may learn a little more as to what actually occured in this near tragic event. If you feel so bad for your friend, maybe you should be offering your assistance rather than pointing the finger unjustifiably at me. As for your direct and unfounded accusations that the cause of the avalanche was "unduobtedly" from the white and red nytro that was being loaded into one of the mountains edge trailers and also as you pointed out, appears on our website. This accusation is false and I will be contacting you tomorrow to discuss this further. For all of those reading this message, I feel I must defend myself and my business and once again reiterate that no one affilliated with mountains edge was the cause of this incident.


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Calgary, ab
Re: Quarts creek

Its good to see that someone can say sorry, but the other cannot accept that they say they didnt mean to.


if that was me stuck on that hill one of the three or two what ever it was. and my sled got totled because of someone doing something they never should have done. (sure iam only 23 but been in the mnts sence i was 13. and the one thing i was always told was if someone is stuck on a hill they got them selvs there and do not ever climb above them ever!) from the 4 BowCycle South/North employess and there customer that were there and the how ever many Moutnains edge riders were there. Someone or somebody knows who the person was that started it. you dont just randomly come out of now where and do 2 or 3 pokes at a hill without somoene in your own group u rode with.. when i go the mountains ill stop and talk to a group bs with them for a while.. now all the ppl on here saying stuff about eachother comon somone has to be able to put a sled to a face a face to a name.

in defending bowcycle they are only by the looks of it find out who the guy was and get some answers for a guy who just clearly picked up his sled from the dealer. i sure as hel! know i would want 100% full re emburse ment on my sled of what ever 14000$ lets say. why should i have to go through my insurance and pay a premium for 4 years because " the guy on the nytro ran right into this sled". i would want a new sled from the guy.. id be dropping my sled off on his door step asking where my new one will be for me to pick it up. im sure everyone reading this can agree with me on that one. 14000$ gone in under 10sec becasue of a bad move on somone elses part. own up to your mistakes, carma is a Bi!<H and it will come back to get you.

reading this i can see that Every White nytro on the hill can be blamed that day, as the only thing ppl can remember is a Turbo for one cuze ppl stop to look when they are climbing, and two the color of a hood/tunnel expecially if its a done up one. im not pointing fingers again at anyone here at all.. a white nytro is what ppl seen. so iam sure if i was there ppl would have said it was mine cuz its white and a turbo.

for how many ppl were there and have made comments on this someone somewhere has to have pictures so post them. and maybe this can be a little more no so point fingers at the first person.

i strongly agree that dealer to dealer bashing is not the way to go about anything expecially on here and it was stated " he never ment any thing agains Mountains edge just said the guy was riding with them" that in my eyes isnt bashing a dealer, is bashing someone that was riding with them. and the other dealer helping out a good customer.

but enought said.. lets just stop the he said she said but i say this guy do this and that. and get the point out there to all the new riders on the site, your kids, family members, friends ppl u meet up to ride with. get ur danm avy traning done. and help make ppl who are unsure know whats right and wrong.
and sure an avy course is 350$ pp but like the aguement i had with someone to day. when they told me they cant affored that but they just got a new sled and truck this year, give me a brake u cant affored it.. i told him who was a friend that i dont think ill be riding with him tell he gets it.. ppl you NEED this Training trust me from personal experences you dont know!


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Oct 21, 2007
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Leduc alberta
Re: Quarts creek

Glad everyone made it out ok and hopefully some lessons were learned...That being said there were some pretty good people on the hill that day that stayed calm and did all the "right things" to get the "victims" of this accident dug out and dragged down to safety...Not sure if I would have done as well as I can get to be a bit of a hot head when things go bad. I ride in a pretty close knit group of guys including my brother and I think if my group would have been the ones stuck on the hill and some moron highmarked above them causing them to be buried I wouldn't need this forum to track him down as he would have never made the parking lot that day with a full set of teeth...Just sayin...may not be the right thing to do but neither is climbing over a fellow sledder who is stuck...done my rant and hope from here on in some lessons were learned and everyone has a safe a fun riding season. We are all there for the same reasons...Have a good one

steel town

Active VIP Member
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: Quarts creek

Stel town,

I am the guy on the red and white Nytro! I did not set off the avey! You guys came up the hill and started yelling at everyone about how stupid it was to go up there when there were people stuck. We kinda figured that out, because we were JUST IN AN AVALANCHE!!!!!!

When you started yelling at everyone abot testifing against the person who set it off, (without even kinowing who actually did it), I recall saying, "now is not the time or the place to be giving people sh#t, Lets get everyone off before another one comes down".

I can see how you might have been confused with me yelling back at you, Trust me, Im not gonna defend that "other nytro" guy. I was just more concered about getting everyone off the hill, not looking to see who to blame. It was a pretty intense time at that moment. I was not defending the loser that almost killed us. Trust me, I was just as pissed as anyone out there.

And thanks for helping digging out my girlfriend's sled, She was shaken up, i could tell because she said to me. "the guys that dug out my sled liked my new Boss seat" haha. Not usually the first thing you say after being in an avey. haha

Again. unless you can pick the person out of a line up, and be 100% sure you can prove that what you are saying is the truth. Dont type it on here.

And for anyone that questions what Steltown and his buddies did (racing up the hill to help out) dont knock them!! you never know how you will react to a situation like that, untill your in the thick of it!

i hope that clears it up for you bro. (i dont want to get my new braces re-aranged this weekend at the hill because of a mistaken identity) haha.
It was three dude's in my group who dug you guys out and were hollering at you, I stayed at the bottom incase the slide went again, so I could go and get help if needed......
Sorry for the mistaken identity, I'm a ski doo guy so all the Yammi's look the same to me :d:d:d 9 i DO RIDE A YZ 450 THOUGH:d:d:d
at the end of all this, you guys all survived and everybody will be riding again next weekend.
On a final note though Travis, be carefull out there, next time you go to Quartz look at where your group was sitting when the slide happened, it was perhaps the worst place to hang out in the entire area at the time.....
Anyhow good look to you and I hope I'll see you out there again so WE CAN ALL ENJOY THE BEST SPORT IN THE WORLD


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Calgary, ab
Re: Quarts creek

It was three dude's in my group who dug you guys out and were hollering at you, I stayed at the bottom incase the slide went again, so I could go and get help if needed......
Sorry for the mistaken identity, I'm a ski doo guy so all the Yammi's look the same to me :d:d:d 9 i DO RIDE A YZ 450 THOUGH:d:d:d
at the end of all this, you guys all survived and everybody will be riding again next weekend.
On a final note though Travis, be carefull out there, next time you go to Quartz look at where your group was sitting when the slide happened, it was perhaps the worst place to hang out in the entire area at the time.....
Anyhow good look to you and I hope I'll see you out there again so WE CAN ALL ENJOY THE BEST SPORT IN THE WORLD

everyone but the one with a totaled sled, really whitch sucks for him.

its all been said, ppl seem to be getting there things in order over this, just hope who ever the unknown sledder is can and will come forward and face the facts and truth about what happened.. accidents happen everyday and ppl get hurt cuz of it.. but who ever caused the accident gets a good talking to and pays for his actions.

lets all just keep the thread to what its entitled to " quarts creek " not who the he double hockey sticks started this and whos doing this AVY thing.


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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
Re: Quarts creek

well it sounds like you'll have to let the insurance handle it, you do have insurance do you not. i don't think bc requires insurance on sleds? for all you that think your going to beat on the nitro guy make sure you have the right guy, so far seems like a lot of finger pointing. lots of mistakes on the hill, 3 sleds stuck at same time ( why were the other 2 sleds there?).
spectators parked in the runout area (why so close) snow conditions not good( deep snow falling over short period of time, wind blown cornices etc) seems you want to hang another guy for your own mistakes. the three stuck weakened the slope and the nytro made it fail, your all lucky to be talking about it. the hit first crowd may need to calm down or you may get yourself into a heap of trouble real quick.


Active VIP Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Re: Quarts creek

well it sounds like you'll have to let the insurance handle it, you do have insurance do you not. i don't think bc requires insurance on sleds? for all you that think your going to beat on the nitro guy make sure you have the right guy, so far seems like a lot of finger pointing. lots of mistakes on the hill, 3 sleds stuck at same time ( why were the other 2 sleds there?).
spectators parked in the runout area (why so close) snow conditions not good( deep snow falling over short period of time, wind blown cornices etc) seems you want to hang another guy for your own mistakes. the three stuck weakened the slope and the nytro made it fail, your all lucky to be talking about it. the hit first crowd may need to calm down or you may get yourself into a heap of trouble real quick.

I wouldn't say the three stuck made the slope weak at all. I still didn't like seeing 3 on a hill. Everything that came down broke above the point where the fourth sled hit a weak spot (rock) and the slope broke above that (right up to the peak). This where the slope had the steeper angle, was really concave and was wind loaded as well as loaded from the previous snow fall.
We've taken the courses and know what we should and shouldn't do but we missed a couple of steps like talking about when not to help and discussing the hill before we climb it. We all take risks up there but you don't want someone increasing that risk for you. If the nytro had run up there with no one else on the hill that would have been the risk he wanted to take but when you ride several times over other people, you put them at a greater risk. He could react and try and ride out. My brother didn't see it coming and couldn't do a damn thing if he could see it.
If I ran into someone on the hill and it was my fault, I would do what I could to make it right. Someone owes more than just an apology.


Active VIP Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Re: Quarts creek

Thanks to the people that watched from the bottom until we got down and the other turbo sled that came up to help get my brother's sled down. It was reassuring to know that if another avy came down we were not on our own. :beer::beer::beer:


Active VIP Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Calgary and Rocky Mtns
Re: Quarts creek

Try and get a picture of a guy who causes something like this. I know it's not what you think of at the time. In that situation, everyone has some crazy amount of adrenaline, passing the description from mouth to mouth to mouth. Then someone winds themself up and out of control, goes down to the cabin and starts to smash the first red and white nytro he sees. Nobody wins.

On another note, maybe we should start a thread with some pics of all the guys you see climbing 2 or 3 at a time over convex rolls and wind-loaded slopes. You see it at Quartz every day. Then when you see yourself and your buddy on the website, side by side turning out under that fat cornice, you may say "for the experienced sledder that I claim to be, that looks pretty dumb."

It seems to me that those open slopes along cabin bowl there get wind-loaded slabs after just about every storm. You can see lots up by the ridge releasing on their own sometimes. If it wasn't for the high amount of traffic they see, hammering out the snow, I think there would be a lot more slabs letting go. I usually stay off those hills until conditions are bomber.

Sucks to hear about the wrecked sled, glad to hear everyone's okay.
Last edited:


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Radium Hot Springs, BC
Re: Quarts creek

Good idea on the pic posting...gonna take some from now on just to show the stupidity or lack of knowledge out there. Maybe some visual will help to teach peeps just what it is that they are doing wrong! Then if someone knows who it is they can 'educate' them...nicely :)

A 'What is wrong with this Picture?" thread.


Active VIP Member
Aug 3, 2008
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Calgary and Rocky Mtns
Re: Quarts creek

And I don't know if it was Phil from Mountain's Edge, but someone in their group last year stopped to help us on the trail up to Quartz. My buddy was riding my gf's nytro and the oil reservoir drain plug had fallen out at about 10k up the trail. The guy stopped to see what was wrong, gave us his trailer keys, and said to take whatever oil we needed out of his trailer down at the parking lot.

I don't know if I said thanks on here last spring, but I really appreciate it.


Active VIP Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Re: Quarts creek

I got some pic's from the zx that was caught in the avy. You can see where the slide broke just above where the xp was stuck in the photo showing the rocks.


  • Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 025 (Medium).jpg
    Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 025 (Medium).jpg
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  • Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 026 (Medium).jpg
    Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 026 (Medium).jpg
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  • Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 036 (Medium).jpg
    Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 036 (Medium).jpg
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  • Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 032 (Medium).jpg
    Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 032 (Medium).jpg
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Active VIP Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Re: Quarts creek

a couple more.


  • Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C.800x600.jpg
    Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C.800x600.jpg
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  • Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 041800x600.jpg
    Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 041800x600.jpg
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Active VIP Member
Dec 7, 2006
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Re: Quarts creek

The XP.


  • Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 064 (Medium).jpg
    Avalanche,November 21st 2009 Golden,B.C. 064 (Medium).jpg
    76.2 KB · Views: 75


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Red Deer AB
Re: Quarts creek

Here's where we spent the day, nice and safe in the trees.


  • PICT0023.jpg
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Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Calgary, ab
Re: Quarts creek

from the pics looks to be to the left of the cabin. all the way down the valley to the park signs, facing down the valley past the signs look to your right and that face. but thats just a guess i dont usually ride quarts but was there weekend before this happened and thats where it looks like it is. that was a lot of snow that came down.

iam VERY glad to hear that everyone walked away from this!


Active VIP Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Re: Quarts creek

from the pics looks to be to the left of the cabin. all the way down the valley to the park signs, facing down the valley past the signs look to your right and that face. but thats just a guess i dont usually ride quarts but was there weekend before this happened and thats where it looks like it is. that was a lot of snow that came down.

iam VERY glad to hear that everyone walked away from this!

thats my guess too
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